
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 marca 2014

For God’s Service

For God’s Service, we are fit, when filled with God’s Holy Spirit,
Given power directly from Christ, as God works through our life,
Controlling all we do and say, when we abide in Him day to day,
Serving Christ, our Glorious King, the one controlling everything.
With Christ in complete control, He leads in tasks, big and small,
Tasks that we wouldn’t have done, if we did not know God’s Son,
But He leads us each day and hour, guided by His Spirit’s power,
To faithfully serve Christ above, sharing His Goodness and Love.
Witnesses for the One we serve, with blessings we don’t deserve,
As God saved us from a former life, to walk anew, in Jesus Christ,
We serve and love Christ Jesus, because God first loved all of us,
Even before we thought of Him, God’s Love saved us from all sin.
Serving Christ is an honor friend, service for The King with no end,
Service for Christ for all eternity, since God first loved you and me,
It is an honor, but it’s an obligation, to reach for Christ every nation,
With His Salvation, that all men need, whether or not, they do heed.
It is God’s Spirit that leads the way, bearing our witness day to day,
Opening up doors and other ways, to share Christ, to God’s Praise,
Using all us through various means, as seeds, He sows and gleans,
As The Holy Spirit continues to use, all of us to spread Good News.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 marca 2014

Our Lord’s Compassions

God is merciful, beyond belief, when in trying times, providing relief,
Supplying enough comfort and grace, through each burden we face,
God’s mercy and grace will prevail, for His Compassions will not fail.
As trials come without warning, Compassions are new each morning.
Great is God’s faithfulness to us, to all, who belong to Christ Jesus,
The Hope He gives will forever last, even as our souls are downcast,
When God’s Hope, I call to mind, all my heaviness God lays behind,
The Lord is my portion; I shall wait, for my God’s Grace is never late.
Because of love, we’re not consumed, God’s Love, as trials loomed,
By God, our trials are not ignored, and it’s good to wait on The Lord,
Waiting upon God, quiet and still, as God works out His Perfect Will,
God’s Will, for each and every life, of all who belong to Jesus Christ.
God’s Mercy in abundance flows, to all those whom The Lord knows,
As He watches over us carefully, caring for all His own ever faithfully,
Caring for us with His endless love, watching us from Heaven above,
Pouring down upon us grace untold, down upon those of God’s fold.
The Mighty Shepherd is our Rock, always caring for His chosen flock,
Protecting His, from unseen harms, cradling us with Everlasting Arms,
He loves us with everlasting care, to keep us from falling into despair,
Whatever in life may be our lot; our Lord’s Compassions, they fail not.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 marca 2014

They Care Not

There seems to be everywhere, intelligent people who don’t care,
About things of God we cherish; thought of God they just perish,
When speaking of God, they just sigh, as their Creator they deny,
Indifferent to the things of God, ending talk with a confident nod.
Whether for God, they’ve no time, or He never crosses their mind,
What all need to understand, their departure could be well at hand,
Departure from this temporal earth, without the Lord and new birth,
Means an eternity of darkness friend, as this life comes to an end.
Some people seem so far away, as words of God we have to say,
With intelligent people so aloof, even with all that unspoken proof,
While their words deny our Lord, not to mention, He goes ignored,
As they live out their daily life, there is no mention of Jesus Christ.
It’s not only men we pass each day, who may think the wrong way,
But, it’s our friends and family, who sigh at any talk about eternity;
The Lord our God they don’t need, so God’s Truth they don’t read,
Ignoring all Truth, revealed to us, they share not our hope in Jesus.
So we must give them over to, God, who saved both me and you,
We must leave them to The One, Who sent salvation for everyone,
The Only One, Who really can, change the hearts of wayward men,
Drawing them to that path in life, where they’ll accept Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 8 marca 2014

Purpose In My Trial

Every minute, hour, every morning, He is with me into evening,
And He’s with me all night long, as He fills my heart with song,
A song that carries me all day, as I walk along that narrow way,
In the most trying time of my life, I’m led along by Jesus Christ.
The trial could be here to stay, but, Christ is with me every day,
And every day, He gives me hope, as The Lord helps me cope,
Though the times may look bleak, He helps me when I am weak,
In my weakness His power shows, as my strength in Him grows.
My hope is beyond what I know, as my Faith He allows to grow,
While His Spirit directs me above, all through the trial I speak of,
My trial that will not last forever, while God will forsake me never,
While I walk with Him earnestly, looking forward towards Eternity.
Though I am tried for a while, He helps me keep a cheerful smile,
From God’s peace, He put inside, as in Christ, my Savior I abide,
Through God’s strength and power, as I abide each day and hour,
Being a testimony, for all to see, of the Grace, Christ granted me.
It’s for God’s purpose that I’m here, so in my trial, I need not fear,
Or get weighed down in anxiety, as He knows what’s best for me,
For God, I am here as living proof, of God’s Power and His Truth,
A light, for those around my life, that they may know Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2014

Accountability And Judgment

Many people intelligent and bright, have been seduced into the night,
Led away by Satan’s spiritual spoof, they do not believe God’s Truth,
By many today, His Truth is denied, for they’re filled with sinful pride,
The same pride behind Lucifer’s fall, trips many today, big and small.
Some do not want any accountability, to The Creator over all eternity,
We’re all accountable to The Lord, a fact that’s chosen to be ignored,
But, it is The Lord over all creation, Who, determines your destination,
Every person’s destination eternally, this my friend, everyone will see.
God’s Judgment all shall face, at the end of life or this Age of Grace,
It’s appointed for all once to die, then receive judgment from on high,
Judgment, by The Lord for all; the rich and poor, the great and small,
Many have fallen for Satan’s ruse, but, all shall stand without excuse!
Both death and life is facing us all, as we all come out of Adam’s fall,
From which, creation is under curse, and judgment will be only worse,
If the Creator did not intervene, bringing His Salvation onto the scene,
His Salvation offered to every soul, everyone cursed, through the fall.
The Savior came not to condemn, but, to be the salvation for all men,
But, the individual must believe, before His salvation they can receive,
Salvation that grants men eternal life, through the Savior, Jesus Christ,
So believe before your last breath, and you’ll see life instead of death.
(Copyright ©02/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2014

Trust In God

God in His Word is so clear; so why do will fill our hearts with fear?
Moving our thoughts into tomorrow; what may bring pain or sorrow,
While thinking about what may be, focusing on what we cannot see;
God is clear, we must understand, and live this present day at hand.
So much time in worry we spend, about what you can’t know friend,
Instead, to God’s Word we must go, to lean on Truths that we know,
To visit promises from The Lord, promises that at times go ignored,
God’s Promises that will uphold us, when in God, we place our trust.
For today can be a struggle in itself, so we rely on Scriptural Wealth,
A wealth of promises, to all of us, those who belong to Christ Jesus,
Who’s surely a promise keeping God, this I say with an assuring nod,
All the promises that He must keep, are promises, which we can reap.
Through God’s Word, we can learn, God takes care of every concern,
And The Lord is faithful to uphold, the many promises that we’re told,
Providing strength, so we can face, all of the trials, all along our race,
In the present race that we call life, strengthened through Jesus Christ.
The Lord promises us His Peace, which from Christ, shall never cease,
With God’s peace and God’s care, just why would we fall into despair?
This is caused through worry in part, as our thoughts from God depart,
So why not depart from anxiety, to simply trust in The God of Eternity.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2014

He Is Risen

The Savior who died in our stead, now has risen from the dead,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from that grave to New Life,
Those who saw Him could rejoice, praising God with one voice,
In light that He now has risen, Eternal Life to us, God has given.
Christ, who died for all man’s sin, now in power can reign within,
In every Believer, in their heart, once residing, He will not depart,
New Life, He gives to you and me, life that extends into Eternity
Since He rose we’re not the same; readying us to eternally reign,
When on earth, believers died, they were given bodies Glorified,
Through the power of His Name, each body by God is changed,
That change assured to you and I, by Christ, who reigns on high,
Change gained, from only One, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son.
All Authority was given to Jesus, to change the heart of all of us,
Leading us when we follow Christ, to point all others to New Life,
Pointing men to who we’ve adored, Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord,
The Only One, with power to give, to all believers, new life to live.
The Spotless Lamb, claimed victory, for sinners like you and me,
Victory over both sin and death, providing for His, eternal breath,
When we depart from this earth, then Glorified through New Birth,
To reign with Christ forevermore, upon reaching the eternal shore.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2014

His True Church

I know many religious people, and one Church with no steeple,
A church that’s built with no walls, built on only believing souls,
Built upon an Eternal Foundation, that being our very Salvation,
Built upon The One Cornerstone, and that is Jesus Christ alone.
Many, who worship in a building, to Truth alone, are unyielding,
Building a church on tradition, God’s Truth, with man’s addition,
Added to the work finished by, Jesus Christ who reigns on high,
Ignoring His words “it is finished”, Grace by many is diminished.
Men making a way to Heaven, not by grace but religious leaven,
Building church in a human way, as they lead many souls astray,
As many souls weekly perch, in the pews of a manmade church,
Relying on their religious activity, to help them work into eternity.
“I will build my Church” He said, that was Christ, who is the Head,
Head of His True Church on earth, filled with souls, by New Birth,
All members being Born Again, into His Church, not one of men,
You’ll find, you no longer search, as a member of God’s Church.
Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life, as Head of the Church of Christ,
And each of us is a living stone, built through faith in Christ alone,
His Church He proceeds to build, to complete as His Father willed,
Leading the only True Church friend, as others shall see in the end.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 5 marca 2014

My Life Story

Everybody has a life story; mine, was touched by God’s Glory,
As God changed my entire life, through The Lord, Jesus Christ,
With new purpose and direction, not by mine, but His selection,
As God, Himself, selected me, to become a part of His Family.
Sealing me with the Spirit of God, a new direction, I would trod,
Saving me from darkened strife, God sent His light into my life,
Light that guides me to this day, guiding me on the narrow way,
A new path far from the one, I walked before I knew God’s Son.
Change came the moment when, I in Christ, became born again,
Born of God from Heaven above, filled with new hope and love,
Hope that looks past the grave, with the power He used to save,
My wretched soul from all sin, and now God’s power lives within.
The Lord now dwells in my heart, and His Spirit will never depart,
And so in this Truth I now abide, as my Savior walks by my side,
With me even in dark times friend; leading me around each bend.
In a world where wrong is right, Jesus Christ, is my Guiding Light.
Saved out of a darkened world, The Truths of God, I now herald,
Saved from a world where sin rife, the Lord God touched my life,
Leading me now in Righteousness, not mine, but of Christ Jesus,
A Righteousness that granted me, life with Christ Jesus Eternally.
(Copyright ©04/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 lutego 2014

Where’s Your Treasure?

Money and wealth my friend, in this life shall come to an end,
While you are here upon this earth, what in life has true worth?
For we deal with money and God, while upon this earthly sod,
I may serve money in stealth, but can’t serve God and wealth.
We may use money for our need, but money isn’t guaranteed,
Our money may not be assured, but, I can count on The Lord,
In a world not sound or sure, only God in this life shall endure,
When it comes to money and God, we are led by Christ’s rod.
In heaven treasure’s to be stored, as we serve an Eternal Lord,
For treasure on earth will not last, as this time soon shall pass,
But the next life is forever, so in heaven, must be our treasure,
So, the question for your life, will it be money or Jesus Christ?
The eye, as the lamp of the body, affects how I spiritually see,
Does it show darkness or light, in a world when wrong is right?
Are we pursuing righteousness, or mislead by some darkness?
Is your eye spiritually healthy, taking God, over being wealthy?
I can’t serve mammon and God, for only He deserves my nod,
My heart’s desire to serve Him, in world that is affected by sin;
What are you storing up friend; where’s the treasure in the end?
What is your heart’s true desire, earthly treasure, or one higher?
(Copyright ©02/2014 Bob Gotti)

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