

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

11 marca 2012

Substantial to Meaningless

A lineage of righteous characters,
All bestowing each other radiant hues,
The stone of pyschedelic sentiments,
The holder of thriving vitality. 

The iridescence of sapphire, so tranquil and royal,
Exchanges pigments each instance, each hand.

Its psyche trades for emerald, enigmatic yet enamored,
Residing emphatically within those who securely loves.

Hues renovate unnaturally to scarlet, so noble and spiritual,
Painted intricately by the rosiness of glittering cerise.
Amethyst, so frequent, peaceful, stable alongside intuition, 
Actualizes purity in the state of gentle composure, mind.

It is now passed to a new generation of living beings,
A contradicting energy of individuality to the previous.

With each passing hand, increasingly vain, 
The pigmentation degenerates into corruption.

From elegant azure to amplifying maroon,
From forest chroma to serene mauve,
Now discolored by the greed of simple humanity, 
Lowered dejectedly into the void of pettiness.

Pitch-black and demolished from resplendence,
The stone of oblivion now stares spiritlessly.

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