

dodane wcześniej pozostałe wiersze dodane później

17 lutego 2012

This is me

I may be different but I still bleed the same blood as everyone else.
I may seem happy but deep inside is a life filled with pain,a little girl scared.
It may seem like I don't care but inside I'm dying.
You may think I am weird.
You can think I'm odd but believe me,nothing about me is so weird or odd I am just another human being.
I may act different,I may be weird,make crazy sounds,or twitch when I'm tickled,
but that's just me being me.I feel just as much pain as the next person.
So don't call me weird or odd 'cause that's just me doing what I do best.
Call me Evie the girl who is shy,
the one who will make you laugh at times because she is laughing for no reason,
the insecure one,
the one who's just being herself because she stopped trying to fit in.
Now all she wants to do is stand out
So this is me.

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