
Satish Verma

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

7 października 2015


It was the centre of inferno,
where we met -
the chaste tree was burning.
Beyond the time,
we opened up our memories,
churning our minds.
That was without
space & measurements.
I am again turning deaf.

The stillness had a vocabulary,
and the words hummed a silence.
I emptied all my rooms,
came out to listen to otherness.
How thin was the happening,
the thoughts drifted out,
visibility became poor
and ending of pain came soon.

Pure tearless eyes,
became loyal to truth
which eluded the prayers.
I did’t want to hurt the lights
or myths would glorify the herd.
When the sun becomes cloudless,
I will come for D-day.

Zgłoś nadużycie


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