
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 sierpnia 2012

Unseeing Eyes

Why can’t men with eyes see, the future ahead for you and me?

This country’s near future at hand, within an ever darkening land,
In a land that avoids all light, supporting evil and wrong as right,
Being swayed by leaders who lie, a given fact, you cannot deny.
Is this why many souls today, are being led down a darker way?
Being led by the spiritually blind, while leaving all morals behind,
Blindly being taken down a path, that leads to judgment’s wrath,
As they continue ignoring signs, following dark political designs.
Forgetting God, over this land, leaders now take a darker stand,
Defying The God, over this nation, ignoring His Holy Revelation,
Following ways of an amoral few, forgetting all most of us knew,
As they defy God ruling above, going to what they know little of.
Those following with unseeing eyes, will only see a total demise,
Of political plans and fabrication; hope and change, for a nation,
As with change darkness abounds, while hopelessness resounds,
While only darkness is wrought, by hope and change they sought.
Their eyes can see nothing friend, about Truth and upcoming end,
Of darkened leaders political bent, and Gods’ righteous judgment,
But friend every eye shall see, the coming of The Lord of Eternity,
Ending all of those political lies, while all leaders see their demise.
(Copyright ©07/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 czerwca 2012

Joy In A Dark World

Though this world may be sad, The Lord Jesus makes one glad,
A Fortress for you in any place, surrounding you with His Grace,
Providing you joy, deep inside, that, by a world can’t be denied,
While filling you with God’s Light, in a world where wrong is right.
Living in this world, without hope, The Lord Jesus helps us cope,
Filling us with a joy and peace, that in a dark world will not cease,
Christ is the Blessed Hope for us, all who believe in Christ Jesus,
Being led by His staff and rod; are all who have this hope in God.
Hope in God the world does not have, so they use political salve,
While leaders say believe in me, and we’ll have peace and safety,
A tactic that’s perpetrated by, Satan, leading all to the ultimate lie,
That he alone is Almighty God, to be worshiped by all on this sod,
All shall only get darker dear friend, as this Age comes to an end,
Men spoofed and souls deceived, as Truth, they haven’t received,
Yet, they’ll believe words of men; deceptive lies of how and when,
Peace will be ushered in by them, a plan God above will condemn!
The world’s lack of righteousness, can weary those in Christ Jesus,
While in this world we are annoyed, but, in Christ we are overjoyed,
In our Hope, that’s beyond this world, in a time that is yet unfurled,
That time we’ll enter into Eternal Life, with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 czerwca 2012

Fully Trust In God

Believers today, cannot afford, not to trust entirely in The Lord,
Trusting God with all one’s heart, knowing that He won’t depart,
Acknowledge Him in all you do; straight paths He gives to you,
Helping you through all your life, while you trust in Jesus Christ.
Trust in God with a reverent fear, knowing that He’s always near,
And Wisdom shall guard your life, in a world where trials are rife,
His Light shines upon every road, as you share your heavy load,
All that is a burden in your way, as Christ guides you day to day.
In God’s sovereignty, over all, big things to us, to Him are small,
In all your times and everywhere, recognize His providential care,
Obeying Truth that you’ve heard, knowing Him through His Word,
If you will not forget God’s Law, Truth shall help you avoid a fall.
Be not wise in your own eyes, and sin God leads you to despise,
While you shun evil all your days, living by The Lords Holy Ways;
Should by the choice you make, put you on a wrong path to take,
God rebukes you for your selection, don’t despise His correction.
Trust not in what you understand, but rely on God’s guiding hand,
And the Author of your Salvation, shall guide you in all tribulation,
Fully trusting in our Lord above, to guide you with grace and love,
As God guides you in your life, through The Spirit of Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 czerwca 2012

Keep Your Eyes On The Sky

Believers must look to the sky, for Him, Who comes from on high,
As The Lord comes in the clouds, this, to receive His holy crowds,
First those who went before us, all those who died in Christ Jesus,
Then all those in Christ, still alive, up in those clouds, we will arrive.
Believers with Christ forevermore, all with our Lord eternally secure,
When every believer in Jesus Christ, will begin with Him, eternal life,
With the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, all of us with the Great I AM,
And the Judgment Seat of Christ for all, all our works big and small.
As this begins for believers friend, all on earth shall begin their end,
As God begins the Tribulation, for each unbelieving man and nation,
Then during this God shall fulfill, His Plan to purge His nation Israel,
Purifying one third of His nation; as the wicked see His Devastation.
This wrath Christians shall not see, as we have stepped into eternity,
Saved not to suffer God’s Wrath, as we were put on a blessed path,
God’s path that delivered all of us, from His Wrath, by Christ Jesus,
Setting us apart from wicked men, who, The Lord God will condemn.
For us there is no condemnation, when we embrace God’s Salvation,
From The Word Paul helps us learn, we are to wait for Christ’s return,
Our Blessed Hope, we’re to long for, even while Christ is at the door,
To take us Home, to be with Him, far removed from this world of sin.
(Copyright ©06/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 maja 2012

Simplicity Of The Gospel

Friend it’s so easy to receive, when God’s Truth you believe,
Saving Grace from our Lord, when His Salvation is implored,
As you truly believe in your heart, The Spirit, God will impart,
Sending the Holy Spirit of Christ, when The Lord saves a life.

As the jailer had asked Paul, what shall I do to save my soul?
Believe on The Lord to be saved, this is what Paul had raved,
Saying nothing more, to that one, but, believe on God’s Son,
Who, finished all for you and me, upon that Cross of Calvary.

God finished salvation for us, through The Lord, Christ Jesus,
“It is finished” was His cry, completing salvation for you and I,
Our only work is to believe, with this, salvation we will receive,
Through our simple act of faith, we are saved by God’s Grace.

Like the thief upon the cross, being one filled with sin’s dross,
He said to Christ, remember me, next to The Cross of Calvary,
Christ knowing He paid the price, He, referred him to Paradise,
He said today you’ll be with me, as He was pointing to eternity.

Calvary’s Cross is God’s only way, to receive Salvation today,
Righteousness credit by “I AM”, base on his faith, to Abraham,
Is the Righteousness we receive, when, in The Lord we believe,
It’s all about God’s Saving Grace, simply received by our faith.

(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 maja 2012

Hope And Change

We must be ready in any season, to give others the real reason,
For the hope they sense in us, as we point them to Christ Jesus,
And we must be ready any time, to direct them to God’s Design,
For hope that is above this world, as His Truth to men we herald.

The hope and change that we heard, has not at all been unfurled,
Instead of a hope and change, if not worse, things are the same,
For this was not of the Lord’s Plan, but, it was that of fallen man,
Providing no hope, but despair, for men and women, everywhere.

Real change comes from above, through God, they speak not of,
As they push a dark emptiness, lacking Truth and Righteousness,
Setting the course for God’s enemy, to deceive souls for eternity,
Using men on a political stage, to prepare men for a darker page!

That page right out of Prophecy, from God’s Word, for all to see,
Right from the book of Revelation, these men of Satan’s creation,
Setting this world for a darker time, that will be of Satan’s design,
While he reveals the Antichrist, to change the way all live their life.

Change that shall surely permeate, the entire world fueled by hate,
Hate spread throughout this world, as his dark change is unfurled,
Upon all of the people left behind, given over to that darker mind,
As God’s Truth was ignored, dismissing true Hope from The Lord.

But, you can still find that place, in God’s Plan through His Grace,
While still in this very present age, before our Lord turns the page,
Receiving Hope in Jesus Christ, being changed by Him in this life,
Placed upon God’s eternal path; saved from all the coming Wrath.

(Copyright ©04/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 4 maja 2012

A Future To Know

Many say that the future’s unknown, but, to many, God has shown,
What the future, for all shall be, throughout the pages of prophecy,
Words of God, indeed foretold, to His people, by prophets of old,
Warning men of dark times ahead, filling many with fear and dread.

A lot of prophecies were fulfilled, precisely as The Lord God willed,
All in accordance to God’s Word, which, many of His people heard,
Prophecies to God’s chosen nation, as to Judgment and Salvation,
Concerning God’s promise to Israel, a covenant oath He shall fulfill.

All throughout God’s Revelation, are words spoken to every nation,
Words beyond His Hebrew country, to people just like you and me,
God’s Word about their judgment, of which, The Lord will not relent,
To judge all of Israel’s enemies, which shall fulfill future prophecies.

Dark times for all, sure will come, but, God to all, revealed His Son,
Promised light to Gentile nations, offering from Israel His Salvation,
Extending salvation to all the world, is what for God we now herald,
Deliverance accessible to everyone, through Christ, His Eternal Son.

God prophesied the death of Christ, offering to all men Eternal Life,
His resurrection, He prophesied, as now He lives, although He died,
God’s coming back for all of us, those who belong to Christ Jesus,
Then after His Judgment is unfurled, Christ will rule this entire world.

(Copyright ©05/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 29 marca 2012

Certain As Can Be

Friend, as certain as anything can be, my life is set for eternity,
Not only in eternity will I stand, but presently I’m in God’s hand,
Inscribed in the palm of my Lord, my life, by God isn’t ignored,
It’s fashioned daily by God’s will, as His purpose He shall fulfill.

While God’s the Potter I’m the clay, which He molds day to day,
Forming my life, per His desire, at times through a flood or fire,
For God’s Purpose, not for mine, through every season of time,
Achieving purpose only God can, within the lives of mortal men.

Through it all God grants peace, as His presence doesn’t cease,
Peace beyond what I understand, as God holds me in His hand,
Unfolding His Plan in my life, as I follow The Lord, Jesus Christ,
As God molds this lump of clay, around His purpose every day.

He works in ways I can’t explain, so who am I to ever complain?
God, my Maker and The Creator, and He is my Lord and Savior,
Who came to be God’s sacrifice, so that I could live in Paradise,
Not just to live upon this earth, but in a mansion of eternal worth.

Uncertainty here we’re sure to see, but that pales next to eternity,
Where everything will be secure, and this my friend, forevermore,
A security we can’t comprehend, from this place that has an end,
But this security we’re assured, by Jesus Christ, the Eternal Lord.

(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 marca 2012

It’s Not Fun

Friend, having cancer is not fun, but, praise God the victory’s won,
While my earthly life I may lose, but from God, I have Good News,
If I should die, I will live forever, so what my friend could be better,
Receiving my new body, glorified, I shall live as if I had never died.

With this cancer I occasionally pause, but, my life still has a cause,
This life is for The Lord to use, as a witness, of God’s Good News,
Though I sometimes deal with pain, for me, there is an eternal gain,
That life cancer cannot take away, as God comforts me day to day.

As this cancer changes my world, God’s Truth, I continue to herald,
For one day soon I will be changed, in a way God has prearranged,
When I die or that trumpet sounds, with Christ I will be in the clouds.
Right in the place prepared for me, with my Lord through all eternity.

Friend, it’s knowing Jesus Christ, that helps me in this temporal life,
Knowing all pain will one day cease, and I’ll enter into eternal peace,
Remembering Christ is omniscient, that His grace shall be sufficient,
As Christ knows my darkest days, He strengthens me, to His praise.

Cancer brings on pain and strife, and so my true hope is eternal life,
Anticipation of The Blessed Hope, is that source that helps to cope,
Since my earthly frame is but dust, in my Savior, I place all my trust,
For when I reach that Eternal Shore, I shall recall my cancer no more.

(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 marca 2012

Waste Not This Time

One said don’t waste your cancer, but, be ready with an answer,
This, during each step and phase, all throughout uncertain days,
As some would ask with a sigh, that very simple question, why?
Why has something dark as this, befallen one who loves Jesus?

Questions shall be of all kinds, believing and unbelieving minds,
Everything from before and now, covering all the whys and how;
Some answers may be ignored, if you refer to a Sovereign Lord,
Who, in my life has complete control, over issues, big and small.

This is the point we must stress, with every question we address,
With questions regarding my life, I must point all to Jesus Christ,
The Author of my life and time, unfolding my life, per His design,
Who, works all things for my good, this in my life, is understood.

Working out in this life, all things, peace in my life, Christ brings,
His peace when times are bleak, and His strength when I’m weak,
With God’s Grace sufficient for, the unknown, behind every door,
As Christ leads me, with His Grace, through every trial that I face.

This is a time to acknowledge Him, He, who saves us from all sin,
As a witness to all who may not see, that we all shall face eternity,
And that, I face this knowing Christ, the Author of my Eternal Life,
A life, all must know Christ to see, glorified life with God eternally.

(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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