
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 września 2013

All Men Need To Know

All men upon this earthly sod, need to know The Truths of God,
Truths, revealed by The Creator, that leads a soul to The Savior,
Truths, found in God’s Revelation, lead a wise soul to Salvation,
Only through The Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Author, of every life.
Knowing God created everything, the earth, sky and every being,
God created all in seven days, to God’s Glory and God’s Praise,
Finishing with man it’s understood, God saying it was very good,
But with Eve Satan had his way, creating all the sin we see today.
God gave man his life and breath, creating him to not see death;
Satan asking, is God truly over all, caused Adam and Eve to fall,
With Eve accepting Satan’s Lie, Adam and Eve will now surly die,
Now, both forced from Paradise, separated from the Tree of Life.
From the Fall God would curse, creation, which has gotten worse,
Just look around and you can see, man is truly lost in his iniquity,
Truly lost and in need of a Savior, man must return to his Creator,
Christ, the Author of Salvation, God’s only Hope for every nation.
Alienated from God, all men die, a path that only God can rectify,
Done by God upon that Cross, for all men who are spiritually lost,
Now separated from God by sin, they can receive New Life within,
Forgiven of sin, when they believe, Eternal Life, they shall receive.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 września 2013

Faithfulness To The Lord

All Believers need to be faithful, as they follow The Lord’s Will.
For as we mature in Jesus Christ, faithfulness grows in our life,
As we travel this earthly sod, standing firm in the Word of God,
As His witness to this world, as God’s Truth we faithfully herald,
When we live out faithfulness, The Spirit, helps us in obedience,
On earth when we stay occupied, so our labor cannot be denied,
Committed to our Lord, Jesus Christ, we serve Him all of our life,
With The Savior’s coming near, for our Lord Jesus, we persevere.
Because of The Father’s faithfulness, we can be faithful to Jesus,
With God’s mercy new each day, we can face trial, along the way,
In God’s strength and His power, we will stand in the darkest hour,
Just as Moses and David friend, we can be faithful up to the end.
As stewards and servants of Christ, faithfulness is vital in this life,
Due to the resurrection of Christ, we can stand in a world of strife,
When the course is not very clear, to The Lord, we must draw near,
Knowing our frames are but dust, in The Risen Savior we can trust.
In God’s Power, with His Grace, we hold to our profession of faith,
As we must not grow weary friend, as we serve God up to the end,
In our faithfulness there’s reward, when in Heaven we see The Lord,
For through our faithfulness to Christ, believers we reap eternal life.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 września 2013

Accountable To God

Everyone is accountable to God, every living soul on earth’s sod,
Accountable to the very Creator, whether or not He is their Savior,
As God above cannot be denied, though to many, Satan has lied,
Even while many continue to insist, that, God above doesn’t exist.
No matter what rationale they use, all men shall be without excuse,
While no one’s life will be ignored, when all stand before The Lord,
God’s Judgment all will receive, even if, in God, you don’t believe,
As all souls, both big and small, shall stand before The Lord of all.
Everyone will be judged my friend, when this life comes to an end,
As all men meet their Creator, Christ, as their Judge or their Savior,
Friend, everyone can be assured, you’ll see God as Judge or Lord,
As Believers and unbelievers too, shall see that God’s Word is true.
Believers will see the Bema Seat, where Judgment will be complete,
For all of their works for The Lord, for, receiving or not their reward;
Unbelievers at The Great White Throne, before The Lord God, alone,
Judged for unbelief and iniquity, then cast from God for all eternity.
God is The Creator of our life, so we’re responsible to Jesus Christ,
Who has been given all Authority, as The Judge, over all of Eternity.
Judging those who don’t believe, as eternal wrath they shall receive,
While those who believe in Christ, will receive from Him, Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 września 2013

Preparing Minds

Minds are being prepared my friend, for a darker time, come the end,
When that darkness poses as light, that shall be darker than the night,
After God’s Church is removed, a charismatic leader will be approved,
By all those remaining in the world, with a dark agenda to be unfurled.
Being promoted to the world’s stage, world problems he shall engage,
Promising all the nations prosperity, he’s a misleading man of iniquity,
Promising a new world of plenty, through his lies he will destroy many,
All through a power, not of his own, he’ll even challenge God’s Throne.
Filled by Satan, this leader is sent, to formulate with Israel, a covenant,
The covenant to last for seven years, to put to rest their ongoing fears,
From fear of the enemies all around, peace with all nations will abound,
A false peace Israel will not see, being deceived by the man of iniquity.
After the covenant he will break, any thought of peace he shall forsake,
After forsaking peace with a nod, he’d proclaim the very power of God,
This as he leads every single nation, to the time of the Great Tribulation,
This not only upon the Nation Israel, but, all those outside of God’s Will.
Friend, Satan today is preparing minds, for his deceptive dark designs,
As God’s Truth the nations deny, they’ll embrace Satan’s deceptive Lie,
Leading many to deny Jesus Christ, they’ll instead embrace Anti-Christ,
Led down that dark deceptive path, only to see God’s Righteous Wrath.
(Copyright ©09/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013

This Present Life

This present life’s for God’s Glory, not for my own human story,
God has my interests at heart, so from His plan I needn’t depart,
My life was written in ages past, as my life in His book was cast,
As God above ordered my life; leading me to know Jesus Christ.
Life my friend, is God’s to give, so for my Savior, this day I live,
That life too, God can take away, this friend, may be even today,
Tomorrow’s promised to no one, so today, I must serve the Son,
Serving my Savior, to His praise, while I live out my earthly days.
This, as God fulfills His plan, in my life and the life of every man,
For the Author of each and every life, is The Savior, Jesus Christ,
Who moves in the hearts of men, seeking many to be born again,
Born Again, by the Spirit of God, to live a new life on earth’s sod.
With my present life but a mist, it’s more than a privilege to enlist,
That, into the army of The Lord, with a new life that He will afford,
A new life, as The Lord leads me, along my path towards eternity,
Enlisted by The Spirit of Christ, to serve Him as a living sacrifice.
As I journey through this time, my Lord grants me peace of mind,
Knowing that I shall return to dust, in The Savior, I place my trust,
So, as I serve The Lord down here, death, for me, I need not fear,
For around this life’s final bend, is eternal life for me, with no end.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013

Machiavellian Media

The Media is dark make no mistake, as daily the Anchors all partake,
Of a deceitfully darker plan, broadcasting news to the common man,
Every viewer needs to be aware, of that person in the Anchor’s chair,
While you receive their reception, they, knowingly transmit deception.
News is being adulterated today, while the darker agenda has its way,
Important issues are being dismissed, focusing on others, they insist,
Are more important for the public view, as truth they dismiss or skew,
In today’s news as it’s shown, befitting to how the agenda has grown.
In their dark agenda, God is rejected, dictating what news is selected,
Where amoral views are replete, in issues while they broadcast deceit,
As they proceed to a darker time, not of God’s but of Satan’s design,
Rejecting Truth and all that’s right, as they propagate an amoral plight.
A plight, leading to what we’ve heard, form the pages of God’s Word,
In Revelation which many have read, a future time of unequaled dread,
Truth, that Media distances itself, while pushing their agenda in stealth,
As the Media’s utilized unwittingly, by the dark principalities of eternity.
The world talks about conspiracy, but God’s revealed Truth all will see,
The unadulterated Truth of God, which the Media discounts with a nod;
But, God won’t need the Media friend, as the present age sees its end,
When the Media will see devastation, as they encounter The Tribulation.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013


As believers live for Jesus Christ, He makes changes in our life,
Convicting us with the Holy Spirit, using The Word as we hear it,
As His Word touches everything, God teaches us longsuffering,
As we daily, deal with others, unbelievers and Christian brothers.
God uses each circumstance, leading us to take a Godly stance,
To take a stand in God each day, following His Spirit all the way,
To help us daily live for Him, as God helps us with longsuffering,
This is not just simply self-control, but living as Christ through all.
The Lord Himself, displayed for us, His longsuffering, in Exodus,
As His people turned away from Him; falling into idolatry and sin.
Having mercy and graciousness, He judged not in righteousness,
Being slow to anger with longsuffering, God forgave their iniquity.
This is an example, for all of us, as we today, follow Christ Jesus,
Being led by The Spirit of Christ, longsuffering must be in our life,
This must influence our behavior, as we live for Christ, The Savior,
Recalling His suffering on the cross, as we desire to seek the lost.
We must be aware of God’s will, as His purpose, we seek to fulfill,
Always pursuing a unity of Christ, with Fruit of The Spirit in our life,
Which includes longsuffering in us, as we seek His Righteousness,
As believers of Christ the King, our life must include longsuffering.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013


You can’t accept God’s Truth with lies; that is just a religious disguise,
All a facet, of Satan’s fabrication, to counterfeit God’s Only Salvation,
Counterfeits surely deceive some, but won’t get them to the Kingdom,
The Kingdom of God my friend, as every counterfeit shall see its end,
There’s only one way for those lost, that’s the way of Calvary’s Cross,
The place where sinners are found, where religions shall never abound,
Where by God, religion is diminished, when Christ said, “It is finished”,
Salvation was finished, by Christ alone, not by religion, by His Throne.
Now from The Lord of Creation, offered to all is the Savior’s Invitation,
Saying, come all you sinners come, from the cross enter His Kingdom;
Religion here friend, plays no part, for only those with a changed heart,
Hearts, moved by The Spirit’s call, shall be redeemed from Adam’s fall.
Salvation is attained all by Grace, it’s God’s work, bringing one to faith,
A true faith that comes from hearing, within hearts who are God fearing,
When hearing The Word of God, they’ll be led by Christ’s staff and rod,
Deciding to follow Jesus Christ, not religiously, but through a New Life.
Now, knowing Christ you will cast, all religious views right into the past,
For through God’s Only Salvation, Christ will make you a New Creation,
With Christ’s Spirit now dwelling inside, in Christ alone, you shall abide,
As God guides sinners from Calvary, to a New Life with Christ eternally.
(Copyright ©08/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 sierpnia 2013

When I’m Dead

When I’m dead, I won’t die, but, simply lifted by God on high,
Raised up to Heaven above, by my Lord God’s hand of love,
As I face an earthly death, I will be breathing Heaven’s breath,
In my new body prepared for me, by the Lord God of eternity.
Though it’ll look as if I died, I shall have a new body Glorified,
My body just like Jesus Christ, this as I enter into Eternal Life,
Unlike my old body of my past, my new body will forever last,
In that new place prepared for me, to live with Christ, eternally.
With my body to eternally endue, the time ahead forevermore,
A body, not racked in pain so rife, as it was in this earthly life,
But made for eternity my friend, while the next life has no end,
Never recalling the former things, as I serve The King of kings.
Well before my body is in a grave, I’ll be up in Heaven to rave,
About Him, Who I’ve long adored, in the presence of my Lord,
This as I take in the Majesty, that earthly eyes could never see,
As eternity about me is unfurled, far above the temporal world.
Joining all who have went before, to be with them forevermore,
Not in a body in the ground, but in Heaven with friends around,
All together serving Jesus Christ, as I join them, for eternal life,
So when I die, I won’t be dead, as I simply begin the life ahead.
(Copyright ©01/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 sierpnia 2013

Apart From Christ

Who is not lost, apart from Christ, of the people amidst your life?
No one my friend, for it’s said, that all outside are spiritually dead,
All those outside of God’s Family, have no hope, for life eternally,
To be a part of God’s Family, one must come to Christ at Calvary,
All we know who haven’t crossed, into Calvary’s way are truly lost,
For without Grace from Calvary, all will remain in bonds of slavery,
Bondage from the slavery of sin, unless New Life they have within,
New Life received only by faith, when they accept Calvary’s Grace.
New Life, by all, is only achieved, when by faith, Christ is received,
Many are called but few are chose, so many remain as God’s foes,
Separated from The Lord above, for not embracing Truth and Love,
That love God sent, to the cross, to save not some, but all the lost.
In order for anyone to be saved, they must know, they’re depraved,
Born onto this sin cursed earth, while tainted by sin, from their birth,
Separated from the love of God, from the outset of life on this sod,
But, supplied with a Hope in Christ, that all of us can see eternal life.
Apart from Christ, we remain in sin, with our only Hope found in Him,
Who for all died as God’s Sacrifice, so we could enter into Paradise,
As sinful mortal men in God’s Family, in Christ we’ll enter immortality,
So, though you are lost, you can be, saved by Christ to live eternally.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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