
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

Faithfully Sharing Truth

For our witness, a sure proof, is that we are walking in Truth,
Living out The Truths of God, wherever in this world we trod,
Abiding in The Lord Christ Jesus, in His Light as we witness,
As in our lives Truth is unfurled, amidst an unbelieving world.
It is God’s Truth we boast in, being believers saved from sin,
Our pride God will condemn, but, we boast Christ, to all men,
As God’s Truths drive our life, to draw others to Jesus Christ,
Displaying God’s faithfulness, to all men through our witness.
The mission we are to fulfill, is the sharing of Christ’s Gospel,
God’s Gospel of saving Grace, through The Lord, all by faith,
In a time with many deceived, we preach what we’ve believed,
Staying faithful to The Lord, in a world where Truth is ignored.
Beyond standing on The Word, our ways are not just inferred,
As Godly character is a must, when in God we place our trust,
With a walk in accord with the life, of our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Living out our life with integrity, as witnesses that all shall see.
Today, many profess to believe, on a path to simply deceive,
God’s Truth is all we must preach, to all God desires to reach,
Standing on the Only Foundation, Jesus Christ, our Salvation,
The Truth all men must believe, so eternal life they will receive.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

I Have Learned

Though in life I become distraught, to me, The Lord God has taught,
Through all of my years and days, that He works in miraculous ways,
When the times may appear bleak, as I find myself emotionally weak,
My tendency is to be concerned, ignoring all from Christ I’ve learned.
I learned to rest and be assured, through all things, in Christ my Lord,
Who holds me in His mighty hand, through times I do not understand,
Taking me through that darker time, not of my choice, but His design,
While using my life just as He wills, as a greater, purpose God fulfills.
Concerns to worry we can’t afford, our focus must be upon The Lord,
Remembering the dark times past, all concerns to Him I need to cast,
Casting to my Savior my every care, as all concerns with God I share,
Or else undue concerns entangle us, this when we forget Christ Jesus.
Hard times, dark as they may be, are small steps, on towards eternity,
Steps, in which The Lord Jesus, is molding each and every one of us,
As God shapes us to be like Christ, through all current trials in our life,
Purifying us through our life’s fires, to become what The Lord desires.
So when times get hard, I recall, Jesus Christ, is still the Lord over all,
As the same God, Who created me, during all times, helps me to see,
His hand is in every step I take, knowing that my Lord will not forsake,
My side, as God helps me to stand, firmly in times I don’t understand.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

Worship In Adversity

We worship even through adversity, God, Who controls all of eternity,
When we’re down and discouraged, we know, that God has not erred,
As through each trial He shall fulfill, in our life His Eternal, perfect will,
This, as God guides us in this life, through the Power of Jesus Christ.
When we are anxious and afraid, upon The Lord our concerns are laid,
Securing for us inner peace from Him, while in a world, marred by sin,
Through all the trials we now trod, we confidently lift our heart to God,
Though the trials may not cease, God grants us His sustaining Peace.
By our Lord God we are blessed, as past concerns God’s addressed,
As God through our life does lead, taking care of everything we need,
As life on earth may ebb and flow, it is The God of Heaven, we know,
Who actually controls all of our life, even through life’s pain and strife.
As the devastating times do come, we truly know where they are from,
Both good and bad, are from His hand, although we don’t understand,
It remains The Lord, Who we praise, this, as our heart to God is raised,
Worshiping Him through every time, knowing we’re in His grand design.
Although we’re weary and depleted, with God in Heaven we are seated,
Through redemption by our Lord, we are found in Christ, in one accord,
Now having the mind of Jesus Christ, through all of the trials in this life.
We’re looking forward to Heaven above, sustained on earth by His love.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 listopada 2013

Confused Atmosphere

Mother Nature may be confused, just like those, who have used,
This demeaning title to describe, the very God they have denied,
The Lord God, Who orders all, weather patterns, great and small,
He may never enter their minds, while stirring weather of all kinds.
Confused He isn’t or will not be, for He is The Lord of all Eternity,
He is God of Order, up above; controlling weather men speak of,
And they truly don’t understand, He controls the weather at hand,
Confusing only meteorologists, who dream Mother Nature exists.
They forecast the weather to come, not aware of where it is from,
Knowing not who is really behind, the weather they bring to mind,
Being shaken and very surprised, when it’s not as they surmised,
But taking credit from their peers, for saying good weather nears.
Often times, you may even note, as weather is good some gloat,
About the returning of the sun, as if, it’s something they’ve done,
Even though they may shy away, as bad weather comes our way,
Almost with a real reverence to, The Lord, to whom it is truly due.
For He is The Creator of this earth, Ruler over the whole universe,
He has, and always will control, all weather patterns, big or small,
With change meteorologists see, that fools the latest technology,
And it’s those who have refused, God’s Truth, who are confused.
(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013

By God’s Authority

While on this side of eternity, we take comfort in God’s Authority,
As challenges come into our life, we stand in the Power of Christ,
As we walk by faith, not by sight, in The Lord’s Power and Might,
As we serve God’s Eternal Son, until our work down here is done.
As we war in that darkest hour, our weapons are of Divine Power.
Relying not upon man’s intelligence, but, in God’s Righteousness,
As that warring is within our mind, our battle is of a different kind,
While we do battle upon this sod, against many opposed to God.
While in the battle God will afford, strength and might of our Lord,
When we put on The Armor of God, led by Christ’s Staff and Rod,
This as we battle a worldly view, with the Truth that is eternally true,
Taking down strongholds in a world, where wickedness is unfurled.
When we do war, in this life, we bring all thoughts captive to Christ,
As we cast off all disobedience, captive to Christ’s Righteousness,
A righteousness we must herald, to oppose darkness of this world,
As we stand upon God’s Authority, in ways men around us will see.
My friend, as we battle in this war, only God’s Authority will endure,
In a battle opposing God’s enemy, we must stand on His Authority.
For that true victory is only assured, through Jesus Christ our Lord,
This, as we wage battles in this life, in the Authority of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013


From the start to the finish, this life to God I will relinquish,
While each and every day I live, to The Lord, my life I give,
Submitting each day to Christ, I yield to Him my whole life,
To be guided in God’s ways, all my nights and all my days.
God knows all tomorrow holds, before today even unfolds,
So I simply need to live today, living by all God has to say;
To be concerned for tomorrow, will surely welcome sorrow,
This, as all focus is turned away, from living for God today.
Knowing I am in God’s hand, all things I needn’t understand,
And so I do not need to see, things ahead, that may not be,
But focus on my Lord above, believing all that He spoke of,
Trusting Him with all my heart, as I rely on Him from the start.
Acknowledging Him in all I do, as Christ will see me through,
For the work God has begun, He will finish through His Son,
As for us there’s no exemption, all saved in His redemption,
God’s salvation provided to us, by The Savior, Christ Jesus.
So my life’s in God’s hands, even if life’s like shifting sands,
For God is The Rock of Ages, and He alone turns the pages,
Within this book called my life, authored all, by Jesus Christ,
With God’s written plan for me, which continues on Eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013

Sowing For The Lord

As I live in this present world, The Truth of God, I must herald,
While each and every place I go, Truth, my Lord helps me sow,
As my Lord waters every seed, for only He, knows every need,
In every life and in every heart, as God’s Truths to men I impart.
My part is to simply be faithful, sharing Truths, per Christ’s will,
As I was commissioned by Christ, to share His Truth, in my life.
The seed I sow is not for me, but, for The Lord God of Eternity,
Who shall harvest, in His time, some seed I sow, by His design.
For all the seeds that I sow, it’s the Lord that makes them grow,
Of that part, I have no control, for only Christ, can move a soul,
For it’s God’s Spirit from the start, that moves upon every heart,
Moving upon the hearts of men, as only The Lord God truly can.
It’s God, who moves on the earth, offering all men spiritual birth,
While He uses those Born Again, to share this Truth with all men,
The spiritual birth, God speaks of, is born from His Spirit above,
Adopted as Sons of His Family, to live with The Savior eternally.
So we continue to share The Word, until all around us has heard,
Eternal Truth that all need to hear, as the end of time draws near,
The Age of Grace for every nation; the time to accept Salvation,
Afforded by Christ, at Calvary, so all men can now live Eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013

So Many Need The Lord

There’re so many who need The Lord, a truth by some that is ignored,
Even by those who claim to be, bought through the Blood of Calvary,
By God, for a purpose and a plan; to reach for The Savior every man,
From every tribe, tongue and nation, with the truth of God’s Salvation.
We’ve been saved for a mission, to be part of The Great Commission,
Commissioned by Jesus, Himself, to be his witness, not live in stealth.
To live with God’s purpose in mind, as we leave earthly desires behind,
As we live in the world for Christ, willing to be for Him a living sacrifice.
Each and every believer knows, this Age of Grace will come to a close,
The time is surely drawing near, when Jesus Christ says “come up here”,
When that trumpet sounds for us, everyone, who truly belong to Jesus,
Taking us from this earth we roam, to be with our Lord in our real home.
This Blessed Hope, we must share, as there may be little time to spare,
This, with many a family and friend, those who aren’t ready for the end,
We need urgency and God’s zeal, as the time and God’s Truth are real,
That only true believers, in Jesus Christ, have that Hope of Eternal Life.
We must ask God to open each heart, so God’s Holy Spirit can impart,
God’s Truth as The Spirit works in us, believers who know Christ Jesus,
This, as we follow The Spirit’s lead, speaking to those, who are in need,
Of the saving Hope in Jesus Christ, that they too, can enter Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2013

Corporate Worship

Most Believers gather corporately, to worship The Eternal Creator,
The Lamb of God from Calvary, The Lord our God and our Savior;
Believers are filled by God’s Word, to guide us all through this life,
As we’re led, by all we have heard, from the words of Jesus Christ.
We too are filled with Christ’s Spirit, as He dwells within our hearts,
Moved in Truth, this as we hear it, as Truth to us His Spirit imparts;
And so we worship God in Truth; Words of Truth from God above,
With our life as His living proof, when we display a Christ like love.
All God’s people worship in liberty, being freed through the blood,
From the rugged cross of Calvary, controlled by the Spirit of God;
We must worship in full unity, as Christ’s Body, through New Birth,
Worshiping The God of Eternity, as God’s Church, upon this earth.
Believers value the Church’s history, the people of God in the past,
As we journey forward to eternity, a time for all that will forever last;
Believers value God’s present ways, as we worship Christ together,
Lifting up to The Lord our praise, till one day we praise Him forever.
Indeed we value all people of God, together, for one Great Mission,
Believers across this earth we trod, fulfilling His Great Commission;
So we gather as God’s people, remembering God’s Great Sacrifice,
Moving beyond church and steeple, to bring others to Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 listopada 2013

When I Go

Friend, when I die, I won’t be dead, for I will be in Heaven instead,
Not because of flowery prayers, but, because of Him, who cares,
Christ, who cares for everyone, God’s Only Eternal Begotten Son,
Who died for me as a sacrifice, so that I could enter into Paradise.
It was Christ, who had rose again, displaying His power to all men,
This, my friend is the only power, which transforms us in that hour,
That moment we take a final breath, we will enter into life not death,
Eternal Life with Christ my friend, the perfect life which has no end.
It’s not the power of men on earth, but the power of a spiritual birth,
For it’s the power of resurrection, not mortal man’s prayer selection,
Not through prayer or man’s desire, but only by power much higher,
Only by the power of Jesus Christ, can a man enter into Eternal Life.
It begins when one is Born Again, not from prayers of religious men,
It starts when you are on the earth, when you experience a New Birth,
Born anew by The Spirit of God, as you are alive on this earthly sod,
It is not through a religious ritual, but, God’s Grace that saves a soul.
I’ve been saved by God’s Grace, Who, for me has prepared a Place,
This, for that day, if I should die, to reign and live with Christ on high;
The Rapture too, I could also see, should that Trumpet sound for me,
As I will leave this earth before I die, to meet my Savior up in the sky.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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