
Bob Gotti

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

9 sierpnia 2013


As believers live for Jesus Christ, He makes changes in our life,
Convicting us with the Holy Spirit, using The Word as we hear it,
As His Word touches everything, God teaches us longsuffering,
As we daily, deal with others, unbelievers and Christian brothers.
God uses each circumstance, leading us to take a Godly stance,
To take a stand in God each day, following His Spirit all the way,
To help us daily live for Him, as God helps us with longsuffering,
This is not just simply self-control, but living as Christ through all.
The Lord Himself, displayed for us, His longsuffering, in Exodus,
As His people turned away from Him; falling into idolatry and sin.
Having mercy and graciousness, He judged not in righteousness,
Being slow to anger with longsuffering, God forgave their iniquity.
This is an example, for all of us, as we today, follow Christ Jesus,
Being led by The Spirit of Christ, longsuffering must be in our life,
This must influence our behavior, as we live for Christ, The Savior,
Recalling His suffering on the cross, as we desire to seek the lost.
We must be aware of God’s will, as His purpose, we seek to fulfill,
Always pursuing a unity of Christ, with Fruit of The Spirit in our life,
Which includes longsuffering in us, as we seek His Righteousness,
As believers of Christ the King, our life must include longsuffering.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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