
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 lipca 2013

Worthy Of His Calling

When true to God’s heart, Truth to others God will impart,
We pass on what we know, when in God’s Truth we grow,
Passing on the ways of Christ, to others who see our life,
In tribulations that we face, as we are sustained by Grace.
Through trials we’ve endured, men are moved to the Lord,
In the light of tribulation, many see their need of salvation,
For those who know not God, will see the Lord’s Iron Rod,
But all who embrace Truth, will not see His eternal reproof.
Through the witness of our life, God draws many to Christ,
As God’s way is much higher, for in His Love is His desire,
For all to repent and believe, so, Jesus Christ they receive,
So in The Lord Jesus Christ, they too shall see Eternal Life.
In light of God’s Righteousness, all, deserve eternal death,
It’s only in The Lord Jesus, that we gain His Righteousness,
That makes us ever worthy of, God’s love and Hope above,
Hope, that helps us in the night, live in God’s Blessed Light.
In this world, we are blessed, knowing we will soon see rest,
Through Hope we must share, with all who seem not to care,
For God so loved all the world, Truth that we need to herald,
So all in darkness may believe, so, Eternal Life they receive.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 lipca 2013

Surrendering All

May God, who guides all our life, lead us in The Spirit of Christ,
To live out just what we say, while living out our faith every day,
So that our faith is more than talk, truly shining forth in our walk,
As His Spirit guides each of us, to live this life, for Christ Jesus.
While singing I surrender all to Him, may it not be simply a whim,
When to God, we truly surrender, all concerns to Him we render,
In delivering over to Jesus Christ, all of our pain, trials and strife,
As our Lord guides us through, ways He intends for me and you.
We’re to surrender all to God, wherever in life Christ has us trod,
Rendering to God all that is His; and our whole life is what that is,
For He bought us with His blood, through Christ’s sacrificial love,
That death for us, Christ endured, so our life, we give to our Lord.
We must allow God’s Spirit to rend, all sins from our life my friend,
As we reflect upon the cross, allowing Christ to remove our dross,
For our life must reflect His Truth, as our lives are the living proof,
That as in us God makes change, life thereafter is never the same.
We must leave old ways behind, giving Christ, our heart and mind,
Allowing His Spirit to be our guide, so that in Christ, we truly abide,
For, the only way to live this life, is to surrender all, to Jesus Christ,
So men around us will truly see, we were truly changed by Calvary.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 lipca 2013

Back To The Fold

In hearts which have gone astray, who came back to the Narrow Way,
God works in ways you can’t see, molding them to what they can be,
Smoothing out the rough edges, as a repentant life The Lord hedges,
Moving that heart with His Grace, leading them back to a fertile place.
Always in The Lord’s way and time, he molds that heart, to His design,
Even before one returns to the fold, that heart God continues to mold,
When it becomes tender and soft, the Lord picks up where He left off,
Going back to God’s original goal, to make that heart spiritually whole.
God’s plan does not change for us, when we come to The Lord Jesus,
We move from Christ, it’s not Him, as we move from obedience to sin,
Turning away from that path we know, our life turns to misery and woe,
Then we turn to our Lord and friend, knowing our old life needs to end.
Working again in a repentant heart, God begins again, right at the start,
First, rekindling that old fire within, which was put out by a world of sin,
Turning again that heart to God’s will; a life of purpose and meaningful,
Returning back, from a rebellious life, back to the Plan of Jesus Christ.
A child of God, when on the roam, by His Spirit will surely come home,
As a saved and sealed child of God, they’re God’s, wherever they trod,
Through His Spirit, they are restored, back to fellowship with their Lord,
As Christ, The Potter molds His family, preparing His Bride for Eternity.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 31 lipca 2013

Growing Through Obedience

By the Word a believer knows, through obedience a heart grows,
In God’s Word we’re implored, submit to all over us, in The Lord,
We’re to esteem leaders in love, led by God’s Spirit from above,
This, to be at peace with others; growing as sisters and brothers.
Being one body, with one voice, with our leaders, always rejoice;
Without ceasing we must pray, as together we follow God’s way,
Giving thanks through everything, as we serve our Lord and King,
Never quenching the Holy Spirit, but, obeying Truth, as we hear it.
Despise not prophecies we know, but, in His Truth we must grow,
Testing things, that we’ve heard, against the Truth of God’s Word;
Abstaining from all the evil we see, with our eyes fixed on eternity,
Always obeying The Spirit of God, per His Plan, wherever we trod,
As we follow God’s Word fully, we must warn men, who are unruly,
Comforting the fainthearted in Christ, as we live for Him a holy life,
We’re never to repay evil for evil, as God’s Plan, together we fulfill,
As we encourage a weaker brother, pursuing good for one another.
Looking to the coming of Christ, may The Lord, sanctify all our life,
May we lean on God’s faithfulness, to preserve us, fully blameless,
As we look for The Lord’s Return, may we obey the Truths we learn,
So that as a body, we truly heed, obedient to all the Truths we read.
(Copyright ©02/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 lipca 2013

In God’s Arms

Leaning on God’s everlasting arms, we are safe from all alarms,
Instead of leaning at times we fall, if we don’t heed Christ’s call,
A call to cast all our cares to Him, so, we fall into worry and sin,
Then sin moves some to despair, when they don’t cast off care.
Each and all concerns in this life, must be given to Jesus Christ,
Who guards us from worry and sin, granting us His peace within,
God’s peace deep within our heart, as calmness He does impart,
This, when we rely upon The Lord, a peace from God is assured.
Worry’s simply Satan’s way, to get our hearts and minds to stray,
Away from God’s Word indeed, as new doubt he begins to seed,
Desirous, that in a short time, doubt will hinder all peace of mind,
Filling hearts with much concern, far from the peace that we learn.
For much peace indeed, is wrought, when we heed what is taught,
By the Spirit and Word of God, as Christ leads with staff and rod,
Leading us beside waters still, as we follow God, obeying His will,
As Christ fills us with His peace, even though trials may not cease.
All that happens in this life, is ordained or allowed by Jesus Christ,
So regardless of when or where, indeed our Savior is always there,
Helping us in every trial and test, so that in the end we are blessed,
For from the beginning of all alarms, we are secure within His arms.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 lipca 2013

From Adam To Christ

God revealed Himself to Adam and Eve, the first souls to believe,
In The Creator of all this earth, Who through them, conceived birth,
The birth of all souls created by Him, in a world now cursed by sin,
But, of those Adam and Eve left, God had continued through Seth.
First Noah had encountered God, prior to Him flooding earth’s sod,
For, Noah was righteous enough, to save man’s seed from a flood,
Along with man, all life created, by that flood that Noah anticipated,
As God had revealed to him, the destruction, because of man’s sin,
As God resumed populating earth, the wife of Terah had given birth,
To the son they named Abram, from who the nation Israel had come,
God changed his name to Abraham, the spiritual father of each man,
As God revealed he’d be a nation, that would bring God’s Salvation,
First, came Isaac then Jacob, who was Israel, by the decree of God,
Who spoke to the nation of Israel, regarding God’s plan and His will,
Revealing the future time to come, for God to reveal His Eternal Son,
Speaking through Him in our time; revealing to all Salvation’s design.
Speaking to all through Jesus Christ, about the cross and eternal life,
As fallen man could be restored, through God’s salvation in the Lord,
Revealing the only way back to God, for man, on earth’s cursed sod,
When His Son you find and believe, that Eternal Life you can receive.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 lipca 2013

It’s A People Problem

The problem is not the Gospel, God’s Good News, but, the people,
Those souls who refuse to see, that they’re sinners like you and me,
From the world they’ve understood, that all men are inherently good,
So salvation they need not my friend, for Heaven is everyone’s end.
However, every life, when they begin, are separated because of sin,
Born of sin in their mother’s womb, so for The Lord there’s no room,
For the Lord is not sought at all, as man has been tainted by the fall,
All are in need of a seeking heart, before life with God can ever start.
A heart must be willing to repent, moved by The Spirit God has sent,
Willing from their sins, to turn away, to follow The Lord’s narrow way,
Willing to enter in that new door, leaving that life they’ve lived before,
Willing to start a whole new life, as they obey The Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is only after you do understand, that you’re a sinner in God’s hand,
That the Good News you will embrace, to be saved, by God’s Grace,
Granted a new life, upon this earth, this, only through a spiritual birth,
Born Again, by The Spirit of God, to be led by Christ’s staff and rod.
Then in Christ you’re a new creation, all this, through God’s Salvation,
Not because of what you’ve done, but by the sacrifice of God’s Son,
Saved by Christ’s work on the cross, when He saved the sinfully lost,
He died, was buried and rose again, to give new life to believing men.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 lipca 2013

Waves Of Religion

Religion has a hold of many, in this land, of good and plenty,
Many today are spiritually lost, adrift in man’s religious sauce,
So many are religiously sauced, like Paul said are just tossed,
To and fro about all the waves, in a religion which never saves.
Today with many religious views, many ignore the Good News,
Hindered in their own way to God, all across this religious sod,
Swayed religiously to and fro, never certain of where they’ll go,
Unsure of where they will end, where in Eternity they will spend.
Many have forsaken the cross, so they continue spiritually lost,
Wandering about, in religious stew, living as if they never knew,
The Lord as Savior, Jesus Christ, who came to be our sacrifice,
Who came to set prisoners free, from their chains of Religiosity.
In religion there’s no freedom, only mandates, not from the Son,
Religious edicts imposed by man, not in God’s redemption plan,
Christ alone, was to fully replace, man’s works with God’s Grace,
Grace that saves both you and me, finished by Christ at Calvary.
All was accomplished by our Lord, this, in religion goes ignored,
Bringing this to one conclusion, religion creates much confusion,
Folly of spiritual leaders today, simply leads many people astray,
Far from God’s one salvation, the one found in God’s Revelation.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 lipca 2013

Sharing Our Joy

The Lord cultivates His joy in us, through the Spirit of Christ Jesus,
A joy, found in Christian brothers, joy we need to share with others,
Led by The Spirit of Jesus Christ, may the joy from God fill our life,
This as we move from the pews, to share with men His Good News.
While traveling on this earthly sod, it’s the plan and purpose of God,
For all the believers who weekly perch, in the pews of God’s Church,
All who have come through Calvary, who in Jesus Christ have liberty,
Through His Spirit we have received, when in Christ we truly believed.
Now, in the flesh we mustn’t walk, but, we must live our Christian talk,
Our former ways we must reject, for we are truly the Lord God’s elect,
Chosen by The Lord God above, to walk in God’s joy and in His love,
As we now live in a newness of life, as we walk in The Spirit of Christ.
Through God’s power of salvation, we’re now in Christ a new creation,
To the old sinful flesh we have died, now in The Spirit we must abide,
That change to joy in our behavior, comes from abiding in our Savior,
Christ, who gives us joy and peace, which, from God will never cease.
The joy we share with others friend, is from a Hope that will never end,
The joy and hope from Jesus Christ, throughout all aspects of our life,
This includes every trial and test, where in The Lord Jesus, we can rest,
Through all of our present suffering, as we serve in joy Christ our King.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 lipca 2013

Daily Changes

I thank my Lord for night and day, and all the changes along the way,
Changes made by God, in this life, in a world where changes are rife;
Seasonal change, four times a year, on this earthly, terrestrial sphere,
When weather goes from hot to cold, making the changes we behold.
God changes the path and ways of man, all within His sovereign plan,
As man continues to make change, God and His ways always remain,
He changes not, for He is God, controlling change on the earthly sod,
God changes man’s course in time, all within God’s sovereign design.
That big change experienced by me, was the change towards eternity,
When God moved into my life, leading me to the Savior, Jesus Christ,
A change totally by God’s Grace, when in The Lord, I placed my faith,
A change that put my focus above, onto an eternity I knew nothing of.
I’ve made changes in ways not know, that’s ongoing, as I have grown,
Change not done on my own accord, but, changes made by The Lord,
This as I continue to grow in Christ, my Lord, who gave me a New Life,
Turning my life from a world of sin, now guided by God’s Spirit within,
Change may continue on this earth, but, that won’t affect my new birth,
Being born again, by The Spirit of God, I’ll soon leave this earthly sod,
Changed in the twinkling of an eye, so I can meet my Savior in the sky,
This change as I begin eternal life, together with my Lord, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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