
Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 28 lipca 2023

Stemming the Flow


the bridge thoughts flow
what should have been held back
to coalesce slide through open
sluice gates

the dam down to
splashes of lochan each
spit unconnected each
thought lost

floundering in
muddied marsh the graveyard
of recalls of water under
the bridge

look at
me my love you
go to leave me helpless
here unable to change places
with you

stay with
me longer love
slow the waters flowing
off my love for nothing compares
2 U//

thursday 27 july 2023

Ref: Prince Nelson (1990): Nothing Compares 2 U. Sang by Sinead Marie Bernadette O’Connor aka Sinead O’Connor aka Magda Davitt aka Shuhada’ Sadaqat (b1966-d2023).

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 8 marca 2023


being my friend at 3am

i can’t
even imagine
please let me try what you
feel right now in this darkest hour

the break
of dawn being
so alone so short of
breath half reclined in bed so so
tired but

too tired
to sleep instead
my wheezes keep time with
the wall clock that keeps vigil as
best as

it can
conducting this
cacophony of pain
within and without rising and

my tongue
nails skin eyeballs
nude scalp bowels all clamoring
to be

heard by
an audience
captive and one trying
to sort out and plan what still lies

too much
to learn way too
many steps that can be
taken detours to hurdle when
will all

this end
initials like
notes chirping around me
her2+ adc dfs pfs
leave me

quiet my heart
the war proceeds recedes
the siege continues but i’m far from

but in
this deep lagoon
of ennui in this the
coal black hour of the night please let
me live

an hour
or two of quiet
desperation so that i can
savor all the more another
new day//

wednesday 8 march 2023

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 2 marca 2023


occasional sputniks

traveler each
one of us was is and will
be from birth to our last gasp

we choose
to or not the
elisions we build merge
and consume parts of us with

and pain
companions in
hurt and healing love and
hate being around even when

off and
on together
we have become casual
sputniks yet we persist or at

one of
us who reaches out
to keep the sputnik flame
burning til our discrete journeys

wednesday 1 mar 2023

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 5 grudnia 2022


holding on

life is
a game for fools
you win some you lose much
and you keep coming back daring
for more

your wholeness your
silent partner your health
feels like your lover scudding off
from you

you feel
nothing at first
before the ache begins
to engulf you in a maelstrom
of bile

for your
loss you blame so
many her him it self
in the end you know that life is
a game

patient you hold
on to your core for no
body else can hold on as well
but you

the loss after
the grief time to fight back
to cherish to enjoy to wait

funk without joy
without pain without bliss
you don’t have life the ultimate

sunday 04 december 2022

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 18 czerwca 2021

Dumpster Blues

the leavings of a past

the maw
of this monster
remained wide open was
ready to gulp down the morsels
of my

a chipped coffee
stained mug a squeaky chair
an old vcr that almost

worked a
half full or half
empty jar of royal
blue quink ink that my thirsty pens
would miss

the debris and
treasures that ended down
the gullet of the thirty yard
beast as

the young dumpster
handler pushed the rear gate
shut with a clang draped its top with
a net

all inside for their
final journey to the
the gehenna of things in the

of the metal
behemoth leaving me
with my memories behind and

friday 18 june 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 15 kwietnia 2021

unreeling a tangled skein

may old acquaintance be forgot – or not

strike the match tip – suddenly

the hiss
the flash
the whiff

the splendor
captivates – like

remembrances of a love
long gone – until

the flame and now
reach and sear

wednesday 14 april 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 25 stycznia 2021

if love were a multiple-choice exam

tell me how you prefer this love

like a deep well where light cannot penetrate
where darkness with secrets becomes the norm

like a rivulet rushing down a slope
just to die a rueful death on the dry flat ground below

like an armchair ride that goes nowhere
a stationary rocker lulling you to sleep

tell me how you prefer this love

before you leap across the precipice edge
the instant when there is no return

before you fall head on and free hearted
through a cloud of unknowing
into the maelstrom that is love//

sunday 24 january 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 21 stycznia 2021


january 20

hope in hibernal
unrepose finally stirred
from its nightmareland
of carnage and frenzied rapture
of trumpery waking up
to a new day at noon//

20 january 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 19 stycznia 2021

each little loss

with each little loss

not a portent of total ruin
or a herald of perdition
each minor separation

a note kept in the inbox
too long a reply idling
in the draft box a friendship
going slowly to seed

slow slow
tau proteins accrete
united they stick they
entangle fibrils in the brain
letting go the recollection
of a face perhaps
the remembrance of a smile
slow slow

no need
no urgent need to haste
to bridge the breach so tiny
when you still can hear
the sound of her laugh
savor her humor
marvel at her wit
no need
no urgent need

each day
becomes an inertia
sluggishly entangling grows
a memory peels off
seeds your garden of remembrance
leaving confusion behind
still there is tomorrow
no need to hurry
with each little loss//

monday 18 january 2021 (mlkjr day)

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 9 stycznia 2021

falling leaves

forty eight

the years since
we parted

you went your way
so did i

between then and

things and nothings
and did not

leaves lucent and dark
have touched
our heads and hearts

we’ve seen the glitter
of lights so brief
we’ve felt the touch
of shadows so long

laughs and sobs
our ears have hearkened
our tears have washed

yet we are
you and i
after forty eight
still here//

friday 8 january 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 3 stycznia 2021

partying in pestilence

at the next reunion

(for jh bacaling)

at the next reunion
when and where ever such
will be/ shall we claret and
champagne with panache
with abandon at the rave

or shall we be deliberate
at the next reunion
quaffing corona the lager
not the bug to such a precogitated
state of divine tipsiness

that we labialize vowels
gutturize sibilants all with a grin
at the next reunion
while we confabulate shared yesterdays
inebriated tonights hungover tomorrows

so we wait for the fete to come
with bated breath and bateless patience
when we can drink our mugs of corona
the lager not the bug undaunted unmasked
at the next reunion

but if
non compos mentis
sets in before then
all bets are off//

saturday 2 january 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 2 stycznia 2021

in the absence of light


two pupils rotate
behind their lids
the two dilate
behind their shutters vainly
in the dark

two nostrils expand
inhaling the aroma
of her neck
the nose tip digs into the musk
in the dark

the pliant tongue slides
across and lingers
on each of her moistened lips
its tip basking in her yielding firmness
in the dark

the pupils finally
no longer stray
remain still at last
content in their imaginings
in the dark//

friday 1 january 2021

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 1 stycznia 2021

reparations to a bounteous mother

stewpot of memories

(for gene baňez)

like pipe
smoke embedded
in my father’s jacket
your tuitive musing of med
school days

wells in
me the scents and
flavors of the past we
all shared/ the anamnesis of

long gone/
the piquant and
the bitter we choose to
ignore/ savoring instead the

of past
of faded friendships of
minionings that persist through time
that have

sweeter and sharp
the umami in the
stewpot of memories/ and
now in

this fagged
age of truthiness and
quid pro quo you may ask/ the price
that we

owe her
the exchange that
is really fair between
her and us/ the tuition-fee that
we paid

all that we got
are getting and will get
back from her plus memories so

thursday 31 december 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 24 grudnia 2020


nativity in the year of corona

no joy
in this age of
the desolate yet there
is comfort in the isolate
of two//

25 december 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 21 grudnia 2020



in time
many become
few friendships' circle shrinks
diametered and circumferenced
by strife

and loss until
fellowships in the end
join solitude in reluctance
as one//

sunday 20 december 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 15 września 2020

A Beautiful Day

belle de jour

the blue
sky touches the
water that covers and
uncovers the sand because of
the wind

it is
a beautiful
day to fly a kite a
glorious morn to build castles in
the sand

the sheer
joy of being
on the beach in childhood
on this perfect day makes the day

sunday 13 september 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 27 sierpnia 2020

quantum physics of feelings

this space between

in life is set
instead of finding that
all we feel is digital we
have to

make do
with sentiments
that are more analog
though we try to grip things around
us in

deemed binary
alas neither zero
nor one do they turn out to be
for when

life deals
us its blows we
end up uncertain like
Schrödinger's cat neither living
nor dead

as we
wait for what the
morrow brings let us dote
on this space between total grief
and joy//

thursday 27 august 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 17 lipca 2020

lemon = lemonade


from one
moment to the
next is always a new
equation two sides split by an

a nullity
resulting from a loss
on one side balanced by a gain
on the

the way to be
content in the midst of
losing is trying to find what
is gained//

thursday 16 july 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 24 czerwca 2020

Poems on Virtues 2

in praise of humor

so Job
was put to the
test this just and blameless
man disaster struck not once not
twice but

times he lost
his wealth loved ones friends and
wealth yet he persevered and he

his faith
unbending in
the midst of his sadness
and despair he battled on day

day a
serious man of
virtues of fortitude
gratitude fidelity and

for want
of humor a
risible virtue the
holy man sank into deep

armed with
humor he could
have grasped the absurd
in the morass of affliction
and said

“my body sores are many and really bad
but if yours are worse then you are dead”


wednesday 24 june 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 18 czerwca 2020

Poems on Virtues 1

if you were a virtue

to be
simple is not
to be a simpleton
simplicity is just being
a grace

among virtues
it is light lucid clear
a part of all other major

in occams blade
buried deep in genes and
epigenes it needs nurture to
be learned

the virtue of
generosity that
is dynamic it is one of

to the vice of
duplicity it is
natural unselfconscious free
of the

lapse of
self absorption
a virtue of the intellect
of the

of the spirit
to be simple is to
be devoid of complexity
it is

a state
of quiet ease
in just being without
pretense or dissimulation

else but
being simple
a virtue of
ease that is so exacting to

i ask
if you were a
virtue what will you be
i say you are simplicity
my friend//

wednesday 17 june 2020

(to Will Liao)

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 29 maja 2020

Loneliness of Being One (To Will Liao)

against solitude

sunset these mean
nothing to you who slip
in and out of awakening

the pain
comes in waves but
never goes away it
stays to harry and heckle you

in health
in illness and in
dying the most pain is
the thought that you are solitary

yet we
who love you stand
in close proximity
we stay so you know you are not

thursday 28 may 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 8 maja 2020

remembering the missing & missing the remembered

and then there were five
and a half

those were
the days when life
was now and tomorrow
had nothing to do with the past
we were

we thought
forever the
gang of eight and a half
Jess and Jun Ray and Roy Cris and

and Edgar with
Bobby the great one half
we all had high hopes for life was
so good

was first to go
with a burst vessel in
his brain while asleep leaving just

and a
half of the gang
next went Roy felled slowly
by a virus he denied he
had to

end followed now
by Edgar the kind who
was taken by Azrael the
crowned one

too soon
too soon they have
left and gone leaving five
and a half of us to wonder
who’s next//

wednesday 6 may 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 2 maja 2020

under siege

while we wait

in this
time of the crown
this deadly devouring
scourge love persists and distancing

saturday 02 may 2020

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 26 października 2019

A Hymn to Him

rondeau en rondeau
round he is not my little pet
ten will he be but not just yet
I love him like an only child
but his feelings for me are mild
t'was love at first sight when we met
nine years later love has not set
it will remain lest I forget
with time's toll we are reconciled
round he is not
French is his name yet he is nyet
all day asleep and he is all set
just don't expect him to run wild
my puppy and I are just mild
being laid back he has no regret
round he is not//
26 october 2019 11:37am PHL time   

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 13 października 2019

and so it goes

muscae volitantes
pieces of my
memories just beyond
the pale of the eyesight of my
dim mind
in the
morass of my
past the flotsam of what
I thought I knew flit by out of
my reach
still in
blind hope I wait
unwittingly for thoughts
long gone for wit long lost to me
I wait//
13 october 2019

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 22 lutego 2019


in this empty room
no chats
day in day out
for days and days the room
stands still almost forlorn until
leaving the rest
still remaining to grieve
and touch before our room goes
21 february 2019
for Rebecca Toledo and Liwayway Ibasco

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 1 stycznia 2019


decision that
we make we always think
we ought to rethink not leaving
what is well enough

monday 31 december 2018

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 1 stycznia 2019


poets troped the word
anatomists knew the
aortic and pulmonary

cables holding
down the fort we call
our heart//

monday 31 december 2018

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 19 sierpnia 2018

The Choices We Make

in her
hilltop home with
seven columns wisdom
had set her table with ample
meat and
wine for
her invited
guests all simple sans nous
most went to the house of folly
sunday 19 august 2018

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Renato N. Mascardo

Renato N. Mascardo, 14 sierpnia 2018

Tongue in Cheek

remembering nitoy (b 21-08-1946)
if there
really is an
afterlife i am still
waiting for a postcard from you
you were
right after all
but in case you're wrong let
bygones be bygones my email's
tuesday 14 august 2018

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