
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

Almost Over

Two legs of my race are done, through the Power of The Son,
The Power of His Grace sustains, me as He, above me reigns,
With doctors being used by God, as I’m led with staff and rod,
He led me this far in a race, through the Power of God’s Grace.
Now with the chemo finished, I wait for the effects to diminish,
This, to get all of my feelings back, so no feelings I shall lack,
Friend again I must lean on Grace, until I get back to the place,
When I see the effects subside, while in Christ I patiently abide.
So now I wait for the next stage, when God turns another page,
Whether there’ll be more surgery, this to date, I have yet to see,
For another paragraph in my life, I’ll patiently wait, with my wife,
Who’s been a support all along, a path that has been very long.
So whatever may lie up ahead, I’ll follow my Lord as He has led,
In all of the prior uncertain times, leading me, all by His designs,
Designs that go above all reason, during a much darker season,
This, in my ever changing life, as I follow The Changeless Christ.
The next leg could be the last, which, by my Lord has been cast,
By The Lord and God’s Decree, while His outcome, we shall see,
So if another surgery is a must, in Christ our Lord, we shall trust,
As any end we face in our story, will be for God’s Ultimate Glory.
(Copyright ©07/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

Knowing Not What’s Ahead

I don’t know what lies ahead, so I look to my Savior instead,
The One Who bore a cross for me, to die a death at Calvary,
He, Who did that for me friend, knows how my path will end,
And so I’ll fix my eyes on Him, as He gives me peace within.
On every path that we trod, we must trust our Lord and God,
For on the path He has us go, our Lord’s desires shall show,
Where that path will end for us, as we follow our Lord Jesus.
And what the outcome will be, within the plan we cannot see.
The Plan of God we must embrace, while living out our days,
As children formed of but dust, an Eternal God we can trust,
For our Lord makes no mistake, on any path He has us take,
As all things work out for good, in His ways not understood.
Whether my path is bright or dim, I must always trust in Him,
He, Who knitted me in the womb, has set up, for me a room,
In His Father’s Home above, where Christ leads by His Love,
Love, He guides me in each day, even upon the darkest way.
Even if I choose my path in life, my way’s directed by Christ,
And upon every path taken, by my Lord I am never forsaken,
Who continues daily leading me, from this earth into Eternity,
Where all things will fall in place, when I see my Savior’s face.
(Copyright ©07/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

Teachable For God

Being teachable in God’s eyes, shall lead believers to be wise,
From instruction, read and heard, in the Truths of God’s Word,
God’s instruction we must heed, truly the believer’s daily need,
From The Eternal Word of God, to be lived in this day we trod.
In His wisdom we learn how, to apply instruction here and now,
Knowledge from God, we receive, when His Truths, we believe,
Gaining skill, in how to live, from the Truths the Scriptures give,
Growing from our initial salvation, as we heed God’s revelation.
To live wisely in a world of sin, believers need to use discipline,
Received knowledge of The Lord, as Truth must not be ignored,
But as believers in Jesus Christ, we must apply Truth to our life,
So as to walk in Godly Wisdom, living for His coming Kingdom.
Building a foundation to live by, must be anchored from on high,
As God’s knowledge we embrace, for living in this Age of Grace,
The fear of God, still is has part, in serving God with all our heart,
As Godly Wisdom, will truly begin, through a reverent fear of Him.
Our hearts with wisdom, God shall fill, when we submit to His Will,
Being led by His staff and rod, we’re filled with the Truths of God,
As believers listen and receive, to the Truths we know and believe,
Taught by His Holy Spirit within, we shall live a Godly Life for Him.
(Copyright ©07/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 stycznia 2014

New Year With God

With yet another season behind, does God’s Truth come to mind?
For as this season is packed away, The Lord God, is here to stay,
Were you aware, during this year, that you were able to draw near,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that He is part of your life?
Will you follow the usual instead, ignoring God in the year ahead?
Beginning with New Year’s Day, dismissing Truth amidst the fray?
During the celebration and cheer, forgetting that He’s always near,
Near enough, to be in your life, starting this year with Jesus Christ.
Remember that babe in that stable, Who is God and is surely able,
To change this year ahead for you, in ways, which you never knew,
Not only the year but everything, as you acknowledge Him as King,
Everything in your life will change, while the Lord remains the same.
A new year, including God can be, a new time to reflect on Eternity,
Unlike those holidays of the past, this is a time that will forever last,
That future provided by The Lord, Who, by many today, is ignored,
But, ignore Him not this year friend, to begin a new life with no end.
Christ went from the stall to Calvary, so we could join God’s Family,
As The Lord grants us a New Birth, right here upon the present earth,
A choice that begins in our heart, when with God, we get a new start,
In not just a new year for you, but, an Eternity, from a heavenly view.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 stycznia 2014

A Darker Turn For Us

More change, Lord, please help me, in a future I know not or can see,
Please help me with grace along the way, abiding in you, day by day,
While things appear even darker still, remind me that I am in Your Will.
Knowing that you are watching over me, what is ahead I need not see.
You’ve held me in my trials and fears, sustaining me over three years,
Showering me with all needed Grace, through whatever I need to face,
Wherever my journey had me go, your plentiful Love did always show,
Pouring love and grace in my life, not only on me but also on my wife.
Lord please continuing sustaining me, through a time we’ve yet to see,
Please guide both me and my wife, in a future where uncertainty is rife,
While relying not on man’s medicine, but your Spirit, Who dwells within,
As our pathway again has turned, guide us to live out all we’ve learned.
This disease is not pleasant at all, but, You Lord are big and it is small,
Please Lord afford us both Your Mercy, as the end we have yet to see,
Lord, I know we’re both in your hand, in this time we do not understand,
So please fill us both with Your Peace, so through all it will never cease.
Lord, it’s your place and your time, when I shall see my path so sublime,
That reality as I enter into Heaven above, all promised through your love,
For what this cancer cannot do, is take from me the fact of knowing you,
So if this cancer does take my life, I’ll be in the presence of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 stycznia 2014

Unforeseen Malady

Something that I could not foresee, is what they call neuropathy,
Chemo’s effect on extremities, well below the elbows and knees,
Numbness in my feet and hands, something no one understands,
Unless they dealt with the same, then empathy they can proclaim.
The neuropathy started in my feet, whether I stood or took a seat,
With a feeling both night and day, just like I had socks on to stay,
Soon my walk would be hindered, as the numbness daily lingered,
Causing me to slow my step’s pace, as impediment, I had to face.
The effect in my hands was worse, although my feet were hit first,
Losing my feeling in each finger, as the numbness began to linger;
Now little things I could not grip, even plastic bags, I could not rip,
But this isn’t the end of my story, as Christ gets the ultimate Glory.
Like my taste, that was taken away, it is coming back, day by day,
Becoming more apparent and real, getting stronger with each meal,
It was The Lord to help me cope, as there appeared to be no hope,
But, my taste was stronger each day, returning very shortly to stay.
It is my Lord God and my Creator, not to mention He is my Savior,
By Whom, I can be totally restored, for by Him I am never ignored,
God can restore my hands and feet, putting this malady to defeat,
For it is God, Who will restore me, for He’s The God of all Eternity.
(Copyright ©07/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 stycznia 2014

So Much For Us

The Lord God did so much for us, when we came to Christ Jesus,
Wickedly lost and so depraved, sinful men, by Christ God saved,
So far from any thoughts of God, living upon this sin cursed sod,
Who, when found in Jesus Christ, are now clothed for Eternal Life.
We were chosen by God’s Grace, then destined for a better place,
To live forever with Jesus Christ, this, as we enter into Eternal Life;
As He who loved us died for all, to redeem man from Adam’s Fall,
Saved from that curse of death, when we’re granted eternal breath.
Yes, God bought us with a price, so we could enter into Paradise,
The Precious Blood of The Lamb, so to live with The Great “I AM”;
Cleansing us from sin and stain, not through our trial, but His pain,
Through Christ’s death on Calvary, so that man could live eternally.
He robed us in His Righteousness, far from our wicked sinfulness,
And His Righteousness will endure, from this time, to forevermore;
As Christ keeps us upon this earth, through His Spirit of New Birth,
Being kept for greater things, to serve eternally, The King of kings.
By Christ we have been Glorified, so that in Heaven we may reside,
In that Mansion, prepared for us, by our risen Savior, Christ Jesus,
To live with The Lord God forever, with Christ’s Church all together,
Being together in Heaven eternally; all attained by Christ at Calvary.
(Copyright ©08/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 stycznia 2014

On Going Trials

Feeling well and then my friend, will this illness ever end?
From feeling well, I soon fall, back insides hospital walls,
Being home or there I know, God is with me wherever I go,
Carried to an emergency ward, within the arms of my Lord.
If it’s not bad enough for me, living daily, with neuropathy,
While infection rears its head, I’m back into a hospital bed,
All effects from my therapy; what the chemo’s done to me,
Lowering my body’s immunity, I lean on the God of eternity.
Since my chemo has finished, my abilities have diminished,
Like the ability, of each hand, and my ability to firmly stand,
But, I continue trust in the Lord, by who these aren’t ignored,
While, I lean upon my faith, that He’ll give me needed Grace,
Grace that helps me every day, as each trial comes my way,
Along with a supportive wife, who is with me, in all the strife,
While we fix our eyes on Christ, Who, controls our entire life,
Each and every waking hour, all, by God’s Grace and Power.
Traveling upon this weary road, Jesus Christ shares the load,
The load of burdens, which I face, by His all sufficient Grace,
Even at times truly carrying me, in ways I did not think or see,
God’s with me, there’s no denial, through this very weary trial.
(Copyright ©08/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 stycznia 2014

The End of Good Works

Many souls religious at their best, will surely fail their final test,
A test that man created friend, where good works are their end,
Ignoring The Words of The Son, God’s Only, True Chosen One,
Christ’s very words, “It is finished”; His Salvation is diminished.
Religion is man’s way to God, from down upon the earth’s sod,
In their works, they add to faith, ignoring Christ’s Saving Grace,
Letting religion guide their way, ignoring what Christ has to say,
Final words spoken by The Son, words from Him, for everyone.
Every religion is created by man; a salvation, not of God’s plan,
Led by the one who lied to Eve, so the religious, he will deceive,
Creating religions formed by men, of which, God shall condemn,
When Christ judges every nation, not by works but His salvation.
God, from above, sent His Lamb, Jesus Christ, The Great “I Am”.
To bring salvation to every land, Truth, all men must understand,
The Lord, who died on a tree, finishing salvation for you and me,
As Christ alone is the only way, no matter what religion does say.
All, who ignore the words of Christ, shall never enter Eternal Life,
As Christ alone paid the price, so that man could enter Paradise,
Good works won’t work friend, as many shall see come the end,
Ignoring Christ’s words on Calvary, will only bring wrath eternally.
(Copyright ©08/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 grudnia 2013

From Abraham To Christ

The baby Christ, who God had sent, would move to God’s fulfillment,
His covenant with David and Abraham, in the birth of the Son of Man,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to provide The Way, to eternal life,
Starting with Abraham’s Dynasty, to include gentiles, like you and me.
Christ is a descendant of Abraham, the Spiritual Father, of every man,
Through his lineage came salvation, for Israel and every gentile nation,
Through Abraham all would be blessed, pointing men to a Future Rest,
Starting with Abraham’s step of faith, that would lead all men to Grace.
Through Judah came King David, by being blessed from Jacob’s bed,
The Tribe pointing to Israel’s’ Messiah, before that Patriarch would die,
Confirming The Davidic Covenant, for in its fulfillment, Christ was sent,
The One who will sit on David’s Throne, to rule a people of God’s own.
From Judah will come God’s Scepter, in a reign which will last forever,
From Judah, it shall never depart, of a covenant, only God could start,
A promise regarding David’s Kingdom, would bring God’s Eternal Son,
As Messiah shall have eternal reign, ruling in the power of God’s Name.
From Abraham to David friend, through Jesus Christ, the Ultimate End,
God’s Covenant was truly fulfilled, through many people as God willed,
This to fulfill His eternal covenant, through the very One, God had sent,
The baby and Lord, Jesus Christ, so God could grant men Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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