
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 21 marca 2012

Another Season

We have another season ahead, when we think of death instead,
Instead of the birth of Jesus Christ, Who, came to be a sacrifice,
We think of a Hill called Calvary, where our Savior died on a tree,
When cursed is the one on a tree; this, Christ did for you and me.

It was part of God’s Eternal Plan, for the babe to become a man,
As a body was prepared for Him, Eternal God, to bear all our sin,
He became a curse for everyone, with God’s wrath upon His Son,
Christ paid sin’s eternal cost, as The Sinless Lamb for all the lost.

He was then buried in a tomb, all appeared, to be His final doom,
But in three days to much surprise, from that grave He would rise,
From the tomb Christ had risen again, to be the Savior of all men,
Now, behind Christ was Calvary, while ahead for man was victory.

As this alone is the very reason, we celebrate this Easter Season,
Better known as Resurrection Day, when God for us made a way;
Unlike Christ, we were born in sin, and only in Christ can men win,
That final victory over death, and receive from Him eternal breath.

The victory to be gained by us, is through The Lord, Christ Jesus,
Who as The Savior of all men, enables us to become Born Again,
As believers, still upon this earth, through a spiritual second birth,
And through the Lord Jesus Christ, we instead will see eternal life.

(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti) / http://www.poeticpulpit.com

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2012

The End of Grace

The end of an age, an era of time, an age of grace, by God’s Design,
A time when The Law was fulfilled, through Christ, as God had willed,
To deal with nations as a whole, a time of God’s Grace for every soul,
For all to embrace His Revelation; the time to accept God’s Salvation.

Are we now at the end of an age, when God’s ready to turn the page?
To turn the present page of history, in a way which all people will see!
A time, when all nations in this world, shall see a darker time unfurled,
The change appearing subtle at first, shall go down as history’s worst.

With Christ’s True Church removed, all the nations become behooved,
To deal with the changing time, not through God’s, but of their design,
By exalting one leader over all, the nations and peoples big and small,
Forcing all who dwell on the earth, to honor that man with divine worth.

This, while God continues His Plan, to deal with every nation and man,
As a world leader promises peace, God deals with Israel and enemies,
While Eternal God divinely wages war, from Heaven, like never before,
To rescue Israel from every nation, as prophesied in God’s Revelation.

So, are you really ready dear friend, when this Age comes to and end?
Are you ready for what comes before, God on grace, closes the door?
As The Lord God raptures everyone, who belongs to His Beloved Son,
Saved, through God’s only Salvation, from the wrath of the Tribulation.

(Copyright ©03/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 18 lutego 2012

Who We Worship

We worship God, for Who He is, Believers, who are forever His,
Redeemed believers on this earth, praising One of eternal worth.
The Lord God is infinite; regarding restrictions, there’s not a hint,
Not at all limited by time or space, larger than any span or place.

God is immutable in all His ways; He’s changed not all His days,
Is the same yesterday and forever, our Lord God changes never.
God’s omnipotent regarding power, more than able, day or hour,
To do anything, mindful of this, God can’t contradict, Who He is.

God is omnipresent, all the time, not simply in Heavenly sublime,
Always present, yes everywhere, at any place God shall be there.
God is omniscient, knowing all, and there’s nothing, big or small,
That The Lord does not know, even where your thoughts may go.

The Lord above has total freedom, as eternity is where He’s from,
He’s free to rule the earth below, in ways that only God can know.
Freedom, God gives to each of us, when we accept Christ Jesus,
Freeing us from the bondage of sin, to live our lives through Him.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, seated above this earth we trod,
And through The Savior, Jesus Christ, we too, can live a holy life.
The Holy Eternal God is Love, as He reached from Heaven above,
With love He showed to everyone, as He sacrificed His Only Son.

The Lord God is Righteous indeed, an attribute that all must heed,
For all men will be accountable, to Him who died on Calvary’s Hill.
God above is totally Sovereign, reigning in the Spirit and His Son,
And Christ, Who reigns eternally, shall reign on earth for all to see.

The Lord God of Heaven is Truth, with revealed scripture as proof,
Of His Mighty Works of the past, pointing to Truths that shall last,
This, The God we worship today, provided for men The Only Way,
To go from earth to Eternal Life, through the Truth of Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©02/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 stycznia 2012

What Is Heaven?

Is Heaven just a place to go, when through with this life we know?
Is Heaven that place for everyone, when life on this earth is done?
Is Heaven, not a placed called Hell, where after life, all shall dwell?
A final place to rest in peace, in blissful comfort that won’t cease?

Or, is Heaven to you much more, than rest beyond a golden door?
Do you desire to be in Heaven, beyond earth’s twenty-four seven?
Heaven is that true home above, for all who embraced God’s Love.
That love He showed on Calvary, where Christ died for you and me.

Do you know Christ, yourself, Who provides us with eternal wealth?
Providing believers an eternal home, granted from Heaven’s Throne;
But not all will accept God’s Son, although Christ died for everyone,
And they will not secure a place, in a home that’s supplied by Grace.

For Christ spoke of Heaven and Hell, when to His hearers He did tell,
About two very opposing destinies, while both shall still be eternities,
One for those who would believe, who, The Father above will receive,
And one for rejecters of The Lord, who, by our Father will be ignored.

Both being choices, which we make, when God we accept or forsake,
Heaven for all who accept Christ, through who God offers eternal life,
Hell for after one’s final breath, rejecting Christ, to enter eternal death.
Eternal places ahead for everyone, for their choice, about God’s Son.

(Copyright ©01/2012 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 grudnia 2011

Of The Light

Sometimes in this life I need to be, a quiet light for all to see,
Not flickering of words to hear, but, that light with Jesus near,
To be for God one quiet flame, by the power of Jesus’ Name,
A light for God in any place; maintained in His love and grace.

When to dark places, I must go; it is His Light I need to show,
Indeed the light of Jesus Christ, shown to a very troubled life,
When even in the darkest hour, His Light is the ultimate power,
To help a darkened heart to see, what one life in Christ can be.

If the time seems not so right, what may be needed is the light,
The Light of God’s Holy Truth, for others, as we’re living proof,
Of the power of, God’s Word, from truths that they have heard,
From truths you have expressed, when at this time light is best.

When Eternal Truths we proclaim, in the Power of God’s Name,
In those times, somewhat dark, The Lord’s Light leaves a mark,
Deep upon the heart, of a man, this, as we live out God’s Plan,
To be the Lord’s salt and light, while in this world dark as night.

When God’s Word, we do heed, sometimes light is all we need,
This as God’s Holy Spirit moves, upon a soul that He reproves,
Moving upon that soul’s heart, with God’s Truth He shall impart,
Through the light within our life, as we truly live for Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©12/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 25 listopada 2011

Thanks And Praise

Thanks And Praise

We lift to God thanks and praise, for His care over all our days,
Even when the times get tough, God surrounds us, in His Love,
Love that’s of an eternal scope, which gives to us eternal hope,
The hope one finds in Jesus Christ, as we walk through this life.

All our praise is due to Him, Who not only saved us from all sin,
But, our Lord God imputed to us, Jesus Christ’s Righteousness,
A righteousness not of our own, for it was sent from His Throne,
Where we are seated with Christ, Hope we have, while in this life.

Here He sustains us in His Love, which comes down from above,
While God’s Everlasting Arms, protects us from all undue harms,
Providing us with comfort too, comforts which each day are new,
For God’s compassion never fails, while in our life, God prevails.

His Love is beyond our reason, and for all time not just a season,
As God’s Love is eternal friend, and such a love will have no end,
A love that begins upon this earth, and long before our New Birth,
Being created in the image of, the One who saved us by His love.

That love and much, much more, is what Believers thank God for,
And while His Love helps us cope, we have in God a larger Hope,
A hope that is beyond this place, hope granted to us all by grace,
Our hope of New Life, eternally, that only those in Christ shall see.

(Copyright ©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 19 listopada 2011

Walking In Assurance

Walking in peace and very assured, is a soul that knows the Lord,
Knowing Him as Lord and Savior, not simply as a God or Creator,
But embracing the work of Christ, so to walk with Him in New Life.
Not following likes of religious men, but by God, now Born Again.
Walking with The Lord each day, I’m granted peace along the way,
Walking with Him as Lord and God, I’m guided on this earthly sod,
As God has a new work for us, when by faith we’re in Christ Jesus,
A new work while upon this earth, when in Christ we have new birth.
This new birth I’m speaking of, comes not from man but up above,
A spiritual birth from The Lord, when on a soul His Spirit is poured,
Poured into the heart of a man, all through God’s providential plan,
God’s Spirit then dwells nside, so in Christ, man can always abide.
With Christ’s Spirit in our heart, The Lord our God will never depart,
And so God’s Peace dwells within, while we walk and abide in Him,
With God’s presence within our life, through our Lord, Jesus Christ,
Through Him we’re in God’s Family, now on our way to life eternally.
God’s assurance, now guides our life, in this world, filled with strife,
Knowing the Creator, so loved us, that God sent to all Christ Jesus,
As God’s Lamb and Perfect Sacrifice, to pay for us, sin’s full price,
With God’s Spirit, as our guarantee, of our life with Christ, Eternally.
©11/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 października 2011

Shrouded In Mystery

The morning sun, clothed in clouds, is one of God’s striking shrouds,
Just as God’s shrouded in light, impenetrable by the darkest of night,
Unapproachable as He may be, He’s God of the present and Eternity,
Being a God, that we cannot see, He shrouds life, at times in mystery.

At times God moves in our days, for His purpose in mysterious ways,
For God’s shrouded in mystery, while working in lives, of you and me,
As the secret tings belong to God, Who reigns above this earthly sod,
In ways, we could not comprehend, for above us, His ways transcend.

But all things done for me and you, the Good Lord will see us through,
Through every trial that we will face, God will shroud us with His Grace,
And blessings The Lord will bestow, upon us in ways we’d never know,
As The Lord works in mysterious ways, unto our Lord, we lift all praise.

For we are shrouded in the Blood, of God’s Son, sent for us with love.
Sent to The Cross of Mount Calvary, to be a sacrifice, for you and me,
And today that blood, spilt by Him, covers not some, but all of our sin,
For The Savior alone paid the price, so we could be His living sacrifice.

Christ came to earth, to die for us, now we live our life for Christ Jesus,
To serve our Lord in this present time, for a purpose that is truly divine,
And Christ shall remove many shrouds, when we see Him in the clouds,
When Christ returns for you and me, we’ll serve our Lord, for all eternity.

(Copyright ©06/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 30 października 2011

Wrapped In Light

The Lord wraps Himself in light, that darkness cannot penetrate,
Existing high above dark of night, in His Glorious, Eternal State,
His form no eye on earth has seen, by those of us on this earth,
Value believers soon shall glean; that for us will be eternal worth.

God rides on the clouds above, as those clouds are His chariot,
Above all the clouds He speaks of, is the throne where God sits,
Throned high above in majesty, the Blessed Savior Jesus Christ,
Who every believer’s eye will see, when we into enter Eternal Life.

God left the Light of His Throne, to enter earth’s darkness below,
Coming down to redeem His own, and yet, Him they didn’t know,
So another thing God would do, He turned to each gentile nation,
With a Covenant, that was new, offering to all souls His salvation.

Yet, The Lord shall return to Israel, when this present age is done,
To redeem that Nation, per His Will, as God’s Only Begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, rejected the first time, by God’s only chosen nation,
However, it was of God’s Design, in fulfilling His Holy Revelation.

Christ came, the Light of the world, to redeem men from the night,
His Good News is what we herald, pointing other men to His Light,
For God came to redeem all men, to offer mortal men Eternal Life,
When, by God they are Born Again, through His Son, Jesus Christ.

(Copyright ©10/2011 Bob Gotti)

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