
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 marca 2014

The Power Behind All

Rolling thunder is what men hear, as The Lord’s storm draws near,
With lightning piercing the sky, from the Lord, Who reigns on high,
From the clouds above the earth, one more storm, God shall birth,
Beyond all that man understands, it’s not nature, but God’s Hands.
Some folks call it an Act of God, when a disaster strikes this sod,
But it’s God providing abundantly, in all the rain and snow we see,
And as tornados come into sight, we see God’s Power and Might,
As that funnel scores the earth, with a channel of remarkable girth.
As hurricanes appear from nowhere, creating damage everywhere,
Even the unbelievers have a sense, there’s a coming recompense,
For this world, that has lost its way, living life in their godless way,
Glorifying not the Creator and Lord, but by many remains ignored.
Through that rain, ice and snow, God is revealed, not many know,
Revealed, so every eye will see, the works of The God of Eternity,
Just a sample of what’s to come, to be seen by all, not just some,
And everyone, some defiantly, will recognize, The God of Eternity.
As you see the weather’s power, know it’s God behind the shower,
When you’re stuck in snow or ice, God would have you think twice,
To know the one behind Creation, the Author of all men’s salvation,
And come to His Son, Jesus Christ, The Power behind Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 marca 2014

Spirit Filled Men

Spirit filled men within The Ministry, must follow The Lord’s priority,
Being leaders now Born Again, they follow the Spirit not mere men,
God is The One they must obey, regardless of what other men say,
As it is God’s Rule and Law, that precedes man’s, not some but all.
Spirit filled men receive God’s call, to lead ministries big and small.
Ministries touching God’s needs, both watering and planting seeds,
While they disciple for Jesus Christ, leading others in their New Life,
In their new roles giving to others, as they help sisters and brothers.
Spirit filled men now used by God, are led by Christ’s staff and rod,
Both In the pulpit and everywhere, as God’s Truth together we share,
If The Spirit leads you to search, you’ll find them all over the Church,
Together, serving The Lord we love, led by God’s Spirit from above.
Spirit filled men are so willing to be, vessels for the Lord of Eternity,
Men, who have the mind of Christ, and willing to become a sacrifice,
Living sacrifices for The Lord above, to direct others to God’s Love,
Willing to be a part of a mission, to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission.
Spirit filled men are of one accord, serving together, Christ our Lord,
Serving, with one mind and heart, as God’s Word, we eagerly impart,
To this present, lost and dying world, His salvation we loyally herald,
Together, as we fulfill God’s Ministry, directing lost souls to Eternity.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 marca 2014

Contend For The Faith

Many Truths jump from God’s Word, many Truths that need to be heard,
God’s Truths about salvation of men, and how they must be Born Again,
However, many people just cry foul, and irritably exclaim, why and how?
Just why is it that you continue to say, to Heaven there is only one way?
And how can you simply proclaim, salvation is found in only one name?
That Name under Heaven is only One, that Name belongs to God’s Son,
His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, Author and Provider of Eternal Life,
The only man to ever die for us all, to redeem all souls from Adam’s fall,
The only One to pay an eternal price, affording all men to enter Paradise,
Provided for all by The Great “I AM”; Jesus Christ, God’s Spotless Lamb.
Religion in the world plays a part, but God’s full Truth they do not impart,
God’s unchanging Truth of Salvation, found in God’s inspired Revelation,
From the very words of God’s Son, came His Eternal Truths to everyone,
That is for everyone upon this earth, so that all can experience New Birth,
A spiritual birth from the Spirit above, in accord with all Christ speaks of.
As His believers we can’t afford, to compromise the Gospel of our Lord,
For any other gospel apart from His, is surely a gospel that’s truly amiss,
All who embrace it miss the mark, following those shepherds of the dark,
So we must preach only God’s Truth, with the Holy Bible being our proof,
That all people need to believe in Christ, to receive from God Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 16 marca 2014

Worry’s Added Burdens

Worry can be debilitating my friend, as you worry around every bend,
Each bend and valley in the road, will put on you an unbearable load,
A load we’re not meant to bear, as God wants every burden and care,
Each and every one cast off to Him, lest we become worried and sin.
Worry will turn concern into fear, making cloudy what’s just not clear,
Focusing on what we just don’t know, while fear within starts to grow,
So as that fear begins to fill a heart, all peace within seems to depart,
And all the promises from The Lord, through sinful worry, go ignored.
Worry can also lead to bitterness, moving one’s heart to unrighteous,
Causing a heart strife, deep within, because of the very nature of sin,
And if not checked will only wrought, sinful action of a bitter thought,
Actions, that will do nothing friend, to ease your concerns in the end.
Anger then begins to its play apart, if bitterness is allowed in a heart,
And anger only causes more pain, as you find worry affords no gain,
You will not gain, but simply fall back, as that devil, strives to attack,
Using something pure as concern; causing bitterness in you to churn.
Worry will never help you at all, but only cause you to stumble or fall,
From that very firm and solid place, where you’re reassured by grace,
If you take your eyes off of Christ, to bear alone the cares of this life,
Losing the very God given peace, which through all shall never cease.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 marca 2014

Avoiding Worry

When things in life become a bother, we can trust our Heavenly Father,
When trials trouble our heart and mind, we must leave all worry behind,
Christ’s admonition we must heed, not to worry as He knows our need,
In this life we must worry not, as God knows our needs in our life’s lot.
Worry can lead to temptations friend, which, can lead to sin in the end,
As your worry can lead to the birth, of storing up treasure on this earth;
We must lift all our concerns to Him, to avoid falling into worry and sin,
Knowing that God takes care of us, as we are led daily by Christ Jesus.
For, all worry my friend, you shall find, can lead one to a divided mind,
As worry is sin, practiced in stealth, trying to control things by yourself,
Worry is not simply like concern, where God is involved, we must learn,
To trust in God with all of our heart, we must allow all worries to depart!
Isn’t our life more than our need? A question from Christ we must heed,
Knowing God always takes care, of the birds of less value up in the air,
Do flowers toil and spin? Next to Solomon their dressed finer than Him,
Concerning things upon earth’s sod, we must trust in our Heavenly God.
All of our needs are known by Christ, so friend worry not about this life?
Unlike the unbelievers dear friend, we know God shall see us to the end,
So, whether it’s tomorrow or today, we need to obey all God has to say,
The very words of Christ, to all of us, we mustn’t worry, but in God trust!
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 marca 2014

In His Will

Whatever should happen today, to me, along my present way,
While I am on this earthly sod, upon the path planned by God;
When you look behind my story, it is for God’s ultimate Glory,
While I live out all my earthly days, I give to God all the praise.
Whether there’s sunshine or rain, God is with me in joy or pain,
Suffering God may well prescribe, but in my Lord I shall abide,
I may even need to take a bitter pill, as God works out His Will,
But the bad taste won’t remain, as God’s Joy outlasts the pain.
All pain and frustration I can bear, because I know God is there,
For God is with me at every step, while in His Grace, I am kept.
Being kept through every fiery trial, for He’s my God, no denial,
And He will be with me to the end; Jesus Christ, my best friend.
Whatever His Will, it’ll be done, and I will just follow God’s Son,
Who always goes ahead of me, on my journey towards eternity;
Christ showed us real sacrifice, when He paid the ultimate price,
To place me where I am today, upon that Christ led Narrow Way.
Being in God’s Will, you will find, in any place, a peace of mind,
In His Will, is the very best place, being sustained by His Grace,
As His hand leads you along, while He fills your heart with song,
For knowing the last stop will be, your home in Heaven eternally.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 marca 2014

How Much Better

I know God and God knows me, how much better could life be,
To know The God of Eternity, The One in control of my destiny,
Having a relationship with His Son, my Lord, as all is said done,
Knowing personally Jesus Christ, God will afford me eternal life.
Knowing the God of creation, He leads you on your destination,
With a path marked out for you, which He shall see you through,
Not alone in this life, instead, He’s planned your path well ahead,
And you’ll be led in this life, by the Great Shepherd Jesus Christ.
The One who’s with us all the way, never leaving us night or day,
When in God’s Spirit, we abide, Christ is there, right by our side,
God’s even near when we stray, as Christ’s Spirit is here to stay,
Dwelling in our hearts endlessly, until that time we reach Eternity.
Knowing there’s nothing we will face, without our Savior’s Grace,
Grace sufficient through anything, knowing Christ is Eternal King,
The One who sustains all we know, goes with us wherever we go,
Whether times are bad or good, He is with us, that’s understood.
Christ from me, shall not depart, as His Spirit dwells in my heart,
And Christ gave His Peace to me, so I could live life abundantly,
As I journey upon life’s byways, God fills me with joy and praise,
Knowing my way, He won’t forget, how much better could it get?
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 marca 2014

Then And Why

I shall enter into eternal bliss, for God’s call I didn’t miss,
God’s call upon my life, to accept His Son, Jesus Christ,
It was God’s Spirit drawing me, allowing my eyes to see,
From God’s Holy Revelation, that I needed His Salvation.
I will enter right into Paradise, for The Lord paid the price,
On a bloody cross of Calvary, where He had died for me,
Making atonement for my sin, to cleanse me deep within,
With Christ’s precious blood, all provided by God’s Love.
I shall see my Savior’s face, all by God’s Amazing Grace,
Provided by God’s Only Son, grace enough for everyone,
Grace that pardoned my iniquity, that I could live eternally,
With my Savior, Jesus Christ, when I begin my eternal life.
I will be completely changed, in the way God prearranged,
Like every soul born again, when we go from now to then,
Receiving a new body glorified, so in Heaven I can reside,
Changed, to enter eternal bliss, I’ll see Christ just as He is,
I will stand with my Creator, to reign with Christ my Savior,
This, by God’s grace alone, I will stand before His Throne,
Saved by His work on Calvary, where Christ redeemed me,
Then God raised Jesus Christ, to grant His own eternal life.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 15 marca 2014

I Have God

I have God and God has me, He’s my guide to eternity,
Where I am, God will be, for my Lord watches over me,
I’m always in God’s sight, as He watches day and night,
Knowing He’s always right, His Word’s my guiding light.
Like Abraham, called friend, God is with me to the end,
With me at every bend, together in Eternity we’ll spend,
He is my Savior and my Guide, from me, He won’t hide,
When in God’s Spirit I abide, He is with me, by my side.
God is with me day by day, as I walk in the narrow way,
Forever with me He will stay, as I enter Heaven one day,
He’s with me on this sod, leading me with staff and rod;
My hope is to see His nod, when I see the Face of God.
This as God, above I serve, with a hope I don’t deserve,
As my life God will preserve, so eternally He I can serve,
For it was God, Who saved me, so I could live eternally,
He saved me from the night, giving me His Eternal Light.
By my God I won’t be denied, as His Spirit dwells inside,
My Savior who calls me friend, gave me life with no end,
For He sent to us Jesus Christ, to become our Sacrifice,
Not just affording me Paradise, but granting Eternal Life.
(Copyright ©03/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 12 marca 2014

Walking Beside Me

I am on this journey with God, this I can say with a confident nod,
I’m not walking alone my friend, as God walks with me to the end,
Yes, God is with me all the way, walking beside me night and day,
His presence others will not see, but, He walks always, beside me.
Through this trial I’m never alone, as a believer I’m one of His own,
With my Shepherd always there, to afford both guidance and care,
Led by the staff of Jesus Christ, on this journey in my present life,
As He guides me through my journey, always there to comfort me.
God also uses my loving wife, to assist me through times of strife,
In times when I’m not feeling well, she’s always a comfort and help,
When I am feeling far from fair, God fills her with His Spirit of care,
As The Lord helps her comfort me, on my sometimes dark journey.
Beside me every day and hour, in my weakness God grants power,
Power and strength to continue on, as dark days can get very long,
Although the days can be very long, in Christ my Lord, I am strong,
Not because of my strength within, it is all because I walk with Him.
It’s no small thing to walk with Christ, Who, knows all about my life,
Knowing the beginning and end, He knows, as I near another bend,
Encouraging me before and through, that bend in my life in all I do,
It’s such a comfort on my journey, to know that God walks with me.
(Copyright ©03/2014 Bob Gotti)

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