
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 1 lutego 2014

The Doctrine of Christ

While abiding in the doctrine of Christ, we have hope of Eternal Life,
With The Truths Christ would impart, unto every true, believing heart,
Describing a sevenfold foundation, which, undergirds our Salvation,
A Salvation in which we can trust, all through our Lord, Christ Jesus.
First, God has just one true Body, One True Church for you and me,
A Body, where Christ is The Head, as others remain spiritually dead;
Then, there’s only one Spirit of God, for all believers on earth’s sod,
Christ’s Spirit that leads us each day, to live life on The Narrow Way.
We’ve but, One Hope in this world, our hope in Christ that we herald,
The Hope we have in Jesus Christ, Who shall take us all to Paradise;
As the Body has but One Lord, Jesus Christ, the one Savior adored,
By all, who truly belong to God, Who leads us all, with staff and rod.
Fifth, we all have but one Faith, that we’ve come to by God’s Grace,
But one Faith, held by all God’s own, our faith in Jesus Christ alone;
Then, there’s only one Baptism, standing apart from every other ism,
Our baptism through God’s Spirit, when believing Truth as we hear it.
There’s but One God for all of us, The Eternal Father of Christ Jesus,
Our Eternal Father and Creator, Who gave to us, our Blessed Savior;
All of these are found in our foundation, right from God’s Revelation,
Our foundation on which we stand, until we reach the Promised Land.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 1 lutego 2014

Souls In Need of Biblical Truth

There are souls that are totally lost, totally adrift in religious sauce,
A religious soup, created by men, in which The Lord will condemn;
There’re those totally deceived, as The Truth they haven’t received,
Never embracing Truths of Christ, they have no hope of eternal life.
Others want nothing to do, with the One embraced by me and you,
Many truly have no want or desire, for our God, Who reigns higher;
There are men who’ve never heard, the many Truths in God’s Word,
The Eternal Truths in God’s Revelation, that brings one to salvation.
With God’s Purpose and Vision, we must reach men lost in religion,
Through the Truth from His Throne, they must come to Christ alone;
To those deceived by the enemy, The Truth we must help them see,
For in Scripture we are reminded, by Satan they have been blinded.
To all who dismiss God in every way, to God above, we must pray,
That His Holy Spirit, He imparts, to soften up the many hard hearts;
For all who never heard the Gospel, our Commission we must fulfill,
By reaching out into every nation, with the Good News of Salvation.
For all the souls presently lost, we must show the way to The Cross,
To all those deceived in this world, God’s Salvation we must herald,
For souls who want no part of Christ, we need to live a changed life,
Also for those who know not Truth, to be for Christ, His living proof.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 1 lutego 2014

God Is Not Dead

A man once said there is no God, I say, what a simple foolish clod,
Just look around and you will see, Creation envelopes you and me,
This world did not simply evolve, this bring an unbeliever’s resolve,
A belief to do away with God, that men confirm, with a foolish nod.
An empty theory in which men trust, which was then and now a bust,
All happening so very long ago, billions of years, is what they know,
But, what they don’t know is Truth, absent in their lame lack of proof,
However, they still remain resolved, that, their Big Bang has evolved.
These foolish men will one day see, The Lord and Creator of eternity,
Then they’ll truly know The Creator, but, Christ will not be their Savior,
As Christ will be The Judge of all, godless fools, both big and small,
Men evolving on an atheist path, who shall see the Lord God’s Wrath.
For all men will be without excuse, even when Truth these men refuse,
For Creation is plain to everyone, even those, who refuse God’s Son,
While not believing in a Creator, these men, see no need for a Savior,
A choice, these men will sure regret, after their Judge, they have met.
My friend, The Lord God is not dead, as God is alive forever instead,
All men can believe whatever they want, but, God is God, to be blunt,
As every soul on earth shall see, when they meet The Lord of Eternity,
And Christ shall judge all of Creation, this according to His Revelation.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 1 lutego 2014


The Lord God shall overwhelm, our hearts in that eternal realm,
With bodies that will last forever, while sin surrounds us never,
Now freed from all earthly strife, when we enter into eternal life,
Surrounded in an eternal peace, in a realm that shall not cease.
We will find nothing on earth, to compare with Heaven’s worth,
A pure realm of Eternal Bliss, filled with God’s Righteousness,
With all believers home in Heaven, far from our days of seven,
Now, a timeless realm with Christ, as we enter into Eternal Life.
All who The Lord calls His Own, shall gather around His Throne,
Where God will guide me and you, in Eternity, with much to do,
While we serve The King of kings, in His realm of eternal things,
And our service to Christ my friend, shall never come to an end.
With a new body, that shall last, forever, not bodies of the past,
Receiving eternal bodies, glorified, to live forever at God’s side,
Right by the side of Christ Jesus, for all eternity will be all of us,
All who came to Christ, in faith, all saved by God, by His Grace.
Grace, that allows us to enter in, a Holy Heaven, despite our sin,
Sin, which was cleansed at Calvary, to provide us Life Eternally,
For by His Blood we’re purified, so up in Heaven, we can reside,
With our God and Creator, thanks to Christ, our Lord and Savior.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 stycznia 2014

Facing Temptation

When in life we face temptation, we can rest in God’s Revelation,
When in our life we face a test, in The Word of God, we can rest,
God’s Word is trustworthy no denial, this, as we fall into any trial,
Through any test or trial friend, God’s Word is faithful to the end.
All trials produce patience in us, as we rely upon our Lord Jesus,
Patience that moves us to maturity, as we move towards eternity,
Producing in us God’s Wisdom, as we follow God’s Eternal Son,
So as we persevere in Jesus Christ, we’ll receive a Crown of Life.
The Lord Himself was tempted friend, but, Satan fled in the end,
As Christ used The Word of God, to diminish his deceptive nod,
Using the power of Revelation, Christ sullied Satan’s Temptation,
Through the Truth Christ had said, he dejected Satan and he fled.
But, it might not be Satan friend, but, our own desires in the end,
Causing for us, trials and strife, and further temptation in this life,
Either way, our resource is God, for that escape on which to trod,
For when we stumble in the night, God’s the way back to the light.
We must be led by God’s Spirit, living out His Word as we hear it,
Praying through every situation, as we’re led by God’s Revelation,
Drawn away by Satan or our self, Scripture is our Spiritual Wealth,
In any temptation, you shall see, resist the devil, and he shall flee.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 stycznia 2014

Be Still

Simply be still, my dear soul, for the Lord is in control,
From what makes you quiver, the Lord God will deliver,
When you begin to quake, remember He won’t forsake,
Those, who belong to Him, as He comforts from within.
As He comforts a weary heart, and peace He will impart,
Calming all my undue fear, by His presence always near,
Uplifting me, with His hand, as He helps me understand,
From me He will not depart, while calming a weary heart.
God helps me to fix my mind, as I put my worry behind,
Upon my Savior, up above, as He comforts, in His love,
Setting my mind, by His grace, onto a very stable place,
Recalling He promised me, to guide me through eternity.
God reminds me, I’m whole; heart, mind, body and soul,
Delivered fully by Jesus Christ, to live for Him a new life,
Living in the peace of the Son, as a witness to everyone,
That God can help us cope, through an everlasting hope.
Hope which helps me be still, as my soul is in God’s will,
Calming my heart deep inside, while in Christ, I do abide,
As God fixes my mind above, comforting me in His love,
Knowing God’s preparing me, for life with Christ eternally.
(Copyright ©07/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 stycznia 2014

Little Is Much

Little is much, when God is in it, guided by God’s Holy Spirit,
The third person of The Trinity, Who guides both you and me,
Guiding us, for God’s Glory, as He begins an awesome story,
Displaying Power and Grace, as God leads us place to place.
As we enter God’s economy, things are not what we may see,
All we can’t see He does for us, as a follower of Christ Jesus,
God does things, we think not of, as God directs from above,
All along our journey my friend, with eternity, our ultimate end.
No effort is too small for God, as we are led by staff and rod,
When we choose His path to go, though the end we not know,
Confidence in God is a must, as in our Savior we put our trust,
As God achieves in me and you, what by our self we’d not do.
Doing what we wouldn’t conceive, as the blessings we receive,
As God works His miracles, while God’s purpose Christ fulfills,
God always does more with less, and as we live He shall bless,
All who willingly give their life, and submit to our Savior, Christ.
In all of us, much is the size, ordered by a God, Eternally Wise,
Working out His Eternal Plan, in each and every Believing man,
Doing more than we can imagine, when your life, The Lord is in,
Blessing even our smallest ways, so to The Lord, we lift praise.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 stycznia 2014

Healing Hand of God

The Lord to me has revealed, from my illness I’ve been healed,
From that cancer, deep inside, this, the doctor has not denied,
What was said to be incurable, is now removed, by God’s Will,
Stating that, I am now cancer free, for The Lord has healed me.
For when my body was diseased, my Lord above was pleased,
To touch my body in that state, to heal my body along the wait,
Upon my Lord’s healing touch, as God loves His own so much,
Always faithful to each one of us, as we follow our Lord, Jesus.
It could seem God may hesitate, while for Him we patiently wait,
But God moves in His own time, by His decreed, eternal design,
A design involving each one of us, who in God, place their trust,
As from God, it is understood, all things, work out for our good.
My healing is all for God’s Glory, as He takes my doctor’s story,
Using the doctor’s medical skill, in accordance with Christ’s Will,
This is also part of our Lord’s plan, to touch an unbelieving man,
Who has been used by The Lord, though by him, God’s ignored.
As I lift up to the Lord, my praise, for carrying me all these days,
In all, the doctor is able to see; he too, can be healed spiritually,
That the doctor, can really rejoice, along with me, with one voice,
As to him, The Holy Spirit reveals, it is The Lord, Who truly heals.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 stycznia 2014

Serving From Above

Indeed my friend and very soon, we’ll fly above the sun and moon.
Up to a celestial abode above, eternally surrounded by God’s love,
When at the end of our earthly road, we’ll enter our heavenly abode,
Where we will begin our new journey, which, shall last for all eternity.
We will enter The New Jerusalem, that is all believers, not just some,
That is all believers found in Christ, who shall enter Into Eternal Life,
This as we enter into eternal rest, now, freed from every earthly test,
But, the rest shall not be our end, as we serve Christ eternally friend.
How we serve and where we will go, this, believers have yet to know,
However, we know, prepared for us, is a Mansion, with Christ Jesus,
A home that we truly don’t deserve, from which, The Lord we’ll serve,
Serving Christ, The King of kings, as God guides us in eternal things.
We will start in the Millennium, going to and from The New Jerusalem,
As Jesus Christ is King on Zion’s Hill, as The Word Christ does fulfill,
The Church shall judge Israel, as the Nation is restored per God’s will,
Fully restored by God’s own Hand, back to their own Promised Land.
We eagerly await that trumpet sound, for then in Glory we’ll be found,
As we see Christ our Blessed Lord, with all of eternity to be explored,
While serving eternally from above, directed by Christ, whom we love,
As we serve The Lord God eternally, from a realm we have yet to see.
(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

As Days Go By

As we watch the days go by, are we mindful of God on high?
He, Who grants us breath, ordaining both our birth and death,
As we think of the Only One, Who created the moon and sun,
Ordering them both to give light, creating both day and night.
As the days go by, dear friend, men approach their life’s end,
A time on earth all will face, as we approach the end of Grace,
One day everyone shall die, to see their Creator from on high,
Even if God, you have ignored, every soul shall see The Lord.
Just as many days have passed, life upon earth shall not last,
It’s appointed for all once to die, then, judgment from on high,
That time ahead all men will see, before they face their eternity.
Time to see The Judge or Lord, a time by none will be ignored.
There’s indeed a Hell to shun, for a Place created by The Son.
Not found below, but high above, all provided by God’s Love,
As His Son became a sacrifice, so many could enter Paradise,
Taking on for man, God’s Wrath, to offer man a Heavenly path.
Yes, God will judge all the earth, so he offers man a New Birth,
This, to become a child of God, with a new path for us to trod,
Being saved from God’s Wrath, we’re directed onto a new path,
To now live for the Glory of Christ, followed by our Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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