
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 października 2013

This Life Will End

It’s God’s time, not mine friend, when my life here shall end,
Written in His Eternal Plan, including every woman and man,
With all life’s hows and whys, mixed throughout, in disguise,
Where, in this life God leads, taking care of temporal needs.
Temporal is time down here, the Bible makes this very clear,
That all upon this earth will die, this includes both you and I,
Then all shall see their Creator, even if He is not their Savior,
It doesn’t matter if you believe; a visit by Him all will receive.
When on earth I no longer roam, I will be in my eternal home,
When I depart this earthly place, lifted up all by God’s grace,
With an Eternity for me in store, this life, is recalled no more,
For I will live with God forever, with death encountered never.
This is what’s ahead for me, as from here I step into eternity,
A place for me above in Heaven, far from all spiritual leaven,
With a heart and mind that’s pure, in perfection, forevermore,
Death for me is eternal life; into the presence of Jesus Christ.
Eternal Judgment I shall not see, as Christ’s Spirit lives in me,
For by faith, I believed in Him, so Christ forgave all of my sin;
The only thing better dear friend, than death, at this life’s end,
With the rapture, a possibility; Christ in the clouds to meet me.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 października 2013

To Be Truly Blessed

I hope you are blessed my friend, in the time that you spend,
While here on the temporal earth, living for all that life’s worth,
But true blessing you only receive, when in Christ you believe,
Believing in the Only Son of God, while upon this earthly sod.
Regardless of how long my friend, this life here soon will end,
But, here God would have you see, ahead for all is an eternity,
A time ahead, with or without, The Lord, is Who I speak about,
The Eternal Creator of every man, has indeed His Eternal Plan.
Time down here for you and me, is to think about that eternity,
That time everyone will know, whatever way you choose to go,
Here, with or without The Lord, by God you will not be ignored,
To ignore or hear God’s voice, leads you to that eternal choice.
Whatever choice that you make, one to embrace or to forsake,
The Lord God of all creation, shall affect your final destination,
In this time which is temporal, and a future one which is eternal,
As your present choices my friend, will impact your eternal end.
The choice my friend is to accept, The Lord, whom many reject,
To on this earth, be truly blessed, and to enter into, eternal rest,
But those who choose rejection, will step into eternal separation,
While those who chose Jesus Christ, shall enter into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 października 2013

Scripture’s Mirror

Looking into the mirror of Scripture, I am able see a truer picture,
Of who I am and what my life is, in view of God’s Righteousness,
The reflection of me in light of, The Holy Lord, Who reigns above,
It gives me The Lord’s true value, of that person, I thought I knew.
I observe, in that poor reflection, a lack on my part, of subjection,
That, to The Holy Spirit of God, in places where I sometimes trod,
While living sometimes far below, God’s Holiness, that I do know,
Living sometimes with one foot in, this fallen world, filled with sin.
The longer I walk with Jesus Christ, the more I question of my life,
Just why did The God of Eternity, reach in darkness, to touch me,
Touching this dark wayward heart, than offer me a brand new start,
A new start, while still on the earth, when I received a Spiritual Birth.
With that birth, He opened my eyes, to a God, both Holy and Wise,
One, who knows my very being; knowing about my life, everything,
So the more I grow, I also realize, things about me which I despise,
It begs the question, why does He, love such a sinful soul like me?
When I look into Scripture’s mirror, next to The Lord, I’m so inferior,
When in that mirror I see my face; I’m again reminded of His Grace,
That God saved a wretch like me, to reign with Him through eternity,
However, very soon, I’ll be like Him, glorified and totally free of sin.
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 2 października 2013

Three Cords

My life is all about three cords, for my entire life is The Lord’s,
While in this very present life, God granted me a beautiful wife,
For she is one of two strands, while we’re both in God’s hands,
With Christ being the third cord, for in our Savior we’re secured.
We are both secure in this world, as trials about us are unfurled,
Fully secure in the hands of God, while we’re on the earthly sod,
While waiting for our Blessed Hope, God helps us to daily cope,
For He is our hope along the way, providing grace for every day.
Many times we do not understand, but, we’re secure in His hand,
From God’s hand we cannot fall, as He is The Lord God over all,
God is over each trial we face, supplying to us all needed grace,
Guiding both me and my wife, through all the trials within our life.
Our hope is not in what we see, but, in The Lord God of Eternity.
Focusing not on uncertainty ahead, but, on Jesus Christ instead,
As uncertainties we leave to Him, God’s peace then dwells within,
As together we’re in one accord, while totally trusting in The Lord.
This life prepared for both of us, is in the control of Christ Jesus,
Christ, who brought us both together, guides us now and forever;
We may not understand His ways, but, He deserves all our praise,
For we are both strands of a cord, sustained always, by our Lord.
(Copyright ©10/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 września 2013

Work Of God In A Life

As The Lord works in us spiritually, He also does a work practically,
Not only does He save us friend, but, works out the time we spend,
While In this present life as we live, a spiritual insight, God will give,
Given to all who come to Christ, as God begins to move in their life.
A child of God, through New Birth, God will guide you on this earth,
Now born again into God’s Family, He puts us on a path to eternity,
As God helps with the task at hand, helping us to take a new stand,
In the way we see the issues in life, led by the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Now from above my Lord leads, providing all of my practical needs, 
Now with my eternal destiny sealed, my new life in Christ is revealed,
As God’s Spirit works in my heart, from my former life I must depart,
Being led by The Spirit of Christ, God helps me in a newly found life.
With my heart and mind renewed, God exhibits in me, a new attitude,
One that guides me through the day, as I travel upon the narrow way,
As Christ influences all my thought, real change in my life is wrought,
As I try to honor God with my life, in service to my Lord Jesus Christ.
Spiritually by Christ I was saved, from a life, when lost and depraved,
As He granted me a new life to live, that life to Christ I now fully give,
Reflecting on all for me He’s done, I’m obligated to serve God’s Son,
My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who has granted to me Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 września 2013

Contentment From God

Sometimes we strive to be content, in things, not in the One God sent,
Who powers us to do all things, as strength to us from God He brings.
Through the riches of Jesus Christ, we’re strengthened through our life,
With endless strength given to us, we can do all things, in Christ Jesus.
Whether we are in plenty or in need, these are His Truths we must heed,
Words penned by the Apostle Paul, who in his time of plenty was Saul,
But, after Saul met Jesus Christ, he learned to deal with pain and strife,
Whose words today are relevant, for all believers looking to be content.
While in our world, as we have plenty, happy and content we tend to be,
Sometimes following the world’s lead, having more, than we really need,
But, in this life, when we confront, a period of need or that time of want,
An inner emptiness seems to prevail, when those ways of this world fail.
That is why we need Jesus my friend, for times we cannot comprehend,
In times of need, we don’t understand, we look to Him to take our hand,
To then guide us through all uncertainty, as The Lord alone is our plenty,
Supplying the strength for all our needs, as in that time, His Spirit leads.
The Lord can do anything but fail, so it is in Jesus Christ that we prevail,
Through His eternal riches my friend, resources above that have no end,
He sustains us, with strength and power, even through that darkest hour,
So as all my resources have been spent, in Christ alone I can be content.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 września 2013

Raptured Together

My friend, when I depart this life, I desire to leave with my wife,
It’s not the question of if, but when, as we are both Born Again;
With death hanging over my head, I want to be raptured instead,
So my wife and I may go together, to join with The Lord forever.
With death a persistent possibility, Christ could part her and me,
Up from the shared path we roam, The Lord could call me home;
But a separation is not final friend, as our real lives have no end,
With our hope, we have in Christ; we shall both enter Eternal Life.
How and when, we can’t choose, but knowing Him, we can’t lose,
With this hope that we both share, in due time we’ll both be there,
Up in the place prepared for us, to be with our Lord, Christ Jesus,
When there together, we will see, that glorious time called eternity.
In life, we’ve been led by Grace, being together in time and place,
Through our time God truly has, provided His grace at every path,
In those times of peace and strife, His grace led me and my wife,
So friend, whatever the tides, His Grace is in whatever He decides.
Knowing our frames are but dust, in The Lord, we both must trust,
In this time, we don’t understand, we know that we are in His hand,
So, not knowing what lies ahead, we both rely on our Lord instead,
But I still desire to go together, both raptured up, with God forever.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 września 2013

Redemption In God’s Time

Holy God, Who judges Righteously, offers all sinners eternal victory,
Before the foundation of the world, the stage was set to be unfurled,
The Lord God, from all eternity past, set in place Redemption to last,
Man’s redemption, through His Son, provided salvation for everyone.
The salvation all men would need, since Adam and Eve did not heed,
The command given in the Garden, by which, man became hardened,
When God’s command was ignored, creating an enmity with the Lord,
From that forbidden fruit on a tree, man would be directed to Calvary.
At the moment Satan did deceive, mankind’s parents, Adam and Eve,
Bringing darkness into Paradise, The Creator would ordain a sacrifice,
A sacrifice required for mankind, to be provided for all, in God’s time,
Prophesied way back in Paradise, pointing to the Savior, Jesus Christ.
When Christ would die in our stead, He would also crush Satan’s head,
As Satan simply bruised the heel of, the Eternal Son, who rules above,
As The Savior died, for all our sin, our eternal victory, Christ would win,
So we can partake of the Tree of Life, through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The salvation, that God had unfurled, believers today, truly must herald.
Through His power, over the grave, The Righteous Lord today will save,
Each sinner who truly comes to Christ, as God grants them Eternal Life,
As the fallen sinner in time is restored, through the sacrifice of our Lord.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 27 września 2013


The Church is Church my brother, a place to meet with one another,
A place to meet with our Lord, where grace and mercy are implored,
That place for worship and praise, lifted up to The Ancient of Days,
Men gathering, to bring glory to, The One Who created me and you.
Church is a body of those, who know, The Lord and desire to grow,
In the knowledge of Christ our Lord, as Christ’s Body in one accord,
A place to encourage others in Christ, while living in this present life,
Support, that we can only receive, from men in life who also believe.
Church is more than a gathering, of men together to praise and sing,
As it’s a place to seek The Lord, who, by love makes us one accord,
As believers are in the presence of, Jesus Christ, Who reigns above,
As Christ builds us together in unity, through the power from Calvary.
The local Church is the very heart, of The Savior’s mission, to impart,
The very Truth of God’s Salvation, in reaching each and every nation,
The Lord scattered His early Church, for His mission of greater worth,
So that as His Church, we could herald, God’s Truth into all the world.
Today’s Mission, is still the same, when Believers gather in His Name,
To focus upon our Lord God first, while The Savior builds His Church,
As The Lord grants direction to, His Living Stones, that’s me and you,
To finish God’s purpose, through us, all, for the glory of Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©11/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 września 2013


Although yesterday’s now the past, long shadows at times are cast,
Shadows of darkness and sorrows, into our today, also tomorrows,
As the tomorrows come and go, in the shadows of each day I know,
The Lord has a way prepared for me, even in the darkest uncertainty.
Sorrow fills this earth we know, as darkness about us, we see grow,
In a world that has lost its way, the darkness always begins as gray,
Indifference toward a Heavenly God; abundant on this earth we trod,
However, all that gray dear friend, shall turn into darkness in the end.
Sorrow in hearts is surely multiplied, when by people, God is denied,
Bringing darkness across the land, in ways many will not understand,
When from God a nation departs, darkness starts to fill men’s hearts,
In ways that lead men far from grace, as evil becomes commonplace.
Sorrow indeed will fill the nation, that’s walked away from Revelation,
As nations perish when God’s Word, is seldom read and never heard,
As men’s hearts become oblivious, to Truth of God’s Righteousness,
When the needs for Truth decrease, darkness and sorrow all increase.
We lay all our sorrows at the feet, of Him, in whom there is no defeat,
As believers in Christ we have victory, even in the darkest uncertainty,
For through the sorrow and the night, we’re led by Christ, in His Light,
As He guides us to Eternal Peace, where all sorrow will forever cease.
(Copyright ©12/2012 Bob Gotti)

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