
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 listopada 2013

Emotional Sway

My emotions go up and down, while changing a smile to a frown,
But, The Holy Spirit dwelling inside, is for me God’s stable guide,
So as my emotions fluctuate, during times that I didn’t anticipate,
God’s Spirit along with stability, also grants peace and tranquility.
Up and down my emotions can be, but, I serve a God of stability,
Knowing the beginning and the end, God’s with me at every bend,
Yes, every bend, during this life, through the trials, pain and strife,
When emotions sway towards fear, I know my God is always near.
For although my emotions change, my God shall remain the same,
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, He remains true, in all my sorrow,
My Lord and God changes never, as He remains the same forever,
With all of my trust placed in Him, my Lord grants me peace within.
God has me safe within His hand, even in times I don’t understand,
Through all changes my life will take, I know God shall not forsake,
Me, while I journey in this life, for I belong to His Son, Jesus Christ,
Who, by my side, today leads me, to my glorious home in Eternity.
So when my emotions begin to fall, I’m reminded, Christ is over all,
That’s every single aspect of, my life on earth, from Heaven above,
As God grants me sufficient grace, for all the trials that I shall face,
As I move toward my ultimate destiny, of a life with Christ, eternally.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 listopada 2013

Wisdom’s Way

Wisdom is calling souls today, to come to God in Wisdom’s way,
While Wisdom sends forth her call, upon this world, to every soul,
For Wisdom has prepared for us, a house built on Righteousness,
Built up with seven pillars strong; being complete for every throng.
Wisdom has prepared her feast, for those with plenty, to the least,
While she has set her table for all, for both the great and the small,
Wisdom has sent out her invitation, to all souls without reservation,
Her invitation for all to come, regardless of where are you are from.
She calls the simple to partake, but foolishness they must forsake,
As wicked ways all must spurn, to come to Wisdom and truly learn,
With wisdom being their selection, they must be open to correction,
Learning from every past mistake, as Wisdom’s feast, they partake.
As scoffers come along our way, rejecting what Wisdom has to say.
All filled with arrogance and pride, by them, wisdom shall be denied,
Correcting then in Wisdom’s name, brings upon one hurt and shame,
For hate the scoffer will project, toward one who chooses to correct.
Will you today heed Wisdom’s call, to seek The Lord Who’s over all?
Leaving old ways, that you know, so through Wisdom you can grow,
Changing to a life of Righteousness, this as you follow Christ Jesus,
As Wisdom shall multiply your days; with a long life, to God’s praise.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 listopada 2013

Relationships Ordained

Relationships are ordained by God, all around this world men trod,
A relationship between man and wife, ordained by God for this life,
Sex, was also ordained by The Lord, one fact that is often ignored,
Through the words that we receive, in the garden to Adam and Eve.
Sexuality, which God ordained, in that garden, today has remained,
As God’s standard for all the earth, to procreate through child birth,
This was God’s marriage declaration, to fill His ordered procreation,
For through marriage man fulfills, that need to multiply as God wills.
Sex reveals the heart of man, in light of our Creator’s ordained plan,
With sex involving a man’s thought, good or evil by man is wrought,
For inside of marriage it’s honorable, outside of it is against His will,
As this institute is understood, proclaimed by God to be very good.
God’s one purpose for relationship, is intimacy and companionship,
In that garden, filled with bliss, God acknowledged man’s loneliness,
It’s not good for man to be alone, so He created a mate for his own,
Man and woman, one flesh together, a relationship to remain forever.
Sex is problematic or purposeful, this inside or outside of God’s will,
As it’s loving, pleasurable and also pure, in marriages that do endure,
Or it can lead one to immorality, as one falls to fornication or adultery,
Choices to be made by every man, accepting or rejecting God’s Plan.
This day, in light of Adam’s fall, we must be under the Spirit’s control,
Following God’s Holy Word is a must, lest, our hearts fall prey to lust,
Whether married or single my friend, God’s Holiness must be our end,
In our relationships while in this life, as we seek to honor Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 3 listopada 2013

Rome Revisited

To God, all evil is an abomination, what does He think of our nation,
A country led by darkened men, whose ways The Lord will condemn,
Is this today for us a wake-up call, in a nation which is about to fall?
Under the Judgment of God’s Hand, in an ever increasing dark land.
Rome, remember had fallen from within, due to the wages of her sin,
Not only one city, but the empire, led away through darkened desire,
Amoral desire from the political top, once started they couldn’t stop,
Rome spiraling down to her end, to the point of judgment my friend.
Judgment could be at our door, as our darkness abounds, for sure,
Stirred by political leaders in place, taking for granted God’s Grace,
Many leading this nation far away, from The Lord’s Righteous ways,
As the amoral, liberal ways askew, the righteous ways that we knew.
Righteousness that was the foundation, of this God blessed nation,
While men shake their fists at God, only inviting His Righteous Rod,
A rod that will bring judgment to, that blessed nation we once knew,
As we move to an immoral abyss, dismissing God’s Righteousness.
All across this country we trod, leaders are turning against our God,
Denying God, who brought salvation, to this blessed gentile nation,
Turning our light to darkness friend, as we see the approaching end,
The same judgment that Rome saw, when they ignored God over all.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 października 2013

True Repentance

Today in the Body there’s a sense, we are missing true Repentance,
The fear of God is missing in us, many who belong to Christ Jesus,
Have many who have come to faith, taken advantage of His Grace?
Continuing on in their old behavior; not truly walking with the Savior.
Repentance, when it actually starts, continues on in believing hearts,
As it produces changes in our lives, as new life in the Savior thrives,
As Godly sorrow enters into a heart, from sinful ways we will depart,
As we all strive to live out this life, to be like The Lord, Jesus Christ.
We need to know when we fail, so The Holy Spirit in us may prevail,
Forsaking the old ways of our life, to live the Truths of Jesus Christ,
Led by the Spirit who Christ had sent, so in our lives we may repent,
To turn away from our old ways, to walk with our Savior all our days.
True change doesn’t come from us, but by the Spirit of Christ Jesus,
As we’re moved by His Spirit within, exposing the truth of all our sin,
Moving us to the changes required, to be that person Christ desired,
When we accepted His forgiveness, to live for Him in righteousness.
True repentance produces change, so we’re not to ever be the same,
When we experience Godly sorrow, change continues into tomorrow,
As God’s Word dwells richly within, God leads us to repent of all sin,
To produce all change within our life, all for the glory of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 października 2013

Beside Salvation

If any man, would only believe, not only a pardon do they receive,
A pardon from the penalty of sin, but, The Spirit now dwells within,
Residing in the heart of everyone, who truly believes in God’s Son,
To guide them in God’s Revelation, after they receive His Salvation.
Guiding souls in the knowledge of, Truths sent from Heaven above,
With The Holy Spirit as our guide, in The Truth of God we can abide,
In all Truths that Jesus had said, The Spirit would teach in His stead,
Teaching believers while in this life, to be examples for Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit helps believers share, The Gospel Truths everywhere,
As Christ’s Spirit leads the way, He fills our mouth with words to say,
Conveying Truth from God’s Word, Truth that some may have heard,
Relating those Truths to Christ Jesus, using believers as His witness.
The Holy Spirit is also our comforter, sent to believers by our Savior,
God’s Comforter to men in this life, as believers face trials and strife,
He grants us peace along the way, comforting us both night and day,
Through His peace, we are assured, we are not forsaken by The Lord.
When in Christ you are a new creature, The Holy Spirit is your teacher,
To guide you in all Truth from God, as you journey on the earthly sod,
He’s a Comforter to those in Christ, granting His peace within this life,
And He my friend is our Guarantee, as we’re sealed for life in Eternity.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 października 2013

No Assurance Without God

Believers remain calm and sure, as we go through another door,
Another door on the road of life, where uncertainty is always rife,
In these gray and changing times, as the nation’s anxiety climbs,
As men try to change the ways, ordained by God, in these days.
The leadership, that we see today, is leading down a darker way,
Multitudes who see no need, for the righteousness God decreed,
As righteousness exalts a nation, they’ve left the sure foundation,
Moving to proverbial shifting sand, that many do not understand.
Yet, many praise these men, whom, God Himself, shall condemn,
For their wicked, godless ways, in spite of men’s wayward praise,
Leaving all Godly ways behind, leading astray the spiritually blind,
Moving along without a pause, in support of their darkened cause.
The real truths, every man alludes, leading the ignorant multitudes,
Like that Pied Piper leading mice, their followers won’t think twice,
About men they choose to follow, even though their talk is hollow,
As they lead ignorant souls astray, on the destructive broader way.
But in God’s ways we are assured, while we follow Christ our Lord,
As God’s peace you won’t find, in followers of the spiritually blind,
While that peace God gave to me, is peace that shall last eternally,
As I choose to follow Jesus Christ, The very Author of Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 października 2013

Our Assurance

As believers, we are assured, not in situations, but in The Lord,
This, even when life is at its best, in Christ Jesus we are to rest,
As one never knows my friend, what is ahead, around the bend,
As we travel our course in life, even as believers in Jesus Christ.
Situations in this life change, as Jesus Christ, remains the same,
Yesterday, today and forever, dear friend, Jesus changes never,
Nor does God’s plan for our life, though we have pain and strife,
Marked out is each day that we see, by the Author of all Eternity.
We need not to be overwhelmed, for The Lord is still at the helm,
Up above watching everyone, especially men who know His Son;
He knows the plans He has for us, so we can rest in Christ Jesus,
Knowing that the Lord has willed, all in our life that will be fulfilled.
The plans God has for you and me, shall take us far into Eternity,
This is just preparation friend, for a time ahead that shall not end,
Where all dismay will be no more, as we reach that Eternal Shore,
When all doubting will be denied; as we stand in a body Glorified.
With this Eternal Hope in mind, we can leave all our doubt behind,
As we wait for our Blessed Hope, He gives needed grace to cope,
And Christ gives us peace of mind, leaving fear and worry behind,
While we look forward by grace, to seeing our Savior face to face.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 października 2013

Following God

To follow God, it is my choice, as I hear that inner voice,
Of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, guiding me through my life,
To follow Him, as my guide, as Jesus walks by my side,
Guiding me, in all that I do; as He daily sees me through.
Given the choice, if I choose, to walk alone, I could lose,
The peace of God deep inside, when in the Spirit I abide;
Or blessing and joy my friend, as I go around each bend,
But, with Christ, I am content, wherever by God I am sent.
To walk in His Righteousness, life’s filled with fruitfulness,
In my deeds along the way, as He guides me, day to day,
Fruitfulness which is from God, as I walk this earthly sod,
While I’m guided from above, in the Spirit’s light and love.
If I choose to walk alone, I lose that power, of His Throne,
Power from the Spirit of Christ, to deal with trial and strife,
If I walk opposing the Spirit, ignoring His voice as I hear it,
I am open to the subtlety, of deceptive ways of the enemy.
So my choice is The Lord; my ways by Him aren’t ignored,
As The Spirit truly guides me, in life with grace abundantly,
As He helps me live for God, led by Christ’s staff and rod,
In this life, as He blesses me, as I’m on my way to Eternity.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 28 października 2013

Like A Fire Inside

The Truth of God I cannot hide, those Truths, hidden deep inside,
God’s Truth hidden in my heart; Truth to others that I must impart,
Eternal Truths God taught to me, His Truth which stands eternally,
God’s Truth regarding Eternal Life, which is found in Jesus Christ.
His Truth is like a fire in my bones, as my spirit within me groans,
To share this Truth with other men, that all need to be Born Again,
A Truth found in God’s Word, whether they have or haven’t heard,
Right from The God of Creation; grounding Truth about Salvation.
It’s a Truth that all men must heed, a Truth we are blessed to read,
From God’s written Revelation, written that we may have salvation,
All inspired by The Spirit of God, written by men upon earth’s sod,
As The Spirit moved upon men, the words of God they would pen.
God’s Holy Spirit works today, guiding men with the words to say,
As the Spirit moves in our heart, the Word of God we must impart,
For there are souls everywhere, who may think God does not care,
But, God sent His Son from above, to show men His endless love.
I can’t be quiet, out of my obligation, to The Lord of my Salvation,
For I am obligated to Jesus Christ, to share God’s Truth in this life,
A fact that just can’t be ignored, as others need to know The Lord,
With eternity truly real dear friend, they need Christ before the end.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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