
Bob Gotti

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

27 listopada 2013

I Have Learned

Though in life I become distraught, to me, The Lord God has taught,
Through all of my years and days, that He works in miraculous ways,
When the times may appear bleak, as I find myself emotionally weak,
My tendency is to be concerned, ignoring all from Christ I’ve learned.
I learned to rest and be assured, through all things, in Christ my Lord,
Who holds me in His mighty hand, through times I do not understand,
Taking me through that darker time, not of my choice, but His design,
While using my life just as He wills, as a greater, purpose God fulfills.
Concerns to worry we can’t afford, our focus must be upon The Lord,
Remembering the dark times past, all concerns to Him I need to cast,
Casting to my Savior my every care, as all concerns with God I share,
Or else undue concerns entangle us, this when we forget Christ Jesus.
Hard times, dark as they may be, are small steps, on towards eternity,
Steps, in which The Lord Jesus, is molding each and every one of us,
As God shapes us to be like Christ, through all current trials in our life,
Purifying us through our life’s fires, to become what The Lord desires.
So when times get hard, I recall, Jesus Christ, is still the Lord over all,
As the same God, Who created me, during all times, helps me to see,
His hand is in every step I take, knowing that my Lord will not forsake,
My side, as God helps me to stand, firmly in times I don’t understand.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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