
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 grudnia 2013

Ignoring The Greatest Gift

This is the season Christ was given, so His Spirit could then live in,
In the very heart of earthly men, when believers are truly born again;
The Holy Spirit is what I speak of, sent by God from Heaven above,
Sent down to all who truly believe, God’s Spirit, all believers receive.
Today on earth for many living, this has become a season of giving,
Giving, which began with The Lord, Who, by many, today is ignored,
Focusing today on their biggest gift, creates for many a spiritual rift,
A separation with God between, those engrossed in a holiday scene.
While seeking for others big gifts, in the true madness of Christmas,
Many don’t seek the best gift of all, the One, delivered inside a stall,
The One with an unmatched price, who actually became our sacrifice,
That One Gift being Jesus Christ, Who, offers us a gift of eternal life.
Christ was sent to all by God above; God’s Gift of unparalleled Love.
Christ, who’s actually the only reason, why we even have this season,
Yet the many today continue to ignore, Christ, Who came well before
All those now presently on earth, to offer those souls a spiritual birth.
Christmas by many, is truly spent, ignoring that Gift, which God sent,
To not just one, but every nation, to bring to all men God’s Salvation,
The Greatest Gift to all mankind, One which many today leave behind,
With God lost in their holiday strife, as they continue on in a futile life.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 grudnia 2013

Christmas Reflection

As believers reflect on this season, the holiday with but, one reason,
In a season which bears His name, we reflect on the One, who came,
The One, Who came for everyone, God’s One and Only Eternal Son,
The One, Who came for all of us, The Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.
During this special time of the year, how many today truly draw near,
The One, sent from heaven above, He who fills this season with love,
Not simply a love, that passes by, but, God’s Love, from up on high,
Love, beyond our human reason, which, extends beyond this season.
Real Truth, that men need to hear, is so absent from this time of year,
The Truth that nations proclaim, in this season, which bears His Name,
Though the name’s altered by some, it’s still about when He did come.
Being God’s Gift, sent to everyone, Jesus, God’s Only Begotten Son.
This is the season for every life, to reflect on our Savior, Jesus Christ,
The Author of life and our Creator, Who came to be the world’s Savior,
But, in this postmodern world, Christmas Truth, people seldom herald,
In this world that is so fast-paced, Christmas Truth has been replaced,
With an empty meaning so far from, Truth, that would have men come,
To The Lord sent to every nation, to receive from Him God’s Salvation;
But, this season and for all year long, Christmas can be a lasting song,
In your heart through truthful gleaning, giving Christmas a real meaning.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 grudnia 2013

Through Emmanuel

Today Christians rejoice in Emmanuel, The Lord God of Israel,
The Lord sent as Messiah to them, is The Lord God of all men,
The Savior, sent to Israel first, is Living Water for all who thirst,
He is for men The Bread of Life, Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel means “God with us”, in the person of Christ Jesus,
He came to God’s chosen nation, to bring Israel, His Salvation,
To save His people from their sin, all that darkness deep within,
In that darkness they didn’t see, Christ was the Lord of Eternity.
Because of that nation’s denial, Christ would turn to the Gentile,
Men, walking in spiritual darkness, would see the light of Jesus,
All those in the spiritual night, could come to The Savior’s Light,
Now obtainable to every nation, was The Lord’s Great Salvation.
Now not aliens of the Covenant, are all embracing The One sent,
The One sent to all the world, as God’s Revelation was unfurled,
Christ fulfilling ancient prophecy, so all in darkness now will see,
Jews and Christians now are one, through The Body of The Son.
Salvation is offered to all men, when in Christ they’re born again,
Born of God’s Spirit from above, available to all by God’s Love,
As Christ came to do God’s will, saving both Gentiles and Israel,
The Lord Savior of all of us, all through Emmanuel, Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 grudnia 2013

Merry X-mas?

Say Christ at Christmas, men pause, isn’t it about Santa Claus?
Isn’t he that one, who comes, for all of our daughters our sons,
Bringing presents for everyone, creating for us all, holiday fun?
Say that Jesus is the ultimate Gift; simply creates a spiritual rift,
A gift for whom, they may say, even though it is Christmas Day,
Is not Christmas all about toys, for our precious girls and boys?
Mention at all the baby Jesus; they reply, He is not for all of us,
Speaking of Christ, He’s the one, who came down for everyone,
The only Son of The Eternal God, sent from Heaven to this sod.
Speaking of the Man Jesus Christ, you will create political strife,
For we must be politically correct, not to mention at all that sect,
Christ is never to be spoken of, during a season that we all love.
Mention at Christmas the Savior, many don’t believe in a Creator,
Accountability, they have none; they have no regard for His Son,
Christ, being the one they need, Christmas Truth they don’t heed.
Just mention at Christmas Calvary, they say what about the tree?
The one on which He was crucified, when for all, the Savior died?
Even all who’ve yet to believe, yes, God’s Truth they can receive.
Friend, what is the exact reason, we have the Christmas Season?
It’s not for presents, but God’s Son, Who was born for everyone,
And Jesus Christ is His name, Who, well before Christmas came!
(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 grudnia 2013

In My Weakness

One day at a time in Jesus, so that all others shall know,
Just how He does guide us, in and through all will we go,
As God helps in our weakness, that His Grace Can show,
As He strengthens each of us, in ways only He can know.
God helps me through today, as tomorrow I’ve yet to see,
Sustaining me in every way, with strength afforded to me,
Knowing I am made from clay, I focus at times on eternity,
Knowing what God does say, He alone knows what will be.
I am given strength and power, as I walk with Jesus Christ,
Helping me every day and hour, in the darker times of life,
Grace on me, God will shower, in that day filled with strife,
Leaning on sustaining power, I am calmed by Jesus Christ.
Christ fills every day with grace, even in that darkest night,
As He leads me place to place, He guides me in His Light,
Walking every day by faith, relying upon Him not my sight,
Sustained not only by Grace, but, held up by God’s Might.
I know that in my weakness, I’ll be sustained wherever I go,
So I continue on day by day, knowing God is here with me,
Granting His grace and power, by the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
God is with me in every place, guiding me fully in His Light.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 grudnia 2013

Vessels of God

I simply choose to understand, I am just a vessel in God’s Hand,
An empty vessel that He uses, as He desires, where He chooses,
Led by God’s Holy Spirit within, this, as all the glory goes to Him,
While The Lord above uses my life, as a witness for Jesus Christ.
I’m a vessel which God fills, for God’s purpose and as God wills;
But first I was cleansed by Christ, to be used for God, in this life,
Cleansed, by The Word within, through His Spirit, from all my sin,
His fit vessel that will be poured, all for His purpose, by my Lord.
Filled with the Truth of His Word, used by Him until all have heard,
In God’s time and by His choice, to be for Christ, one small voice,
Now given that voice to proclaim, God’s Salvation and The Name,
Of God’s Only Son, Jesus Christ, so others can have Eternal Life.
Friend it’s not me, but God’s Hand, that helps men to understand,
The Eternal Truths of His Word, as the hearts of others are stirred,
By God’s Holy Spirit my friend, as The Spirit works for God’s end,
Bringing men to God’s salvation, through God’s written Revelation.
It’s The Lord God above who fills, while drawing others as He wills,
Changing the very hearts of men, in order that they be Born Again;
This as His Spirit prepares a heart, for His Truths, which we impart,
While God uses vessels like us, the Ambassadors of Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 grudnia 2013

What Is Heaven?

Is Heaven just a place to go, when through with this life we know?
Is Heaven that place for everyone, when life on this earth is done?
Is Heaven, not a placed called Hell, where after life, all shall dwell?
A final place to rest in peace, in blissful comfort that won’t cease?
Or, is Heaven to you much more, than rest beyond a golden door?
Do you desire to be in Heaven, beyond earth’s twenty-four seven?
Heaven is that true home above, for all who embraced God’s Love.
That love He showed on Calvary, where Christ died for you and me.
Do you know Christ, yourself, Who provides us with eternal wealth?
Providing believers an eternal home, granted from Heaven’s Throne;
But not all will accept God’s Son, although Christ died for everyone,
And they will not secure a place, in a home that’s supplied by Grace.
For Christ spoke of Heaven and Hell, when to His hearers He did tell,
About two very opposing destinies, while both shall still be eternities,
One for those who would believe, who, The Father above will receive,
And one for rejecters of The Lord, who, by our Father will be ignored.
Both being choices, which we make, when God we accept or forsake,
Heaven for all who accept Christ, through who God offers eternal life,
Hell for after one’s final breath, rejecting Christ, to enter eternal death.
Eternal places ahead for everyone, for their choice, about God’s Son.
(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 grudnia 2013

Returning Menace

Though the cancer has returned, so much from God I’ve learned,
Not from the reading of His Truth, but, my life is His living proof,
Of my Lord’s Power and Grace, granting strength place to place,
Going through every trial and test, in the Lord Jesus I found rest,
Rest which only God could give, as through that trial I would live.
I learned, in God, just how I can, put my trust In God, even when,
Life situations turn for the worst, when I look to Christ Jesus first,
Especially when days were dark, God’s Grace always left a mark,
Sustaining me in grace and power, even through the darkest hour,
This as God proved in my life, a sustaining power of Jesus Christ.
In spite of cancer I’ve had health, which provides a greater wealth,
Far exceeding temporal prosperity, with gain acquired for eternity,
As His Grace is more than rife, working out His Purpose in my life,
Using my life just as God wills, while His Purpose The Lord fulfills,
And my cancer isn’t the story, but, God’s Grace, Power and Glory.
So, as my path again has turned, I will lean upon what I’ve learned,
My total health may not be restored, but, I’ll always have The Lord,
Who, as He helps me understand, guides me with His gentle Hand,
In things I cannot comprehend, as my present life draws to an end,
With ahead a glorious destiny, when with Christ, I step into Eternity.
(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 grudnia 2013

Whatever The Tides

Give The Lord time and space, to fill a heart with His Grace,
To calm a heart filled with fear, knowing God is always near,
Knowing no matter what the tide, in your heart He will abide,
Knowing truly within your heart, that The Lord will not depart.
At Christmas time we often sing, about tidings He will bring,
Good tidings of joy to all men, especially those Born Again,
For that is why Christ came, so all could embrace His Name,
To accept His great Salvation, that He offers to every nation.
The tides of this life, we know, here upon earth ebb and flow,
As those tides change for me, changeless is God of Eternity,
The Lord God and Creator, Who came down to be my Savior,
My Lord is my provider too, and all tides He sees me through.
Whether tides are rough or calm, I am securely in God’s Palm,
Nothing takes me from His Hand, as my Lord helps me stand,
Amidst the shifting sands of life, I’ll stand firm in Jesus Christ,
While on The Rock of Eternity, The Lord God provides for me.
Friend, at any time any place, The Lord will provide His Grace,
With tidings of joy and peace, within a heart, that won’t cease,
Throughout this life I’m assured, in all times by Christ my Lord,
Whether in need or prosperity, my Lord is The God of Eternity.
(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 grudnia 2013

In Our Infirmities

Sometimes the things we face, are manifest for God’s grace,
As men live through this life, for the purpose of Jesus Christ,
As God uses an ordinary man, for His Purpose and His Plan,
Using infirmities within our life, to display the power of Christ.
Where we’re found in life today, Christ gives us words to say,
This when we face confrontation, in this ever changing nation,
With God revered less and less, we walk in His righteousness,
As God’s Word we must herald, within an ever changing world.
We need to lead in God’s Ways, in these ever darkening days,
This to turn men back to God, as led by Christ’s staff and rod,
As God’s Spirit leads all of us, those who follow Christ Jesus,
While being faithful to The Lord, when by others He is ignored.
Thorns in the flesh come to us, so we fix our eyes upon Jesus,
So that in our walk flesh is denied, that we are not led by pride,
So God’s grace will be the story, that God alone gets the glory,
For our Lord alone sustains us, all by the grace of Christ Jesus.
In Christ, wherever we are sent, Christ alone is always sufficient,
Far beyond anything we can see, our Lord is able to abundantly,
Do wherever He may have us go, beyond all we think and know,
As God works through our life, the will and plan of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©12/2013 Bob Gotti)

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