Cat's in the cradle, 8 april 2015
The brightness of daylight highlights my fears
The mask I wear might be revealed
The darkness of night brings dread
The shadow puppets play memories from my head
The wisdom of time reek havok on my mind
So cruel and unkind I need to unwine
Cat's in the cradle, 8 april 2015
My tortured mind sores through the sky
Sarching the ground for a safe place to land
Once on the ground I can't seem to stand
My mind spins with constant confusion
I wonder around like a drifter
Knowing not where to go
As I look to the future I cannot forget the past
I try to fly again but constantly fall to the ground
Like a flightless bird I can only dream of what used to be
Cat's in the cradle, 8 april 2015
Raindrops hide my tears
Songs on the radio play my fears
I know I'm not the first
It feels like the worst
My heart is about to bust
I am forever cursed