
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 grudnia 2013

Just A Taste

Come meet The God of Eternity, just taste Truth and you’ll see,
Just how sweet it is to your soul, as you stand with Him in awe,
In awe of what He’s done for us, through His Son, Christ Jesus,
Who had left His Eternal Throne, to make sinners His very Own.
The love of Christ is wonderful, reaching even that darkest fool,
Giving those who’re in the dark, His loving light through a spark,
A spark to take them of the night, into the Lord’s Glorious Light,
The saving light of Jesus Christ, which grants to them a new life.
In only takes but one small taste, to realize that it is not a waste,
To go ahead with a positive nod, to look into The Word of God,
About the Truths of God’s Son, which were written for everyone,
Just why He came into the world, the Truth today that we herald.
Of how by God’s matchless love, He had left His Throne above,
To come down onto this earth, through a prophesied virgin birth,
The Eternal God, yet born a man, to bring God’s Salvation Plan,
Good News to men everywhere, when tasted, you too will share.
That Goodness, of The Lord God, everywhere upon earth’s sod,
When you come to know your place, and God’s abundant Grace,
Your heart and soul will rejoice, as in Truth you lift up your voice,
Saved by Christ from Adam’s fall, you too, in Him will be in awe.
(Copyright © 02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 grudnia 2013

We Are Saints

I’ve been sanctified, set apart, for God’s service from the start,
The very moment that I believed, when Christ’s Spirit I received,
I was indeed, set apart by God, while still upon this earthly sod,
Sealed by the Spirit of Christ, for God’s purpose within this life.
All believers are God’s holy ones, truly set apart, by God’s Son,
Becoming saints while on earth, through the power of New Birth,
Indeed, not by the choice of men, but when we were Born Again,
We’re true saints of The Living God, led on earth by Christ’s rod.
Saints, according to God’s Grace, for His purpose on this place,
To have an impact, in this world, as His Truth we fervently herald,
Truth that states we are saints, regardless of what religion paints,
Saints, chosen by Christ The Lord, truth, that by many is ignored.
We are saints, as God has willed, with His purpose to be fulfilled,
Not simply saints for another time, but on earth by God’s Design,
Separated from this world’s plan, to be used by The Son of Man,
In spreading the Gospel of Christ, while in this present earthly life.
We’re not saints for just above, but here by God for sharing love,
The love of His Saving Gospel, as this for believers is God’s will,
To fill with saints the Church of God, those upon this earthly sod,
Then we can spend Eternal Life, saints together with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 grudnia 2013

Controlling All

It is The Lord God who chooses, every doctor that He uses,
To treat the cancer deep in me, to heal my dreaded infirmity;
And with allowing each procedure, this for certain, I am sure,
Granting grace along the way, for every single hospital stay.
He directs my path with grace, dictating every doctor’s pace,
Never allowing what might be, controlling what is best for me,
When His providence did override, the procedure was denied,
Surely not the doc’s first choice, God trumps the doc’s voice.
Such has been the way of God, on this present journey I trod,
Along the journey with my wife, while in the autumn of our life,
A journey that wasn’t our choice, but, in God we could rejoice,
For God holds us in His hand, in times difficult to understand.
With another procedure behind, we in God had peace of mind,
With God’s peace in our heart, knowing Christ wouldn’t depart,
Who, is that light upon our path, through all and any aftermath,
We, not knowing what’s ahead, lean upon Jesus Christ instead.
With more ahead down the road, God will help lighten our load,
As we cast all burdens to Him, Christ gives us His peace within,
And with decisions yet to be made, at His feet they can be laid,
While we lean upon Jesus Christ, through all the trials in our life.
(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 7 grudnia 2013

What A Ride

Present life can be one big ride, but, in my life God is glorified,
As The Lord guides me through, times and places He foreknew,
Times He ordered in my life, in that I could lean on Jesus Christ,
While God leads me from above, all through this ride I speak of.
My ride has valleys and hills, but lacking an amusement’s thrills,
For although each hill was high, at times they’d bring just a sigh,
Although at times it brought relief, time on the hill was only brief,
With yet another valley in view, that time was short, this we knew.
For on this ride I wasn’t alone, the experience wasn’t just my own,
Along with me in this ride of life, was a God provided loving wife,
By my side in the good and bad, a comfort when times were sad,
Comforted, not only by His grace, but by my wife in all we’d face.
The Lord was with us at every turn, as we helped each other learn,
God’s ways in dark times, as He comforted our hearts and minds,
And when on a hill we’d plateau, in our ride we had come to know,
Hearing the joy within her voice, together in God we would rejoice.
The time together in which we spend, upon this ride will soon end,
For Eternity is ahead for both of us, together with our Lord Jesus,
As soon we’ll both leave this place, to a home afforded by Grace,
And before in my life I have died, I shall say to Christ, what a ride!
(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 listopada 2013

Left And Right

Can one embrace darkness and light, as one is wrong and one is right,
For those who know Christ Jesus, that answer is in His Righteousness,
Following His Spirit that dwells within, while in a world of darkened sin,
Those who are of Christ’s Light, cannot embrace man’s wrong as right.
Politically there’s the left and right, opposing views, like day and night,
Each one goes in different ways, seeking not God’s, but man’s praise,
Different ways, for a different cause, it should make a Christian pause,
Asking what does God’s Word say, as to both the cause and their way.
Today on the left many people walk, being guided by man’s liberal talk,
While to the right, many others will go; what is their end, we don’t know;
To the left, the fool’s heart leans, creating the many very liberal scenes,
While to the right wise men shall trod, but, their majority still avoid God.
To the left and right many will stray, never knowing the Lord’s only way,
Not out of man’s political deliberation, but from God’s Holy Revelation,
As many today wander in the night, far from our Lord’s Righteous Light,
Never finding God’s way of Truth, while moving a nation to His Reproof.
If leaders should continue to stray, God’s Judgment will not be far away,
As Rome should be a reminder to all, that even great nations too will fall,
Continuing their dark agendas friend, judgment for us, could be our end,
As The Lord shall judge ever nation, according to God’s Holy Revelation.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 listopada 2013

Truly Thankful

Today I am truly thankful Lord, for all, to me, that you afford,
For all the peace along the way, that you grant me every day,
On mountain high or valley low, you are there to let me know,
Upon a path, both me and you, on my journey, you foreknew.
On my journey, there’s even more, in Jesus Christ, I’m secure,
When things about me tend to fail, in Christ alone I will prevail,
As you send much needed grace, while I’m in this earthly race,
While on my way to the finish line, on a course of your design.
On this journey, that I speak of, you lead me daily from above,
Guiding me in love all my days, as you teach to me your ways,
Ways, I don’t always understand, as you hold me in your hand,
On the path planned out for me, while you guide me to eternity.
In you, my Lord, I always find rest, through any trial or any test,
Rest, in the most troubled of days, when only you, I can praise,
As you give me an assuring calm, while I’m safely in your palm,
In your hand to stay through all, the earthly trials, big and small.
You afford me, on this journey, so much on my way to eternity,
With so much more ahead for us, who abide in The Lord Jesus,
And till we see our eternal place, we’re sustained by your grace,
Filling us with peace and love, while we long to be home above.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 listopada 2013

Through Every Day

The Lord has and shall always; see me through all my days,
Whatever will come before me, His Gracious hand I will see,
As my life The Lord does guide, with my Savior by my side,
Through any task, large or small, He’s the Lord God over all.
I seek God’s face in the morning, before any trial or warning,
When talking to Him, anywhere, my Lord God’s always there,
I just share what’s on my heart, knowing to me He will impart,
Calm, for another day down here, as I cast to Him every fear.
I always reach the Throne of Grace, any time, from any place,
To talk about issues at hand, all things I may not understand,
God may not alter the day ahead, but He’s always, like I said,
There, whenever I need to talk, anywhere along my daily walk.
Each day from beginning to end, I speak to God, as a friend,
Who helps me with doubt I face, to supply the needed grace,
Always an ear along the way, to help me through another day,
And in God, I’m always assured, I am in the Hand of my Lord.
In my days, as they come and go, this for sure I always know,
I’m guided by The Lord above, who leads me daily in His love,
And when I pause to talk to Him, He fills me with peace within,
Through the day into the night, He is always, my guiding Light.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 listopada 2013


Worshippers by God are sought, from the souls He has bought,
Every believer bought by Christ, to worship throughout their life;
The worship that God does seek, is more than just once a week,
It’s far beyond a weekly throng, of believers lifting up their song.
Worship is not in part, but whole, all one’s mind, body, and soul,
We’re to worship in spirit and Truth, with active worship as proof,
Worshipfully seeking God’s face, this, at any time and any place,
Truly lifting up our heart to Him, with worshipful intent not a whim.
We worship any time or hour, compelled by love and Holy power.
As we truly lift up our heart to God, anywhere on this earthly sod,
Lifting up Worship to The Lord, worthy to be praised and adored,
For all that The Lord God has done, in giving to us His Only Son.
Our worship is for every nation, a worshipful praise for Salvation,
God’s Salvation, offered to us, through The Savior, Christ Jesus,
Worshipfully telling Salvation’s story, all to the Lord God’s Glory,
Thinking on Him, we truly rejoice, lifting up praise, with one voice.
Compared to God we’re quite small, so we worship Christ in awe,
Bowing our hearts in humbleness, as we extol His Righteousness,
For he had left His Eternal Throne, to redeem us as His very Own,
So, we go on in worshipful praise, throughout all our earthly days.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 listopada 2013

By God

By God, we were sealed, when we were spiritually healed,
Sealed by The Savior Himself, His seal appears in stealth,
To all outside of Jesus Christ, but we’re sealed in this life,
In a New Life, God will reveal, in all, marked with His Seal.
By God, we were saved, when sinfully lost and depraved,
Saved by His Spirit above, through God’s wonderful love,
It was God, who loved us first, when we were at our worst,
In spite of how we behaved, by His Grace we were saved.
By God, we were sought, as new creations being wrought,
While we were not seeking Him, truly lost in a world of sin,
He not only found all of us, but, led us to The Lord Jesus,
By Whom, we were bought, saving all who He had sought.
By God, we were redeemed, unbelievable it really seemed,
Yet He bought us on earth, imputing to us His Son’s worth,
It is The Lord’s Righteousness, that God has granted to us,
His Righteousness is what beams, from those He redeems.
The Spirit’s seal is our guarantee, that we shall live eternally,
Saved out of this world of sin, God’s Spirit now lives within,
It was God Who sought His own, from His Heavenly Throne,
Redeeming men, in this life, to live forever with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow

Tomorrow may be a day away, but will be just like today,
Another day to live for Christ, in this moment we call life,
Another day to follow God, led by Christ’s staff and rod,
A day similar in every way, to that one we call yesterday.
For time, they’re all cast, as present, future and the past,
The present is the day we live, often spoken of as a gift,
With the future yet to be, which, shall extend into eternity,
And behind us is the past, that time where memories last.
Though the past is behind, memories bring it to our mind,
Of that time we first believed, and the Savior we received,
Much of God we didn’t know, so the Lord helped us grow,
While learning to live this life, for The Savior, Jesus Christ.
In the present God uses us, all who belong to Christ Jesus,
As our life for God is unfurled, as His witness in this world,
Being a voice for God’s Word, to a world that hasn’t heard,
The Truth in God’s Revelation, leading to His only salvation.
Once in Christ they do believe, Eternal Life they will receive,
Life beyond this present time, all ordered by God’s Design,
As He leads us in tomorrow, in all that joy, pain and sorrow,
To a future with Jesus Christ, beyond today into eternal life.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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