
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 listopada 2013

As God Changes Another Heart

We cannot read between each line, for the power of God is divine,
When God enters another heart, from guessing we need to depart,
Every new believer, needs to grow, for the Truths of God to show,
And as the new believer grows; Truths to those about them shows.
It is The Spirit, not any of us, Who draws each one to Christ Jesus,
And as His Spirit begins to reside, God’s changes will begin inside,
The heart of the new believer too, just like God did for me and you,
So as The Spirit moves their heart, changing Truths they will impart.
It’s God’s Spirit, Who will begin, sharing the changing Truths within,
As each believer shares the Truth, in being the Lord’s saving proof,
Of a believer’s spiritual change, sharing The Truth in Christ’s Name,
The truth of just how and when, they, by God, became Born Again.
Encouraged by The Spirit of Christ, they will grow in their New Life,
As The Savior’s New Creation, through the Power of His Salvation,
The very power that they received, when God’s Truth they believed,
As they came to that saving faith, all by the power of God’s Grace.
That Grace that’ll help them grow, in the Truths they come to know,
Again, as one more blessed soul, allows The Spirit to take control,
Producing evidence in their life, of changes made by Jesus Christ,
As Christ alone, receives the glory, for yet another Salvation Story.
(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 listopada 2013

Under His Wings

Whatever, my way, this life brings, I am safely under His Wings,
Under the wings of my Lord, by Whom, my life is never ignored,
Safely under His wings of Love, as He protects me from above,
Through this life I can be sure, in my Lord, I am safe and secure.
Within my Lord’s Everlasting Arms, I am safe from undue harms,
Though I may run into tribulation, He is The God of my Salvation,
Knowing I’m free from the curse, life without Him was truly worse,
Truly alone in the darkness of sin, without Grace, granted by Him.
As a dark storm pours upon me, I know The Lord God of Eternity,
By The One, in Whom I’m saved, in His palm, I’ve been engraved,
Engraved forever; there to stay, as He watches me night and day,
Being never far from God’s sight, as He guides me day and night.
The One, Who knit me in the womb, is there should troubles loom,
For all of my troubles, He is aware, as I am continually in His care,
I am always in the eyes of The Lord, this by God I’m fully assured,
With me from the beginning to end; He’s my Lord, God and friend.
Under The Wings of loving care, of The Lord, Who is always there,
Every new day, to see me through, all of the things God foreknew,
Also, my Lord knows all that’s ahead, so I haven’t a need to dread,
Any new trials or tribulation, but, just trust the Lord of my Salvation.

(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 listopada 2013

Forgiveness From Calvary

When by God a soul is forgiven, the Spirit of Christ you are given,
The Holy Spirit marks a life, forgiven by God through Jesus Christ,
Friend when we come to Calvary, Christ changes both you and me,
Making a soul into a New Creation, through His Power of Salvation.
That soul with God, in one accord, as they come to Christ as Lord,
Now forgiven of their sinful past, they receive new life that will last,
A new life beginning at the cross, when cleansed of all sin’s dross,
Then looking to the Resurrection, Christ gives us His new direction.
A new direction while on the earth, when we experience a new birth,
When born through The Spirit above, born of God, in Christ’s love,
His love, that forgives all our sin, changing each heart deep within,
Creating forgiveness in each heart, that God, to others, can impart.
When by The Lord we are forgiven, by Christ’s Spirit we are driven,
To forgive others, just like Christ, this for us, is not a big sacrifice,
Considering all that God has done, for men, through His Only Son,
His love can flow from each of us, as we forgive, like Christ Jesus.
Any forgiveness that from us is shown, is not from us, on our own,
But, through the Spirit of Christ, who, manifests for God a new life,
A new life for the Glory of God, to touch hearts on this earthly sod,
With the forgiving spirit of Calvary, that leads souls to life eternally.
(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 listopada 2013

Overwhelming Trials

Something bigger God is doing, when trials in a life are brewing,
Even as darkness may overwhelm, a life, with Christ at the helm,
It may be an illness or a trial, but, He’s at work, there’s no denial,
Touching souls, through all of us, those who follow Christ Jesus.
My life belongs to God down here, in Him I have no need to fear,
For my life here, is a walk of faith, led by Christ’s love and grace,
And God has a much larger plan, desiring the heart of every man,
So God may use my tribulation, to reach a soul with His Salvation.
Christ said tribulation would come, but He Himself, has overcome,
And not only for this earthly time, but, life to come that is sublime,
That time ahead, is sure to come, for all purchased by God’s Son,
Those who met Christ at Calvary, will overcome, with Him eternally.
Trial and tribulation is not my end, as I travel around a darker bend,
On this path God gives me peace, that in dark times doesn’t cease,
The end of all down here for me, begins my life with God in eternity,
The moment I step into Eternal Life, to live forever with Jesus Christ.
Soon all my trials will pass away, as I enter eternity with Him to stay,
When I step through that final door, I will be with Christ forevermore,
With all former things well behind, with a pure eternal peace of mind,
Where these times I will not miss, as I’m surrounded by eternal bliss.
(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 listopada 2013

Still In His Hands

As The Mighty Physician, my God, please see me in a favorable nod,
Regarding this cancer growing inside, please stem its destructive tide,
Please cure this cancer, put it at bay, would you my Lord, put it away,
As I know not doctors, but Jesus Christ, is the One sustaining my life.
My life today is in God’s hands, as my Lord Jesus, beside me stands,
From the time that I was conceived, to the time in which I had believed,
The Lord God has watched over me, as God directs my eternal destiny.
Now as a believer in Jesus Christ, His plan and purpose directs my life.
No one living truly understands, just how all things are in God’s Hands,
Controlling every time and place, of everyone in this entire human race,
Allowing all things in this life, from His blessings, to the pain and strife,
Completely in control of all our days, for His purpose, glory and praise.
God has allowed my present trial, which He can alter, there is no denial,
For in The Lord God’s Sovereign will, all things indeed remain possible,
With God’s mercies new every day, God, not cancer, can have His way,
In ways that doctors won’t understand, God can heal me, with His hand.
It is The Mighty Physician friend, who knows the beginning and the end,
For it is only The Lord, who knows, just how and why this cancer grows,
And The Lord can heal me at any time, or ready me for a world sublime,
Either way dear friend, I understand, I am still in God’s Sovereign Hand.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 listopada 2013

Living Day To Day

For me there is simply one way, which is to live my life day to day,
Living this life, one day at a time, this prescribed by God’s design;
I can’t be concerned about tomorrow, as today has its own sorrow,
These are the words to all of us, words of our Savior, Christ Jesus.
Tomorrow will come soon enough, along with cares and other stuff,
So I need to live today my friend, knowing soon that it too will end,
Then as dusk gives way to daylight, I will have another day in sight,
Another day granted by The Lord, as one more day to be explored.
Indeed, one more day in which I must, live out my day in total trust,
Trust in my God, who reigns above, each and every day I speak of,
As He’s there in every day new, guiding me until the day is through,
There every day right by my side, helping me, in His Truth, to abide.
Each new day, I rely upon The One, from the sunrise to setting sun,
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, The very Author of my entire life,
So if clouds this day should show, He’ll guide me in the way to go,
As I walk through life day to day, with my Lord on life’s narrow way.
Living life, just one day at a time, truly brings you a peace sublime,
Peace that goes above life’s fray, of concern and strife of the day,
When Christ’s words, one heeds, God takes care of all daily needs,
Giving you a Heaven sent peace, which on bad days will not cease.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 listopada 2013

Beginning Of Strong Delusion

A precursor to that Strong Delusion, is the only sound conclusion,
Why, darkness in politics is ignored, by some who know The Lord,
Ignorance is bliss, many say, is this the face of the Church today?
As some ignore Biblical insight, to embrace what is truly not right!
That Strong Delusion I speak of, will be poured down from above,
By The Lord as a strong reproof, on all who embrace not the Truth,
All those who know not our God, who will see instead His Iron Rod,
When Christ Judges every nation, this, according to His Revelation.
Is this just part of that falling away, in God’s Church, we see today?
Falling away from the Truths we hold, as The End begins to unfold.
Christ asked, will He find faith, when He returns at the end of Grace,
So is this the beginning of the fall, prophesied by the Apostle Paul?
How can we lead others to Light, when we embrace wrong as right?
As we ignore the darkness of man, supporting an even darker plan!
Are we not watchmen on the wall, to warn others of the coming fall?
Of a land falling from righteousness, due to that nation’s ignorance!
Yes, God’s people were destroyed, when ignorance was employed,
As light and darkness will not mix, when we stray for political picks,
For ignorance shall never bliss, when you stray from righteousness,
As all darkness will be condemned, by a Righteous God in the end!
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 listopada 2013

His Watchcare

Under the watchcare of The Lord, nothing by God goes ignored,
Under God’s care how can I not, be contented, whatever my lot?
Whatever should come my way, He’s in my life and here to stay,
From the morning through the night, I am forever, in God’s sight.
Should my mind stray to despair, my heart knows I’m in His care,
Under His watchcare from above, He leads me in unceasing love,
I sure don’t know what’s in store, but, God does and much more,
Should I experience a darker day, God knows to help on the way.
Setting the entire course for me, from my conception to Eternity,
God knows every path and bend, from the beginning to the end,
Knowing God, I need never to fear, for my Savior is always near,
So any new concern I can share, anytime with my Lord anywhere.
I trust in God’s Righteousness, when I walk through the darkness,
As The Lord’s Light shines on me, helping me in that dark to see,
Even when I cannot see ahead, God’s peace restrains any dread,
With peace I just can’t understand, as God holds me in His hand.
Friend, how can I not be assured, as I am watched by The Lord?
Assured by my Savior in my life, this as I walk with Jesus Christ,
Who, in all the trials that I face, always provides sufficient Grace,
As in this life God’s preparing me, for that life forever in Eternity.
(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 listopada 2013

Eternity Is Looming

Many people just can’t see, the looming Truth of Eternity,
An endless time ahead for all, yes indeed, for every soul,
Every soul upon this earth, is here today, by natural birth,
Here for a time all will die; these are truths you can’t deny.
Many don’t give a thought, to what choices have wrought,
This, in the light of eternity, or even what life after may be;
Some have bought the lie, live merry for tomorrow we die,
Giving after life not a thought, as God’s Truth isn’t sought.
Only one life’s decreed by God, for beings on earth’s sod,
As He Decrees our last breath, the time that we see death,
This encounter will then lead, to Judgment, for all decreed,
Appointed to all by our Creator, Who is also man’s Savior.
Time on earth God gives us, so we may seek Christ Jesus,
Who paid the judgment for all, charged on us from the fall,
Reconciling God with men, when in Christ we’re born again,
Removing the sting of death, while giving us eternal breath.
You may not believe this friend, as all life on earth will end,
Our soul lives on eternally, but in darkness without Calvary,
Which, gave us Eternal Life, through the Lord, Jesus Christ.
Come to Him before the end; eternity with Him you’ll spend.
(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 listopada 2013

Giving Abundantly

As The Body, we give to others, to be a comfort to our brothers,
All believers in the Body of Christ, give to others to change lives,
Giving to those, who do believe, to help all who’ve yet to receive,
Christ, who leads in our giving, who supplies our needs for living.
We give according to principles, of God, as His plan God fulfills,
Sowing and reaping for Christ, as our Lord works through our life,
As Christ reaps our sown seeds, God takes care of our all needs,
This, as we give from the heart, blessings to us, Christ will impart.
All believers can give abundantly, as we live our lives confidently,
In the abundance of God above, as He provides us endless love,
While taking care of all our needs, while in our life His Spirit leads,
To live our lives in God’s ways, led by God’s Spirit all of our days.
Christ, being rich, became poor, to change our lives, forevermore,
Giving all believers a new worth, this, to live out our lives on earth,
As we now give to others friend, for this earthly life is not our end,
While we reflect upon Calvary, in Christ, we now focus on Eternity.
For our Savior had given Himself, to grant believers eternal wealth,
So we should give generously, as thoughtfully we give sacrificially,
With our example that of Jesus Christ, to live out this temporal life;
Our giving, a tiny part of the story, of our Lord God’s Eternal Glory.
(Copyright ©11/2013 Bob Gotti)

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