
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 sierpnia 2012

Right Christian Belief

The Christian Body, that’s you and me, live in light of orthodoxy,
The right belief of Revelation, which creates a strong foundation,
Unchanging Truths in Scripture, give to us a foundational picture,
Of God’s Truth that we live by, unchanging Truths, we can’t deny.
The first is The Lord God’s Unity; He is The Only God of Eternity,
Then there’s The Holy Trinity; Father, Son and The Spirit are three;
In the virgin birth we do believe, as our Savior Mary did conceive,
The Spirit conceived The Sinless Christ, sinless all His earthly life.
In light of man’s total depravity, The Lord came to save humanity,
While The Lord retained His deity, as The Lord God of all Eternity;
And Christ was fully human too, walking on earth like me and you,
For Christ came to this sinful place, to grant sinners Saving Grace.
Saved by faith in Jesus Christ, Who came to give men eternal life,
For we trust in God’s sacrifice, The Atoning Death of Jesus Christ,
But God had resurrected His Son; Christ, giving hope to everyone,
And Christ is coming back again, as Judge and Savior, of all men.
These beliefs are our foundation, Essential pillars of our Salvation,
Essential beliefs revealed to us, through the life of our Lord Jesus,
Unalterable beliefs for everyone, who comes to God’s Eternal Son,
For His Salvation and Eternal Life, through the Savior Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 sierpnia 2012

Believer’s Soil

Believers need to have good soil, this, so the enemy cannot foil,
Those plans, which God has for us, as we follow our Lord Jesus;
The soil, being believer’s hearts, as The Word, The Spirit imparts,
Eternal Truths, of The Word of God, as we travel this earthly sod,
God’s Truth in our heart every day, as we travel life’s Narrow Way.
The same soil in which we received, saving Truth, as we believed,
Is the soil in which His Spirit sows, living Truths into all He knows,
Believers in this present life, who’ve come to faith in Jesus Christ,
Working through the heart of man, as our Lord works out His plan,
Equipping us while upon this sod, to live for the Glory of our God.
In these days the heart soil within, can be tainted by a world of sin,
Seed may be snatched from our heart, even before it gets its start,
Or in a believer, can be found, a heart much like that rocky ground,
It could even be thorny my friend, and choked by cares in the end,
But, may our hearts be rich ground, so God’s Truths, may resound.
As believers we now have a task, one, which Satan wants to mask,
Causing believer’s soil not to be, filled with God’s goals of eternity,
The goals known by the enemy of, God, Who leads us from above,
To foil the plans, which he knows, that in our hearts The Lord sows;
So while led by The Holy Spirit, we must live out Truth as we hear it.
We can’t have eyes that cannot see, our purpose in light of eternity,
Or live life with ears that cannot hear, with the end so possibly near,
For at times, when we hear The Word, we act as if we haven’t heard;
Hopefully we can humble our hearts, moved by words God imparts,
To allow The Truths that we know, enable us, to be fruitful and grow.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 sierpnia 2012

God’s Gospel Alone

When you add to God’s Grace, you’ll deny true saving faith,
The saving faith that we all need, as the Gospel we do heed,
As the Gospel Truth we believe, God’s Salvation we receive,
Through the Grace of God alone, adding nothing of our own.
If you take away from the Truth, you shall see God’s reproof,
Dismissing what God has done, through the work of His Son,
His work complete for all of us, through the Son Christ Jesus,
Completing for every nation, God’s requirement for Salvation.
Jesus Christ is Judge over all, souls cursed from Adam’s fall,
As all men, from every nation, fall under God’s condemnation,
While sin separates everyone, from a Holy God on His Throne,
soapart from The Lord Jesus, judgment is ahead for all of us.
But, God so loved the world, The Truth men continue to herald,
Christ died for the sin of us all, to redeem us from Adam’s fall,
Christ was buried, but rose again, to offer salvation to all men,
Seen was The Resurrected Christ, Who now offers Eternal Life.
Of His Gospel that you heard, do not take or add to His Word,
God and Creator of the universe, Lord and Savior of this earth,
Who finished all from Calvary, of the salvation for you and me,
This was our Savior Jesus Christ, in whom we have Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 sierpnia 2012

Eternity For All

Soon for all eternity will start, when from this life we depart,
From this world, as we know it, to a time that is eternally lit,
One with light from the Lord, who we never saw but adored,
And one in darkness lit by fire, for God, they had no desire.
We cannot really fathom friend, what shall be, after the end.
That is after the end of this life, with or without Jesus Christ,
We know what the Bible states, for all ahead, eternity awaits,
A place in eternity all will receive, whether or not you believe.
What we know all should heed, what in scripture we do read,
As God declared by His Son, the future ahead for everyone,
Words from The Creator, of a time coming, sooner not later,
For all on this earthly sphere, time in eternity is drawing near.
A time all the prophets decried, a time that cannot be denied,
A dark time that is to come, that believers will be saved from,
This won’t be for many though, fact that others need to know,
As tribulation proceeds eternity, judgment, all nations will see.
But the Tribulation isn’t the end, for every soul on earth friend,
That will just end God’s Wrath, putting men on an eternal path,
A time you can’t fully conceive, whether or not you do believe.
However, Christ said it shall be, so all men shall enter Eternity.
The question being life or death, as men take their last breath,
Although we cannot comprehend, an eternity we all will spend,
Will your eternity be with Christ, as you enter into Eternal Life?
Or will you deny the Lord, to be in darkness eternally ignored?
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 11 sierpnia 2012

Violence Fills The Earth

As the earth fills with violence, there seems to be much silence,
In the professing Body of Christ, regarding darkness in this life,
Of the things believers are told, the love of most will grow cold,
Has that coldness hindered us, form speaking for Christ Jesus?
Christ asked will He find faith, as He returns at the end of Grace,
A vibrant faith that will uphold, all of His teachings we were told,
Even His teaching on warning friend, about darkness in the end,
With all the darkness in this world, God’s Truths we must herald!
As the days of Noah would be, that violence in our time we see,
Upon which judgment shall fall, on all the living, great and small;
This is God’s warning to all men, that Judgment is coming again,
Onto all the world as a whole, God’s stern warning to every soul!
Even in the time of Abraham, we have a warning from the “I AM.”
His warning upon two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah for atrocities,
Cities Christ would also mention, this my friend with His intention,
Pointing out what lies ahead, for men who remain spiritually dead.
So we’re watchmen on the wall, to warn of judgment ahead for all,
As we point all those in this life, to Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
To leave the world’s wickedness, to come into His Righteousness,
So they don’t see judgment friend, but, Eternal Life come the end.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 sierpnia 2012

God’s Canvas Above

The Artist behind the canvas above, the sky’s what I’m speaking of,
Stretched above so wide and blue, every day a painting brand new,
God’s painting above for all to see, painted by The Lord of Eternity,
The canvas above God’s Creation, visible by every man and nation.
He begins every day with the sun, The Creator’s Light for everyone,
Keeping God’s touch in mind, sometimes the sun He hides behind,
Those clouds, so white and full, all through The Lord’s creative rule,
When the Lord does paint the sky, which is seen through every eye.
God ends each day not the same, although the clouds may remain,
As night begins He paints the sun, well over this earth’s far horizon,
Turning the sky to a black canopy, to paint those stars that we see,
With the sun replaced by the moon, along with stars that are strewn.
This is just the sky above my friend, for God’s Creation has no end,
It goes beyond what we can see, for God is The Creator of Eternity,
But, what God chooses to display, is a witness to all nations today,
His witness that men come to know, The Lord above all men below.
God’s Creation, to all mankind, is The Creators testimony to remind,
There’s a Creator beyond the sky, One, Who created both you and I,
Whose witness creates accountability, for every person that can see,
That above man there is a Creator, Who sent Christ to be our Savior.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 sierpnia 2012

What Cancer Can’t Do

Cancer is a real menace friend, which brings on an ominous end,
A time when suffering can be rife, with an early exit from this life,
This as life takes a major change, as many things stay the same,
Bringing much anguish to a family, in ways, they have yet to see.
Though cancer affects me and you, its menace has its limits too,
Limits on the devastating effect, upon those lives it has wrecked;
Regarding the victims, I speak of; cancer cannot cripple the love,
One’s love, that remains intact, despite cancer’s relentless attack.
Cancer cannot shatter our hope, as through it God helps us cope,
With The Lord’s sustaining grace, cancer cannot corrode our faith;
Though its ailing effects increase, cancer can’t destroy our peace,
A peace, that God instills in us, through the Spirit of Christ Jesus.
Though death may be cancer’s will, friendships cancer cannot kill,
Also, it cannot suppress memories, of loving friends and families,
As the ill effects continue to rage, cancer cannot silence courage,
For we know that this entire life, is truly sustained by Jesus Christ.
By this courage we don’t fear it, as cancer can’t conquer our spirit,
Though in a body it will take its toll, cancer cannot invade our soul,
Or lessen God’s Resurrection Power, even during the darkest hour,
As a member of the Body of Christ, cancer can’t steal Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 sierpnia 2012

But One Way

Do you survey each possibility, to reach Heaven for eternity?
There’s many ways you can find, out of man’s exalted mind,
Many teachers reach out to man, with another salvation plan,
Many say, every way my friend, will reach Heaven in the end.
Is there a God and who is He; is there a Heaven and eternity?
If so, is there also a Hell, and must we believe in Emmanuel?
Emmanuel, Who is Christ Jesus, which means “God with us.”
Sent by God and our Creator, to be for all men, their Savior!
Christ was sent to save Israel, also, every nation, every soul,
All, who would believe in Him, would be saved from their sin,
As by our sin we are condemned, and this applies to all men,
So all men, from every nation, need from God, His Salvation!
Jesus Christ, The Great “I AM,” came to earth as God’s Lamb,
To be God’s Perfect Sacrifice, paying for all His eternal price,
That debt, no man could pay, so The Lord provided The Way,
The Only Way, to Eternal Life, through His Son, Jesus Christ!
From God, there’s but one way, despite what man has to say,
For God’s Word is absolute, Eternal Truth, no man can refute,
Truth, The Word does claim, under Heaven there is one name,
By which men must be saved, Truth in which, Apostles raved.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 sierpnia 2012

Evolving Lies

Things which are set, do not evolve, this, my friend, is my resolve,
Holding fast to The Lord God, Who, reigns above this earthly sod,
Trusting in God’s Eternal Word, not just suggestions to be inferred,
But Truth from the mouth of The Lord, Truth that cannot be ignored.
From mortal man’s evolving thought, many deceptions are wrought,
Changing words, spoken by, The Eternal God, Who reigns on High,
High above this temporal earth, Whose Words are of Eternal Worth,
As they show disdain and reproof, for those who hold Eternal Truth.
Our ways aren’t progressive at all, with beliefs too narrow and small,
To accept post-modern thought, in embracing their changes sought,
Changes sought by the liberal mind, as they leave all morals behind,
God’s unchanging moral law, which causes liberals to falter and fall.
Falling because of darkened hearts, so from The Lord man departs,
Creating for men an amoral state, wanting all to progressively relate,
Changing ways that can’t change, for God above remains the same,
An unchanging God in all His ways, Who is defied in the latter days.
God’s Word, that does not change, to liberal minds may be strange,
But, His Word, that in stone was cast, throughout all eternity will last,
As man’s thoughts will fade away, God’s Words, shall eternally stay,
Being the only words of any stability, in a culture of amoral liberality.
(Copyright ©08/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 sierpnia 2012

Temporally Deluded?

Are you clinging to this earth, or is your hope towards Heaven?
Have you experienced New Birth, or caught in religious leaven?
Is your hope in this world, or are you seated above with Christ?
In a time, to be soon unfurled, that begins an endless Paradise.
Is your affection on things above, or on temporal things below?
Is it our Lord that you think of, or the life you’ve come to know?
These questions, that Paul did ask, are questions we must face,
Being prepared for an eternal task, have we changed by Grace?
We’ve been changed for a reason, that is the purpose of Christ,
Transformed not for a season, but, transformed for Eternal Life,
We are to be heavenly minded, to point other people to Heaven,
But, some souls have been blinded, by Satan’s religious leaven.
Sidetracked from our mission, some have followed man’s ways,
Changing The Great Commission, in these darkened, latter days,
Some, even ignoring Calvary, influenced by man’s tainted views,
As they slipped into apostasy, and share not God’s Good News.
With our affections set on Christ, The Spirit transforms our mind,
Looking on, towards Eternal Life, we can leave this world behind,
Offering instead to each nation, God’s unmerited grace and love,
Sharing with men God’s salvation, as we focus on heaven above.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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