
Sujay Patekar

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

21 stycznia 2012


Its been ages since I genuinely smiled,
as only miseries on me have piled.
I regret all that I had once chosen,
... For which, today I am so broken....
Wrong decisions,wrong relations & wrong company to keep;
with all these blunders I remorsefully weep.
Every bit of my hope is badly shaken,
For which, today I am so broken....
In the lure of thirst, I was brutally drowned,
With the title of "Stupid Jerk", I was royally crowned.
Ruthlessly, by fate every toll has been taken,
For which, today I am so broken....
In the guise of a butterfly, a scorpion stung me.
Getting better everytime, my dear ones pierced me.
With every wound & bruise, from my dream I was awaken,
For which, today I am so broken....
~Sujay Patekar.

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