
Sujay Patekar

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

6 czerwca 2015


My life is nothing but a jumble of words,
Like a hunter boggled while aiming at a flock of birds.
A wrong letter can change the complete sense,
A right one can take me across the fence.
A harsh word can make one insult-felt,
A sugar-mellowed tongue can make one's heart melt.
A high tone can fetch me with eyebrows raised,
A sober pitch can end the talk embraced.
At the end of the day, I wanna part with a smile,
So I choose my words that will win hearts as I pass while.
Its not just words that are fake and hollow,
But are the emotions on lips coming from a heart that's not shallow.

-Sujay Patekar
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