
Sujay Patekar

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

1 lutego 2012

"Mysterious Doubt"

I'm not sure of what I'm thinking is true,
And I don't know the way out.
Friends seem to be enemies,
... And all I'm left with is a mysterious doubt!
I tried to clear, but it got more blurr and distant,
I tried to yell & I tried to shout.
But no one turned back at that instant,
And all I was left with was a mysterious doubt!
Things were just getting worse than ever,
I had to go through this rout!
I had lost the battle, I said in disbelief,
And all I'm left with is a mysterious doubt!
Forget all this twaddle, to myself I said,
There are many others to think about.
Why my desires for some stupids be dead,
And my life be spoilt because of a MYSTERIOUS DOUBT!
          ~Sujay Patekar.

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