
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 marca 2014

Narrow And Wide Gates

We all must consider, every day, both the broad and narrow way,
For destruction, or life awaits, for all entering through both gates,
The narrow gate leads to life; the one where we find Jesus Christ,
The wide gate leads to a road of sin, a broad path of destruction.
First, one must choose a gate; the road that follows will correlate,
Wide or narrow this is my friend, with each having a different end,
We see here a clear deduction, as one’s life, the other destruction,
The choice is ours, in this life, but, only one leads to Jesus Christ.
A choice not only eternal friend, but having results before the end,
As tribulation may come today, we of God choose the narrow way,
Though the wide can be one easy life, with very little toil and strife,
The choice affects our destination, with a bearing on our salvation.
If, the narrow gate you choose, eternally my friend, you won’t lose,
The only road with an eternal view, one unfortunately chose by few,
While filled at times with tribulation, life with God is the destination,
When we finish the end of life, received in Heaven by Jesus Christ,
Not so friend with the wide gate, which is your choice, not just fate,
With many on that broad road friend, for this leads to a darker end,
Being the eternal separation from God, when you leave earth’s sod,
Far from that wide road many cherish, for you shall eternally perish.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 marca 2014

Our Task At Hand

If only more men could see, it’s not about down here, but Eternity,
But, Satan has blinded many eyes, to the Truths, he does despise,
As their heart he begins to deceive, like he did with Adam and Eve,
Questioning the very Word of God; fixing minds on the earthly sod.
For believers our job down here, is to make Gods Truth totally clear,
While fulfilling our primary role, as God moves on the wayward soul,
Being the light, which God requires, becoming all that Christ desires,
As God gives others spiritual sight, piercing darkness with His Light.
God works through the Holy Spirit, while we witness and they hear it,
Bringing light to God’s Revelation, focusing eyes upon His Salvation,
Today, believers must understand, the end for many souls is at hand,
And they will only have Eternal Life, through God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
The Truths that God put in our heart, to unbelievers we need to impart,
Knowing that The Holy Spirit is able, to change even that hardest fool,
And it’s The Lord God’s sole desire, to save all souls from eternal fire,
Through Christ’s redeeming sacrifice, providing all the way to Paradise.
All who continue believing Satan’s lie, apart from God will eternally die,
And o they must embrace God’s Truth, to avoid God’s eternal reproof,
So our task today is to lead all men, to Jesus Christ, to be Born Again,
Born from above into God’s Family, and granted life with God eternally.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 marca 2014

My Walk Of Faith

As doctors pump me with medicine, prescribed for me by mere men,
The Lord my God is at the helm, adding to their staff a Divine Realm,
Guiding the staff in my recovery, of a disease a human eye can’t see,
As The Lord God works to deliver, me, from a cancer now in my liver.
Traveling on an unexpected journey, my Lord and God is holding me,
And as God holds me in His hand, I’m exceeding all they understand,
For the fact this day I feel wonderful, goes against their common rule,
Regarding what they have detected, I feel much better than expected.
As a Medical Field looks for praise, there’s a question I need to raise,
As the doctor’s staff race for a cure, where is the Lord in their picture,
Sure the doctors by God are used, as their medicine in me is infused,
However is this the entire story, when indeed God deserves the glory?
As the doctors continue on with me, through their prescribed therapy,
Dear friend, if and when I’m restored, it shall be ordered by The Lord,
For The Lord is the ultimate Healer, and God alone, shall will the cure,
For I am not in this all alone, as God guides doctors from His Throne.
For me, this is truly a walk of faith, as I am being led by God’s Grace,
His Grace, sufficient for every day, as God walks with me all the way,
And with His Grace, my feet are shod, as I walk this journey with God,
Who shall get the praise ultimately, here on earth and through Eternity.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 marca 2014

Strength From God

As more darkness looms ahead, I will look to my Savior instead,
For God’s strength, one more time, in this trial, not of my design,
And as God’s done before, strength He’ll supply and much more,
As God leads me through the night, in His strength and His might.
My own endurance through this trial, will not last, there’s no denial,
God’s resources, I can’t deplete, so in God, my strength’s replete.
With His strength He gives peace, that, from God, shall not cease,
As He’s helped me in past days, He’ll strengthen me to His praise.
Though weak and frail, I may be, that strength that God grants me,
Helps me through minute to hour, not through mine but His power,
Divine power, He extends by grace, for each and every trial I face,
Through the strength of The Lord, I know my ways will be restored.
Through my own strength I would fall, but, He is Lord God over all,
Over all the ways, within my life, as I follow The Lord, Jesus Christ,
Who guides me each and every day, lighting even the darkest way,
By God, dark days are not ignored, for I’m led by Christ, my Lord,
When I am weak, He is strong, so following God, I can’t go wrong;
Grace God sends by His design, into my life, at just the right time,
So never is it too early or too late, as for God’s grace I never wait,
For He Who cares so much for me, is The Lord God, over Eternity.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 24 marca 2014

Empty Belief

Many people know of God, but, do not know God at all,
But, they will see His Rod, as He judges great and small,
As many live opposed to Truth, living far away from Him,
And they shall see His reproof, when judged for their sin.
Head knowledge of the Lord, is very common in our day,
However, what goes ignored, is His Truth, along the way,
As they live out their days, of their life, God is not a part,
So He receives not their praise, for He’s not in their heart.
Some know that God exists, someplace in Heaven above,
But, their ignorance persists, about The God we speak of,
Ignorance, some say is bliss, as Truth, is not in their heart,
So Heaven they’ll surely miss, hearing our Lord say depart.
What may be more than worse, for men all over the world?
Knowing God, as just a curse, when Judgment is unfurled!
Even all who know He’s there, reigning over Heaven above,
But, who simply do not care, enough to embrace His Love.
Whether they just do not care, or don’t desire to know Him,
All souls on earth, be aware, God’s coming to judge all sin;
With only those believing men, through faith in Jesus Christ,
And through Him are born again, will be granted Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

Dark And Dim

When my journey gets dark and dim, I look to only one, that’s Him,
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Author and Sustainer of my life,
Through this time, I cannot afford, to not, lift my cares to The Lord,
He, who knows the beginning and end, is my Lord, God and friend.
One, Who sticks closer than a brother, is my Lord, God and Father,
Not only walking with me each day, but comforts me along the way,
Especially in the middle of my plight, as the day turns dark as night,
He’s there with light and grace, to help me through the darkest place.
I think of God not just on a whim, when the trial seems dark and dim,
But I consider God all of the time, as Christ gives me peace of mind,
That peace, beyond what I understand, as God holds me in His hand,
Holding me up while sustaining me, as my comfort along this journey.
Through the darkness of this plight, God indeed, is my Guiding Light,
Comforted by The Spirit of Christ, through these darkest times of life,
All those dark times of uncertainty, as God my Savior, walks with me,
Journeying on every valley and hill, this, as God guides me in His will.
God, my Savior and my friend, is there on every valley, hill, and bend,
So, I lift all of my cares to Him, not only when times are dark and dim,
For, even before I see a darker bend, my Lord, already knows the end,
So, I continue to follow His lead, as God takes care of my every need.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

Serving Other Gods

Many gods of a darker realm, throughout the world overwhelm,
The minds of men and their faith, as God’s Truths they replace,
With doctrine, of their decisions, men create their own religions,
Following not God’s, but man’s will, religious desires they fulfill.
One Creator but man’s many gods, from pious deceptive nods,
Man’s attempt to reach God above, by the ways men dream of,
New religious ways perceived, through vain thoughts conceived,
Man’s polluted way to reach Heaven, tainted by religious leaven.
Religious and very arrogant men, who’ve never been born again,
From above, of the Spirit of God; they follow spirits of this sod,
Those spirits of a darker kind, that deceives their heart and mind,
Satan appears as an angel of light, leading all into spiritual night.
Turning away from God’s decrees, they create darkened heresies,
Changing Truth to their shame, as God Himself remains the same,
Turning many from Truth they need, as they become Satan’s lead,
Leading souls from God’s Truth, for this, they will see His reproof.
Not only for distorting God’s Word, but, because souls they herd,
Leading them down a broad path, heading directly to God’s Wrath,
Denying the finished work of Christ, leading them from eternal life,
Being used for Satan’s seduction; distorting Truth unto destruction.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

To The Promised Land

After journeying a sin cursed world, we await a time, yet unfurled,
Where we will be free from sin, where righteousness reigns within,
A distant place, of God’s design, where we will be free from time,
With no limitation on those of us, who have come to Christ Jesus.
The time soon may be at hand, when we enter the Promised Land,
The blessed land promised by God, so far above this earthly sod,
A unique place in Heaven above, arranged by God’s amazing love,
Where we shall all live together, with Jesus Christ and God forever.
It shall begin a blessed time of rest, away from every trial and test,
Gathered in our Heavenly Home, surrounding God’s Eternal Throne,
In the very presence of our Lord, Who on earth, we’ve long adored,
Now upon Heaven’s eternal shore, we’ll serve our Lord forevermore.
A blessed place of eternal peace, where time with God won’t cease,
In a city built by the hands of God, where upon gold we all will trod,
Right alongside that Crystal Sea, in a dwelling prepared for Eternity,
Where believers will begin Eternal Life, with our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The Eternal Life that we received, when in Jesus Christ, we believed,
Accepting on our behalf His sacrifice, by Grace we’ll enter Paradise,
Not for anything that we have done, but, on the Merit of God’s Son,
Who cleansed us of all our iniquity, to live with Him through Eternity.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

God Will

“God will” we read all over His Word, Truth to us that can be inferred,
Into the lives of both me and you, for what God says, God shall do,
For everywhere we read “God will”, The Lord above will indeed fulfill,
As God fulfills every jot and tittle, working in all things, big and little.
Everywhere these words are read, in Scripture, He’ll do what He said,
All of Scripture, which we read, especially “God will” we should heed,
For God shall finish His Will and Plan, in the life of every single man,
As on this His Earth, every single life, will be judged by Jesus Christ.
God is Love, but must be just, His unchanging character all can trust,
God will show His Justice my friend, all men shall see in the very end,
Even though amoral forces assail, God’s ultimate justice shall prevail,
For He is God and as God must be, true to His Nature, for all will see.
Men will change, but God will never, as God’s Word shall last forever,
God’s Will and Purpose always suits, His Timeless, Eternal attributes,
In spite of what men believe and say, and while earth shall pass away,
God’s Attributes and Will together, remain unaltered, now and forever.
God’s Righteousness will one day fill, a New Earth, as God said it will,
Though God’s Judgment soon will fall, grace and mercy is open to all,
By knowing God and all that He said, we’re filled with hope, not dread,
As God will sound the trumpet for us, to take us home to Christ Jesus.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 22 marca 2014

God of The Bible

God’s Word was sent by inspiration, every word of God’s Revelation,
If you say He didn’t inspired the Bible, you friend will be spiritual libel.
For God of The Bible, and only He, sent His Son to both you and me,
If you don’t know God of Scripture, you know one, of another picture.
God sent His Son a propitiation for us, God’s Only Son, Christ Jesus,
As a perfect, bloody atoning sacrifice, so sinners may enter Paradise;
We can only see The Father by Him, Christ, who alone paid for our sin,
For God placed our sin on His Son, paying that full price for everyone.
The Scriptures are God’s Authority, from the beginning through eternity,
As men change, God changes never, and God’s Word endures forever,
It’s important to heed God’s Word, before God’s Judgment is unfurled,
Yes, God is Love, but He’s also just, and so God’s judgment is a must,
We have the word of prophets of old, to know how the end shall unfold,
With God’s Word made more certain, we know all about the final curtain,
Men would do well to heed the light, to be saved from the coming night,
To know God’s Word as we hear it, is the enablement of The Holy Spirit.
From The Word of God we must heed, Eternal Truth which all men need,
The only Truth which leads to Grace, when God’s Truth men do embrace;
However, if God’s Truths you refuse, do not expect to hear Good News,
As you will be separated from God, for all eternity after leaving this sod.
(Copyright ©02/2011 Bob Gotti)

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