
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 lipca 2013

Engage In The Battle

As more evil begins to rattle, we must engage in the battle,
While we battle on earthly sod, we go in the power of God,
To God above we do belong, so in our Lord we are strong,
It’s by His authority we’ll stand, given strength by His hand.
It is in the Name of Jesus Christ, we’ll stand firm in this life,
Through the battle we are assured, in the Name of our Lord,
When we’re in the darkest hour, God supplies us His power,
All needed for God’s purpose, as we battle for Christ Jesus.
That purpose from God above, in this battle that I speak of,
All outcomes too, belongs to Him, in the battle that we’re in,
As we rely on Christ, our Lord, guided by His Mighty Sword,
That sword is The Word of God, as He judges with His Rod.
All Judgment is of Christ alone, by the power of His Throne,
As we are led through the night, by God’s Power and Might,
All power sent from on high, while in God’s strength we rely,
As God works in you and me, He alone, secures the victory.
To Christ we are responsible, as His purpose He does fulfill,
As earthly things about us fall, we are watchmen on the wall,
In this battle, with darkness rife, we witness for Jesus Christ,
Pointing to the ultimate victory, life in Jesus Christ, eternally.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 lipca 2013

Sealed And Certified

I am sealed and certified, by the One, Who for me died,
Certified with a guarantee, by His Spirit, who lives in me,
Sealed and marked by God, for His service on this sod,
This, as I live my daily life, in the service of Jesus Christ.
Not called to a foreign land, but for God I take my stand,
In my workplace every day, by what I do and things I say,
Working as a ambassador of, my Lord who reigns above,
Who granted me a new birth, to live for God on this earth.
I serve God with my family, being the father, I need to be,
Displaying my Savior’s love, as He leads me from above,
As a husband, to my wife, I must show the Love of Christ,
This as I serve God each day, in my family, along the way.
This life for God is a witness, this as I live for Christ Jesus,
As I live life every day and hour, in The Holy Spirit’s power,
As Christ uses all my days, for God’s glory and His praise,
Allowing Christ to lead the way, as I live my life day to day.
Saved and sealed with a cost, as I need to carry my cross,
A living sacrifice for my Lord, in a time when He is ignored,
In a world overtaken by sin, in this life I’m obligated to Him,
To live for God, in Jesus Christ, in every aspect of this life.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 lipca 2013

You Are A Sinner

Face it friend, you’re a sinner, with Satan being the only winner,
For, since you refuse to believe, God’s Truth you won’t receive,
Which is for all sinners lost, God has provided Calvary’s Cross,
Where all, who now are found, meet Christ, on precious ground.
The place where our Savior died, on the bloody cross crucified,
Where He died for sinners friend, as for Christ it wasn’t the end,
Even though buried in a grave, for Christ came to earth to save,
All sinners lost like you and me, to grant them new life eternally.
Three days after He had died, He rose from the grave, glorified,
Prevailing over death, at Calvary, He was resurrected in Victory,
A victory, over death and sin, for all sinners who believe in Him,
His death, burial and resurrection; as God gives a new direction.
Now in the family of believing men, sinners who are Born Again,
Born Again by the Spirit of God, with new direction on this sod,
Found and saved by God’s grace, embracing Christ all by faith,
To follow our Lord Jesus Christ, honoring God through new life.
From the cross, where Christ died, flowed for us a crimson tide,
With Calvary’s tide now a flood, to cleanse sinners in the blood,
Formerly sinners, who were lost, they found victory at the cross,
Found by God to be a sinner, but through Christ a saved winner.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 lipca 2013

His Love Displayed

For us to live for The Savior above, we must grow in God’s love,
Not only in the knowledge of, His love which comes from above,
We must practice love’s discipline, through The Spirit from within,
Obeying the Spirit of Jesus Christ, for us to live a disciplined life.
Concerning God’s Word, as we hear it, we must walk in The Spirit,
This that our flesh be crucified, following Christ, Who for us died,
No longer living as our former life, that only produces in us strife,
But, living in the Spirit of Christ, following Him, in newness of life.
The love we need is from God, not from earth, where sinners trod,
God’s love, not tainted, but pure, the only love which shall endure,
The love displayed by our Savior, is what must shape all behavior,
For as the wicked continue to rail, that love from Christ will not fail.
From the Lord we receive discipline, as God helps us deal with sin,
This, as our Lord works in us, to produce in us, His Righteousness,
This, while God cultivates in us, an abounding love of Christ Jesus,
So God’s love can be unfurled, upon the souls in this needy world.
We must love neighbor and enemy, Love that comes from Calvary,
A love that may be hard for us, but, possible through Christ Jesus,
For His Love is not self seeking, a love bound up in earthly things,
But, Christ’s Love, from Calvary, is the eternal love, men must see.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013

From All To Few

God’s Truth is penned for all to see, His Truths for all of Eternity,
Penned through God’s Holy Spirit, written that all men can hear it,
God’s Truth for all nations to read, Truths that all men must heed,
His Truth written to every nation; leading to God’s Only Salvation.
All men everywhere need the Lord, truth which cannot be ignored,
As Christ was sent for all men, to a world, that God will condemn,
God sent His Only begotten Son, down to the world for everyone,
Christ came not for just a few, but, for all sinners like me and you.
Mostly all men upon earth’s sod, acknowledge that there is a God,
That Higher Power above us all, but, seldom do they express awe,
While many do consider a Creator, they do not believe in a Savior,
As many believe God is benevolent, and all to Heaven will be sent.
Few know the God of all Eternity, as the Lord and God personally,
As The Savior, they have trusted in, to save them from all their sin,
So few acknowledge Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior of their life,
Who God above will not condemn, for the Holy Spirit sealed them.
All nations shall perish, be sure, but God’s Word lasts forevermore,
Not just to know about the Lord, but with Him, to be of one accord;
God’s Truth that all men need, whether or not, they choose to heed,
For by The Authority of Revelation, Christ is vital for your Salvation.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013


Being spiritually blind and lost, I’m saved in the blood of the cross,
That blood flowing from Calvary, has set my soul apart for eternity,
Calvary’s blood empowers me too, my Blessed Lord to follow you,
To leave my old ways of the night, while turning towards your Light.
This process is my sanctification, His work in my life after salvation,
As God starts a work in my heart, while in this life He sets me apart,
Set apart for the purpose of God, this as I live upon this earthly sod,
All for God’s plan and His purpose, led by The Spirit of Christ Jesus.
Not set apart because I am good, truly, this needs to be understood,
But because I was chosen by Him, saved by grace from a life of sin,
Spiritually born again from above, to walk upon the earth in His love,
This, as a New Creature in Christ, to live for God, in newness of life.
This is a process you must know, as my Lord God helps me to grow,
Through The Lord’s Spirit of Truth, with real change, as God’s proof,
Ongoing change in my life for Him, as Christ leads me away from sin,
All by God’s Power and His Grace, as The Spirit builds upon my faith.
God’s building me, a living stone, through the power from His Throne,
As God’s Spirit transforms my heart, finishing what Christ would start,
Starting as Christ’s New Creation, God will complete my sanctification,
When I see my Lord face to face; being the real beginning of my faith.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013

From The Law To Forgiveness

When I fail The Great I AM, I seek forgiveness from The Lamb,
Asking my Savior Jesus Christ, Who was for me, my sacrifice,
I Am who lives for me today, is upon The Throne so I can pray,
When I fail in the way I live, in Christ, forgiveness God will give.
Seeing God’s Commands and Law, being a sinner, I could fall,
So when I fail, I seek His face, by God’s Mercy and His Grace,
When falling in unrighteousness, I go to Christ for forgiveness,
As we confess failures to Him, our Risen Lord forgives our sin.
Reflecting on the Law God gives, God speaks of relationships,
Not only with Him, but others too, all people about me and you,
Commandments, we must obey, as we live out our lives today,
As The Law in the Old Testament, in our lives today is relevant.
Of those commandments we read, all, not some we must heed;
Knowing we are sinful and frail, regarding Law, we all shall fail,
Even when we fail at just one, then God’s justice must be done,
So in light of God’s eternal Law, not some but everyone will fall.
But God’s Law is to lead us, to know God’s only Righteousness,
The Savior, Who forever lives, The Lamb of God, Who forgives,
Who came to be God’s sacrifice, to pay for us sin’s eternal price,
So, God forgives us through Christ, redeeming us for eternal life.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013

Our Race of Grace

We stand firm in Freedom, that, provided by God’s Son,
As we walk through this life, in The Spirit of Jesus Christ,
The Lord, who died at Calvary, died for all, to set us free,
Freed from the bondage of sin, to live all our life for Him.
The Law of God, put in place, for this Age, we call Grace,
Was so God, could lead us, to the Grace of Christ Jesus,
Teaching us Righteousness, to lead us from ungodliness,
Away from that yoke of sin, guided by God’s Spirit within.
By Law, we are not justified, but by Him, Who for us died,
As Law is fulfilled in Christ, when He paid the eternal price,
Moving us from Law to Grace, saved not by Law but Faith,
A Faith exhibited through our life, as we now live for Christ.
As believers we run our race, freed by Christ, led by Grace,
From Christ we have liberty, freed from The Law at Calvary,
But, that Law is not ignored, when we serve our Risen Lord,
As The Law, of God above, moves us to a Christ like Love.
That Law for us, is fulfilled, when living as our Savior willed,
Loving one another in Christ, while serving others in our life,
Being guided in love by grace, as we run for Christ our race,
The race on earth to eternity, while leading others to Calvary.
(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 6 lipca 2013

Believe And Live

If you believe it, truly live it, it’s what some believers forget,
When in Christ, they believe, then, God’s Spirit they receive,
As The Lord God imparts, conviction and change in a heart,
This, so The Spirit of Christ, can guide them into a New Life.
But, many in their walk will stray, back into their former way,
In that way they walked in life, before they met Jesus Christ,
Our Shepherd and Word of God, leading with staff and rod,
As we now follow our Savior, Who alters ways and behavior.
This is done before all men, as a sign that we are born again,
Born of God’s Spirit above, to live new life Christ speaks of,
In new ways that will be learned, as we live God’s Holy Word,
Taught by God’s Spirit of Truth, with life change being proof.
Without change one may stray, onto the world’s broader way,
Leading one not to that new life, but continued trial and strife,
As the change that should begin, leads one from a life of sin,
While God’s Spirit helps us learn, from old ways we must turn.
For when we come to salvation, God begins our regeneration,
As by His Spirit we will change, with life to never be the same,
To live as our Lord’s testament, through the Spirit He had sent,
To indwell the believer’s heart, so from old ways we will depart.
(Copyright ©07/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 23 czerwca 2013

Knowing About The End

All Christians will be gathered together, to be with The Lord forever,
So in this Hope Christians find, encouragement and peace of mind;
Through all history believers endured, through the hope in The Lord,
So, we are not shaken or alarmed, for in God’s Truth, we are armed.
We should never be deceived, trusting in The Word, we’ve believed,
The end times are revealed to us, through The Spirit of Christ Jesus,
Thus as nation rises against nation, we will trust in God’s Revelation,
God’s Word that will never pass away, is relevant to all this very day.
There shall be a falling away first, as the times wax worse and worse,
As many shall abandon God’s Truth, setting up God’s Final Reproof,
Christ, shall then rapture His Church, then times shall get even worse,
As the Holy Spirit is taken from earth, in the rapture of God’s Church.
Then all the world will see tribulation, as the Lord judges every nation,
As the wicked one of lawlessness, starts to reign in unrighteousness,
Then the second coming of Christ, in the middle of Satan’s evil strife,
As the world shall see Christ come, to totally destroy the lawless one.
Christ shall reign one thousand years, quelling all darkness and fears,
Then, that Eternal State we’ll enter in; a time free of darkness and sin;
This is why believers, dear friend, have total peace regarding the end,
As it will be the start of Eternal Life, for all men found in Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©03/2013 Bob Gotti)

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