
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 września 2013

Just To Talk

At times I just like to talk with you, as again you walk me through,
Yet, another situation in this life, that brings with it pain and strife,
This Lord, while in my heart I kneel, about those things I truly feel,
About things in this heart of mine, some things I can’t truly define.
At times I want to make the time, maybe, with no reason or rhyme,
To share the things on my heart, knowing, you may always impart,
A thought or two of sound reason, in my life whatever the season,
While I share burdens with you, knowing you shall see me through.
Being still knowing you are God, while my heart and feet are shod,
For the path ahead, that I must walk, well after we’re done this talk,
Preparing me for the path I take, knowing that I, you won’t forsake,
This not only when to you, I pray, but, along my journey every day.
Lord as I work, I’ll talk with you, knowing, you help me with all I do,
As I travel in this life every day, you’re always there along the way,
Should I desire to share a thought, so in my heart calm is wrought,
Lord, as you help my heart be still, reminding me, I am in your will,
Whether, by a thought or prayer, I can speak to my God anywhere,
For anywhere that my feet may trod, I can reach my Lord and God,
Yes, any time, from any place, I can reach God’s Throne of Grace,
With a concern, thought or a prayer, to talk with my God anywhere.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 września 2013

Foundational Cracks

There’s something fundamentally wrong, with today’s political throng,
From our foundation they’ve moved away, to a place of moral decay,
Moving off the very foundation, that wade this land a Blessed Nation,
Dismissing the very God and Creator, Who is indeed, our only Savior.
We are moving to a godless peoples, even amidst the many steeples,
Which, peppers this country of ours, where belief is becoming a farce,
Even many professing Believers, are embracing dark, political leaders,
Ignoring all Biblical values they know, to follow a darker political show.
Things are getting darker these days, as men, not God, receive praise,
Men praised by many blinded in sin, who weaken our land deep within,
Deep down into the foundation below, in ways now beginning to show,
With a moral decay they can’t hide, with the cracks now deep and wide.
Moving the Church into apostasy, embracing issues that should not be,
As professed believers are wowed, by today’s unethical political crowd,
Moved towards spiritual compromise, as to Truth, they close their eyes,
As the fear of God leaves their heart, God’s Light also will soon depart.
When His Light is gone, so is Truth, then all that’s left is God’s reproof,
Judgment begins in the House of God, then all across the land we trod,
That shall just be the beginning friend, as a godless nation sees its end,
As it is written in God’s Revelation, God will judge every godless nation.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 września 2013

Vibrant, Encouraging and Enduring

We as Christians, for God, can, be an influence on unsaved men,
Being a testimony for Jesus Christ, as we live out this earthly life;
We can live this life with vibrancy, in a way, which others can see,
When an active faith we do display, living around men day to day.
Encouragement we can truly share, in the world filled with despair,
This to all the others in our life, as we too deal with pain and strife;
We can be people who are enduring, as our life can be reassuring,
To those others as we live daily, for our hope is in Christ, eternally.
It was God’s, not our selection, as we’re saved by God’s Election,
All believers saved unto salvation, to be a witness to every nation;
It was through Truth that we heard, convicted by God’s Holy Word,
That, being lost and depraved, by Christ Jesus we must be saved.
It was The Holy Spirit, who moved us, to embrace The Lord Jesus,
Who sent His Spirit as a guarantee, Who, now lives in you and me,
Through Christ’s Spirit and New Life, we are to model Jesus Christ,
As God’s Gospel we now herald, living our new life to all the world.
We’re saved to follow God’s ways, all for Christ’s glory and praise,
As Christians we should be vibrant, for with the Gospel we are sent,
With Good News, to be encouraging, as we serve The Eternal King,
Also, enduring our lives should be, while our Hope is fixed eternally.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 września 2013

Whatever Happens

Whatever happens in my life, is allowed and ensured by Jesus Christ,
For my life’s only part of the story, one for God’s purpose and Glory,
As God does more than I can see, while for His purpose He uses me,
Being guided by His sovereign hand, in ways one cannot understand.
Lives moved upon by the hand of God, changing hearts with His nod,
By God’s nod, through His Word, hearts and lives of many are stirred,
As He works through the lives of us, those who know The Lord Jesus,
While daily we witness of His Truth, God uses our lives as living proof.
Living testimonies of God’s ways, as God works throughout our days,
As He speaks to hearts and minds, through our trials of various kinds,
Touching hearts, only God knows, as in our lives His presence shows,
While God holds us up by Grace, through every trial that we may face.
This as The Lord purposes in our life, to reach others for Jesus Christ,
Moving hearts in ways only He can, this, as He seeks to reach all men,
As we share with others His Word, until all men everywhere have heard,
With our knowledge of His Revelation; directing many to His Salvation.
Being saved we receive Eternal Life, through our belief in Jesus Christ,
So my present life, The Lord can use, in any way, that He may choose,
For friend, a new life is ahead for me, one that will last through eternity,
So, as I part from life’s hurt and pain, ahead for me is nothing but gain.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 września 2013

God of All Comfort

I serve a God of all comfort, when I am faced with pain and hurt,
In this fallen world, filled with strife, God comforts me in this life,
In an evil world, tainted by sin, He comforts all who come to Him,
God Comforts those in this life, who truly belong to Jesus Christ.
He comforts us in the knowledge of, how The Lord reigns above,
In the knowledge of how He has, comforted believers in the past,
How He said from the start, from believers, He shall never depart,
With knowledge of life ahead for me, with Jesus Christ in Eternity.
We are comforted in God’s love, as Christ guides us from above,
Those who come to Him in faith, God supports with loving Grace,
God’s love that leads all of us, those who belong to Christ Jesus;
The never ending Love of God, always with us on this earthly sod.
God comforts us with His peace, that during trials does not cease,
All understand His peace exceeds, as God meets all of our needs,
His peace doesn’t waver friend, from the start of trials to their end,
As in any trial that we go through, His peace comforts me and you.
God comforts us with His Power, all through the very darkest hour,
This during any trial that we face, as God provides sufficient grace,
For with God’s power, we can cope, focused on our Blessed Hope,
Our Blessed Savior Jesus Christ, who will usher us into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 września 2013

Transforming Me

I need the Lord’s transforming power, every day and every hour,
That in my heart He will shower, abundantly His changing power,
For when my heart goes astray, I need His power along the way,
To stay the path ordered for me, a changed heart, for all to see.

I know my friend, that I am saved, but my heart is still depraved,
That old man is fighting within, tempting me, always towards sin,
To spout off, in my older ways, just like I walked in former days,
The ways I need to leave behind, while God transforms my mind.
While this battle inside me rages, carnal thoughts are the wages,
When I give into the fleshly urges, an action or comment surges,
One which is not honoring to, The One, Who saved me and you,
This, as I fall back into old ways, influenced by my former days.
Days that I knew not The Lord, when righteousness was ignored,
My former life when I knew not Him, I lived my life in flagrant sin,
But behind me they all must stay, as I walk on life’s Narrow Way,
By God’s Power, in my life, to live for the honor of Jesus Christ.
I’m here to be a witness friend, so I must allow The Lord to rend,
These old ways from my behavior, to be that light for my Savior,
As Christ purges me of all dross, this by the power of the Cross,
Continually transforming my life, all for the honor of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 września 2013

Religion or Faith

Many experience religion in this life, but few have met Jesus Christ,
For in many churches you shall find, religious people of every kind,
They religiously go every week, but, what is it that they really seek?
Eternal Truths from God my friend, or is religion their ultimate end?
Religion is man’s attempt to fill, a need for God, through man’s will,
Man needs to fill an emptiness, found only in God’s Righteousness,
A righteousness obtained through, Christ, who died for me and you,
Not from man’s traditional piety, but through the Grace from Calvary.
To church many will religiously go, while The Lord they do not know,
Jesus Christ the head of His Church, even though they weekly perch;
They may know facts about the Lord, but, Truth He spoke is ignored,
For many churches are filled with men, who haven’t been Born Again.
Born of God, by His Spirit above, beyond all the facts they know of,
So brought into the family of God, to make a difference on this sod,
To walk with God in newness of life, in the power of the Jesus Christ,
Leading into New Life, dear friend, as religious ways come to an end.
The difference in religion and faith, is a relationship attained by grace,
A personal kinship with The Savior, so one can walk with their Creator,
The One who provided the only way, to walk with our Lord day to day,
To abandon religion that’s so rife, to a faith by Grace, in Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 września 2013

Depending On God

Another journey half way through, again my Lord, I depend on you,
For you’re my Lord, God and friend, so on you I shall fully depend,
As my times get dark and bleak, your direction and comfort I seek,
Your Love for me is my uptake, knowing my life you won’t forsake.
You strengthen me when I’m weak, as comfort, in your Word I seek,
For when I’m weary you’re strong, when those darker days are long,
You truly raise me up when I fall, with true compassion through it all,
Always with a gentle loving hand, you raise me up to help me stand.
Your compassions are new every day, as I journey down a dark way,
On a path that I wouldn’t choose, where real peace I sometimes lose,
As uncertainty swirls all around, my true peace in you alone is found,
That is not simply a temporal peace, but, certainty that will not cease.
A certainty you put in my heart, which assures me you will not depart,
From the path you determined for me, although at times I cannot see,
Just what exactly may lie ahead, so you remind me how you have led,
Me safely during each time and place, always in your abundant Grace.
As in this life you lead me through, ahead to a place prepared by you,
In a time ahead filled with certainty, that time we shall know as eternity,
Where you will make all things right, as you eradicate the dark of night,
With only the Light of Jesus Christ, when I finally enter into Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 17 września 2013

Fruitful Discipleship

Discipleship is God’s purpose, of every believer in Christ Jesus,
We are here to share Jesus Christ, with those who touch our life,
We’re sent to see men receive, the Truth of God, that we believe,
We’re here to share with the lost, saving Truth, whatever the cost.
Even in suffering we can proclaim, The Name above every name,
That Name above is Jesus Christ, Who, suffered as our sacrifice;
With Good News that’s never old, as His witness we can be bold,
Sharing God’s Truth of salvation, with any and all of every nation.
Entrusted with a task from God, to share Truth, wherever we trod,
Sent with the message of Christ, the Gospel Truth of Eternal Life;
With integrity, we must preach, The Word of God, to all we reach,
Reaching out with Truth to men, in Christ they must be born again.
We don’t share for personal gain, for us, there is nothing to attain,
Neither glory from men or fame, for all our effort, is for His Name,
As all glory goes to God above, as Jesus is that Name I speak of,
The only Name above every nation, in which men receive salvation.
As a mother tends to her child, our witness can be gentle and mild,
But exhortation mustn’t be denied; as a father, we must also guide;
Walking godly before all others, as we desire to call them brothers,
As new life in Christ they gain, our discipleship for Him isn’t in vain.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 14 września 2013

Self Control

All believers can have self control, as they obey the Lord over all,
In a sinful world filled with strife, this when we follow Jesus Christ,
Moved by His Word as we hear it, producing the fruit of the Spirit,
This, as we travel this earthly sod, convicted by The Spirit of God.
Throughout our life, as a whole, The Spirit can helps us to control,
Our own desires, within our life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ,
Learning in our life to abstain, from fleshly desires in order to gain,
Spiritual wisdom in a world of sin, gained through The Spirit within.
Self control permits us to fulfill, not our own, but The Father’s Will,
When The Holy Spirit controls us, we can focus on God’s purpose,
Guided and moved by His love, we purpose to live for God above,
This, when God’s Spirit controls us, to live in God’s Righteousness.
Self control comes through discipline, when we live our life for Him,
Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus, to live a life, which truly pleases,
The Father above, watching all, who demands from us, self control,
As we’ve crucified our own desire, to live for God, spiritually higher.
As God’s divine nature we partake, earthly desires we must forsake,
As our whole life to Christ we give, a spirit filled life we need to live,
Walking not as in our former life, we live anew through Jesus Christ,
Putting off the old man’s ways, while living for His honor and praise.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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