
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 października 2013

For Those In Christ

Only those in Christ my friend, will see eternal blessing in the end,
Only those found in Jesus Christ, won’t see death, but eternal life,
The Eternal Life all souls receive, when in Christ they truly believe,
The very moment they trust in Him, Jesus, who saved us from sin.
Saved out of the world we live in, to life above, that’ll soon begin,
For when this present life is no more, we begin a life, forevermore,
With The Savior, Who died for us, alive eternally with Christ Jesus,
The One Who died but rose again, to give life to all believing men.
This life begins at our last breath, as breathed; we’ll see not death,
But, we shall enter into Eternity, to reside beyond that Crystal Sea,
Far into another time and place, when we behold our Savior’s face,
Stepping onto that Eternal Shore, to be with The Lord forevermore.
This is why Christ came to earth, to offer mortal men Spiritual Birth,
For this is why Christ came to die, to offer eternal life, to you and I,
This is why He became a sacrifice, so we could enter into Paradise,
This was provided by God above, through Christ, to show His love.
For the love God showed to us, one must respond to Christ Jesus,
With a personal belief, through faith, to accept God’s loving Grace,
A true acceptance, in your heart, and of His Church you’ll be a part,
A member of the Body of Christ, knowing you’ll receive Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 października 2013

Changing Attitude

True believers, who know the Lord, by the Apostle are implored,
To make changes in their life, to become more like Jesus Christ,
Through His power, we are endued, to have a Christ like attitude,
Putting in place all we’ve heard; life changes found in The Word.
Recognition is what we need, this, as we follow The Spirit’s lead,
God’s Word sharp as a sword, brings to light changes implored,
Change spoken of by Apostle Paul, are to be pursued by us all,
To be more like Jesus Christ, as we seek to be a living sacrifice.
Renewal is then not only desired, but, by The Lord it is required,
This, to renew our heart and mind, to leave our old ways behind,
No longer shall we be conformed, to this world but transformed,
Conforming to the will of Christ, as we honor God with New Life.
Replacing in our life old ways, with a newness unto God’s praise,
A new life substituting sinfulness, with our Lord’s Righteousness,
As we died for Christ, that old man, is now dead, per God’s Plan,
As the power of His Salvation, makes all believers a new creation.
Run hard then, this life’s race, through the power of God’s Grace,
Running in a way that pleases Him, the One Who died for our sin,
That we too can be a sacrifice, living for our Savior, Jesus Christ,
Living to please The Lord above, compelled by our Savior’s love.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 października 2013

Labor Of Love

Our service is a labor of love, as we witness for God above,
Here, there and everywhere, while the Gospel Truth we share,
Through the witness of our life, for The Savior, Jesus Christ,
Hoping that others shall see, for our Lord, a living testimony.
As God moves on the world, His Light, our lives must herald,
Seeing a change within our life, in this world where sin is rife,
That others see that Light within, our lives in this world of sin.
The light from the Lord above, as we share our Savior’s Love.
In this world so cold and dark, we must be for Christ a spark,
Of The Lord’s Truth and Light, in a world where wrong is right,
Turning some from wickedness, to The Lord’s Righteousness,
Righteousness that will prevail, that, wicked men today assail.
We can lead the wayward back, to righteousness under attack,
By the liberal minds of today, men who went spiritually astray,
Moving the wayward onto a path, that will see righteous wrath,
God’s righteous judgment friend, is what they’ll see in the end.
We must be the Savior’s light, pointing all from wrong to right,
In this world, so dark and cold, so The Lord, they may behold,
And like many humbled men, come to God and be born again,
Humbled friend, to by faith, accept The Savior’s Saving Grace.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 października 2013

No Room For Truth

Many have no need for God, a belief they defend with a nod,
With pride in their heart so rife, they will worship their own life,
Sitting on a self-made throne, they have a belief, all their own,
This faith that they embrace, discards God’s Awesome Grace.
They’ve no room within their life, for The Savior, Jesus Christ,
Heaven, they think they’ll inherit, not by Grace, but their merit,
Believing that they are good, as God they’ve not understood,
Having no fear of The Lord, His Truth, by them, goes ignored.
They may even dislike religion, but, it factors in their decision,
Being soiled by religious leaven, using works to enter Heaven,
But all of their works of pride, by The Lord God will be denied,
As all the work was done for us, on the Cross by Christ Jesus.
Some may say that they believe, but Truth they will not receive,
They even say that God is in all, denying a curse by man’s fall,
And all on the earth, they contend, will be in Heaven in the end,
With or without Jesus Christ, in Heaven, they shall see new life.
God’s Word makes it so clear; wisdom begins with a holy fear,
To know The Lord God is one, Who sent to earth His Only Son,
To be for all men His Sacrifice, so men can enter into Paradise,
And Jesus is The Only Name, in whom salvation man can claim.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 października 2013

In My Quiet

In my quiet, I think of you, all the things you’ve seen me through,
How indeed, you came to me, to open my eyes towards Calvary,
As you showed me just who I am, a sinner, in need of The Lamb,
The Lamb from earth’s foundation, to bring to all, your Salvation.
How I was embraced in your love, accepting me just where I was,
Accepting me, in my sinful life, while guiding me to Jesus Christ,
Who forgave me of all my sin, to indwell me with His Spirit within,
To lead me in all of God’s Truth, with my New Life as living proof.
Regarding Truths, I did not know, His Holy Spirit helped me grow,
In God’s Truth and Righteousness, in the Spirit of my Lord Jesus,
Who helps and leads me day to day, along this life’s Narrow Way,
All this provided at my new birth, to live anew for Him on the earth.
Not only did you provide salvation, you assist me in all tribulation,
Around every bend in this life, you’re my comfort through all strife,
Even when the trial may not cease, you supply an enduring peace,
Peace supplied by the Spirit of Christ, as you guide me in this life.
I also ponder your promise to me, of life ahead with you, eternally,
For by The Spirit, I’ve been sealed, for eternity ahead yet revealed,
All provided through your grace, so soon I’ll see my Savior’s face,
This, when I enter into Eternal Life, to live forever with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 października 2013

Questions Above

Many questions, seventy times seven, may be asked once in Heaven,
Our thoughts about the patriarchs, one or more questions this sparks,
Or maybe questions about this life, just why so much pain and strife?
Or the things we can’t comprehend; may prompt questions in the end.
But with a pure mind and heart, many of those questions shall depart,
This when we enter into Eternal Life, now, with the pure mind of Christ,
Former things remembered no more, as we step on that eternal shore,
With an eternal mindset instead, as past is behind with Eternity ahead.
The things we could not comprehend, shall come to light at that bend,
The final turn at the end of our life, as we see the face of Jesus Christ,
With our glorified body and mind, those former things are well behind,
Many questions we may have asked, may be faded things of our past.
Most things from the former time, shall pale in the light of the sublime,
As the Crystal Sea and streets of gold, with our Lord our eyes behold,
Mindful now, of the things to come, as we enter, His Eternal Kingdom,
A Kingdom that shall not pass away, one, where we’ll be there to stay,
Many things that we now ponder, may fade away as we get up yonder,
Earthly things will lose their allure, as we begin a new life for evermore,
Many questions now thought of, will likely fade in His presence above,
As Christ answers more than we ask, when we begin, that Eternal Task.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 października 2013

Changing Not

Many men may acknowledge the Lord, but, in their life He is ignored,
The many state they believe in Him, however, continue in a life of sin,
Many, even accept God’s Salvation, while they ignore His Revelation,
About all the changes in a life, when a person comes to Jesus Christ.
Their walk reflects no obvious Change, as their life remains the same,
While they profess to have believed, they live as if they are deceived,
As God’s eternal enemy, says change isn’t required, for others to see,
So, he walks not with his brothers, or shines his light for all the others.
Living in a world that’s so depraved, when by The Lord, we are saved,
Through God’s Power of Salvation, believers become a New Creation,
Given by God the Spirit of Christ, to live for our Lord a brand new life,
As a living testimony to Him, The Lord Jesus, Who saved us from sin.
If Apostle Paul felt the obligation, our life also, should be a revelation,
Of what The Lord God has done for us, through His Son, Christ Jesus,
Even if a change should be belated, every believer is surely obligated,
To be for God, a light and a witness, of Jesus Christ’s Righteousness.
For The Savior, Who left His Majesty, to become sin, for you and me,
We should have more than obligation, for life should be a celebration,
A nonstop celebration in Jesus Christ, this as we surrender all our life,
As we make changes, to Godly ways, for God’s honor and His praise.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 października 2013

Father To Friend

My Father, Savior, Lord and Friend, God is there, at every bend,
To go to Him is never a bother, as He cares for me like a Father,
Being the Eternal Creator, He loved me enough to be my Savior,
And as I journey with my Lord, nothing in my life, will be ignored,
For The Lord God is my Friend, walking with me through the end.
As my Father God cares for me, with care that goes into eternity,
My ways, my Father understands, for all my life, is in His Hands,
For all my life God is responsible, this as, He carries out His will,
Providing needs as a father would, as God’s care is understood,
In ways beyond an earthly man; this, as I am in The Father’s plan.
By my Savior, I was redeemed, through His Blood I was cleaned,
Redeemed from the market of sin, while given a New Life in Him;
On the cross Christ took my wrath, to put me on a different path,
From death, I was given life, through redemption, in Jesus Christ,
Because The Savior died for me, I now have a New Life, eternally.
As my Lord Christ is in control, of my mortal life and eternal soul,
Leading me by The Spirit of Christ, while God controls all my life,
Moving through my life to fulfill, not my own, but, The Lord’s will,
While I’m obligated to my God, to be His witness wherever I trod,
This as my destiny’s fully assured, through the power of my Lord,
As my Friend God walks with me, upon the path towards Eternity,
A real Friend Who is always there, to show me His Love and Care,
He, Who for me, suffered and died, now, daily walks by my side,
As my guide and a comfort too, as my trials He sees me through,
In ways I couldn’t comprehend, without a Father, Lord and Friend.
(Copyright ©09/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 października 2013

Be Ready

Not ready for the rapture my friend; you aren’t ready for the end,
An ending that shall overtake, this entire world, make no mistake,
An ending that’ll shock the world, as God’s Judgment is unfurled,
On a world that has gone awry, from The One Who reigns on high.
The Lord’s Judgment is guaranteed, only the rapture will proceed,
His coming Judgment of every nation, a time of great Tribulation,
Against God the nations rage, so, on the world He turns the page,
The final pages out of prophecy, regarding all the nations destiny.
Those who’ve not feared the Lord, though by grace have endured,
Will see The Lord’s uplifted hand, throughout each and every land,
From God’s Heavenly Habitation, He will surely strike every nation,
All that were opposed to God, will be Judged by Christ’s Iron Rod.
For those in Christ, a different story, as believers shall be in Glory,
For those, Christ has prepared, a place above, and will be spared,
All His Wrath and the desolation, for in the Lord we have salvation,
His Redeemed are on another path, that we shall not see His wrath.
In light of The Word, one can’t afford, to not be found in The Lord,
For when the rapture does take place, that will be the end of grace,
It won’t be a pretty place or time, for those on the earth left behind,
So dear friend believe in Christ, and you will be in the Book of Life.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 października 2013

Their Darker Agenda

It is not getting any better, my friend, as we could soon see the end,
The end of God’s protective grace, with the despotic leader in place,
For leaders now abandon God, deceiving many with a deceitful nod,
Saying that what’s wrong is right, turning to darkness instead of light.
Against Truth, they continue to rail, as dark ways they want to prevail,
To propagate their darker attitudes, amongst the deceived multitudes,
As a darker agenda leaders peruse, using their rhetoric that’s not true,
Falling in line with that big lie, to oppose The God who reigns on high.
By leaders a darker agenda is perused, while the liberal media is used,
To cover up darker deceptive ways, as the leader receives their praise,
Keeping the multitudes in the dark, regarding their future which is stark,
With no protection for them ahead, leading into a darker future instead.
Politics and media walk hand and hand, as the Leader takes his stand,
To bring darkness into the nation, while destroying its very foundation,
Holding back on the truth to be told, as this leader the masses behold,
Thinking he conveys political truth, while only leading to God’s reproof.
Straying from the Lord for so long, the delusion in this nation is strong,
Deluding leaders to wickedly rule, as they lead like that proverbial fool,
Governing as if there is no God, but, they’ll definitely see His Iron Rod,
As He judges all the moral corruption, as we reach our final destruction.
(Copyright ©10/2013 Bob Gotti)

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