
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 lutego 2014

Church Or Truth

Many people embrace a church; and in that pew, I will not perch,
They embrace the rules of men, where I, in Christ am Born Again,
Born of God’s Spirit from above, teaching all that God spoke of,
As God’s Holy Spirit teaches me, God’s Truth on life and eternity.
Truth some churches do not teach, as for Truth they don’t preach,
For they teach a works salvation, which is opposed to Revelation,
God’s Holy Truths, revealed to us, through The Lord, Christ Jesus,
Revealed to all, in these latter days; True Revelation, to His praise.
Salvation is through Christ alone, fact, many churches do bemoan,
Teaching we must work our way, to Heaven, before Judgment Day;
But Jesus Christ, for me, did it all, redeeming me from Adam’s fall,
Finishing my salvation on the cross, cleansing me from sin’s dross.
Many churches add to The Word, ignoring passages they’ve heard,
As they take from and add to, The Revelation given to me and you,
But warnings come to these men, their practices God will condemn,
By adding to the words of Christ, they won’t be in the Book of Life.
But, all who believe in Christ alone, are marked by God as His own,
So by God’s Spirit we are sealed, until our Redemption is revealed;
But churched people remaining lost, in the end, will all pay the cost,
As The Rapture, they will miss, not found in Christ’s Righteousness.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 lutego 2014

Two Different Destinies

Soon things on earth shall change; and this world won’t be the same,
As two different groups part ways, one left and one leaving in praise,
When Christ’s Church is evacuated, above the clouds, we’ll be elated,
Leaving a dark world of tribulation, to meet The Lord of our salvation.
And the world shall continue on, from evening dusk to morning dawn,
Initially, with not much of a change, for all those on earth, who remain,
However, the tides will surely turn, as those upon earth, begin to learn.
That the Church is no longer here, while many hearts shall fill with fear.
But, as fears continue to increase, upon earth comes a man of peace,
Proclaiming peace for the entire world, as his plan, the nations herald,
Yes, this world will turn the page, as this man takes the world’s stage,
As he continues his proclamation; peace and safety, for every nation.
With the Church, now in Heaven, all continues, twenty-four and seven,
With The Church out of the way, that man of peace, continues to say,
Peace and prosperity will come all, freedom for both great and small,
For every problem he has a solution, but, it is part of strong delusion.
The strong delusion from our Lord, by Who, the final wrath is poured,
Upon all men who believe not God, believing the man on earth’s sod,
And God’s Mercy won’t be shown, as God’s Truths, to man is known,
For after his final act is employed, he and followers will be destroyed.
The final victory our Lord claims, while Christ reigns with all His saints;
In eternal fire Antichrist will sit, as Satan’s cast into the bottomless pit,
As God starts up His Earthly Kingdom, to be ruled by Christ, His Son,
So gone are all man’s earthly fears, as Christ reigns a thousand years.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 lutego 2014

His Body And Blood

I thank God for His grace and love, and for Christ’s Body and Blood,
His Body that was God’s Sacrifice, Jesus’ Body that paid sin’s price,
For Christ’s Blood, that was spilled, as The Father above, had willed,
For our Lord’s death at Calvary, so that believers could live Eternally.
It is through the very Blood of Christ, that sinners can have New Life,
From the Body, prepared for Him, redeeming souls from all their sin,
For The Lord had sent His Only Son, to be Redemption for everyone,
And all we must do is to believe, and God’s Salvation we will receive.
Today an empty grave now shows, though He died, Christ has arose,
The same power will be given to us, who, have come to Christ Jesus,
Though we are still on the earth, we receive God’s Spirit by New Birth,
Promised by our Lord to all men, when in Christ, they are Born Again.
Born of God, by The Spirit above, when we’re cleansed by His Blood,
Forgiven of all our sin and shame, all through the Power of His Name,
We are now the children of God, to walk anew upon the earth we trod,
To no longer be a part of the night, but now, to be The Savior’s Light.
This, all because God loved us first, even, when we were at our worst,
And His love was for all sinners lost, so our Lord employed the cross,
Crucifying Christ the Spotless Lamb, to pay sin’s price for every man,
This is His New Covenant of Blood, provided to us all by God’s Love.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 26 lutego 2014

A Day Of Prayer

We have called for a day of prayer, for men and women everywhere,
A day when the Creator is implored, by all those who know The Lord,
For intervention from God’s Right Hand, for our troubled, weary land,
The intervention of Jesus Christ, The Author of Salvation and our life.
As a nation we’ve fallen far away, from God, Who men seek this day,
Praying with hope and expectation, for a land, apart from Revelation,
Apart from the one believers cherish; without Truth a land shall perish.
So our urgent need, I say with a nod, is for this land to return to God.
The Lord God may not heal this land, but, our Lord can help us stand,
All those, who are part of His Mission, to stand against all opposition,
Those opposed to all moral principle, who want no part of God’s Will,
For all must embrace God’s Truth, to avoid God’s Righteous Reproof.
Our prayers must be for individuals, those mislead by darkened fools,
The fools, who say there is no God, over this nation, that we now trod,
For God indeed now reigns above, every darkened land that’s void of,
The Lord God’s Holy Revelation, with many souls in need of Salvation.
So men, who are called by God’s Son, must pray to God for everyone.
For those who are not born again, that God will touch the heart of men,
Changing the hearts within our nation; turning men to God’s Revelation,
So that we could again be a land, blessed and moved, by God’s Hand.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 20 lutego 2014

Our Rock In Life

They say, life is what you make it, while Truth, one can forsake it,
By leaving The Lord God behind, within a world that is so unkind,
Living without God in your life, in a time filled with pain and strife,
In dismissing God’s Eternal Son, when trials in your life do come.
I do not know how they live life, without The Savior, Jesus Christ,
The One, in this world so unkind, Who, gives men peace of mind,
As trials in this life come to all; the rich and poor, great and small,
As no one knows about tomorrow, if it brings joy, pain, or sorrow.
This life is filled with uncertainty, with trials ahead for you and me,
From trials, no one is immune, for some, not later, but very soon,
But, sooner or later they will come, trials for all, not just for some,
Knowing not the time or place, as tribulation in life we all will face.
In who or what, do you stand, through trials that are now at hand?
With problems not here yesterday, filling up your life with dismay;
A stability in life you may have built, now is shifting sand and silt,
Filled with uncertainty day and night; while in a tunnel with no light.
That stable Rock is Jesus Christ, for stability in uncertainty of life,
The Rock in all trials we will face, providing us strength and grace,
All those who belong to The Lord, in a world where God’s ignored,
He’s more than salvation friend; He’s our rock in life at every bend.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 20 lutego 2014

Change To Come

Change we see around this world, won’t affect Truths we herald,
In God’s Eternal Holy Word, change by man, cannot be inferred,
But God’s Truth will alter the world, as end time Truth is unfurled,
The Eternal Truths in Revelation, will indeed change every nation.
God’s Restrainer will be lifted, from the earth as souls are sifted,
Separating men still on earth, from those who received new birth,
For those missing, all will search, but, will not find God’s Church,
As Christ raptures His Holy Bride, into earth’s clouds by His side.
Some hearts will begin to fear, as people seem to just disappear,
All, who knew and spoke for God, were no longer on earth’s sod;
Now darkness will fill this place, as God ended the Age of Grace,
And this world shall soon befall, the darkest Government over all.
All darkness will soon give way, to one who’ll subdue public fray,
Stepping onto this world’s stage, as all the world, he will engage,
Promising prosperity that will last, but, his darkness, he will cast,
Turning the world against Israel; prophecies of God, he will fulfill.
God will impose a final change, and the world won’t be the same,
As God destroys all wickedness, replacing it with Righteousness,
While saving Israel, His chosen nation, to fulfill God’s Revelation,
Setting up a Throne in Jerusalem, for the reign of Christ, His Son.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 20 lutego 2014

Abounding Grace

Calm and slow with God I am sure, through this trial I will endure,
As God is with me in this trial, He shall strengthen me, no denial,
Through hardship, whatever I face, God will supply ample Grace,
Grace that’s unlimited friend, all from my God, beginning to end.
Indeed, God’s Grace will abound, this while I face another round,
Another round while in this race, comforted by unyielding Grace,
God’s Grace provided from above, as He leads me, in His Love,
Through yet another trying day, providing comfort along the way.
With His Spirit He keeps me calm, knowing that I am in His Palm,
In God’s grip and there to stay, He helps me through day to day;
God helps me through every turn, as His Spirit helps me to learn,
To lean upon The Lord through all, that’s in any trial, big or small.
Through God’s Grace I find peace, when my trial does not cease,
When my trials are wearisome, the Peace of God’s sure to come,
Always calming to my weary soul, knowing that God is in control,
In every trial or circumstance, God’s Grace comes not by chance.
God’s Grace comes just in time, never by chance but His design,
Dispensed, right from His Throne, as The Lord cares for His own;
His Loving Grace I first received, the moment in Christ, I believed,
His presence shall leave me never, as God’s Love abides forever.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 20 lutego 2014

Small Minds

Small minds truly think alike, while, we have the mind of Christ,
For Christ has a Glorified mind, one which is of an eternal kind,
So all believers think far above, small minds, which I speak of,
Those believing there’s no God, and limited to this earthly sod.
We’re seated in heavenly realms; small minds, this overwhelms,
Seated in Heaven with Jesus Christ, Who’s given us eternal life,
A thought that is much too tall, for their thinking, which is small,
Small enough to dismiss Truth, that from God has all the proof.
All the proof man could need, to believe, but they will not heed,
Since they dismiss The Creator, they have no need for a Savior,
But, in due time they’ll find, they were mislead, by a small mind,
By the thinking much too small, to accept God, Who is over all.
We may be shallow in their eyes, however, in Christ we are wise,
With the mind of Christ our Savior, as we embraced our Creator,
The One Who created all we see, The Lord God over all Eternity,
Christ is Lord, over all, my friend, as all shall see come the end.
But the small minds can change, in the Power of Christ’s Name,
When they see they were blind, they too can have Christ’s mind,
By repenting to turn to God’s Son, the very Creator of everyone,
When God’s Truth they believe, the mind of Christ they’ll receive.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 20 lutego 2014

By His Hand

Be still to watch the Hand of the Lord, as our ways are not ignored,
By Jesus Christ, throned high above, any trial, which you speak of;
There is purpose in our trials friend, as many will see come the end,
When in Christ you take your stand, as He guides us with His Hand.
God’s Hand held up high, shall guide, all those who in Christ abide,
As Believers wait upon The Lord, His Grace, down on us is poured,
Filling us with peace, from up above, as God guides is in His Love,
With His Purpose above our ways, as Christ guides us all our days.
God has His Uplifted Hand, raised to guide us in ways He planned,
Planned before we were on earth, even well before our natural birth,
Friend, even when we lived in sin, well before, any thoughts of Him,
God’s Plan led us to Jesus Christ, to receive from Him Eternal Life.
God’s Hand indeed guides all of us, all who belong to Christ Jesus,
He Who redeemed us from the fall, daily guides and protects us all,
God guides us on a path of Grace, as we learn to seek Gods Face,
For God’s Will shall surely be done, as we’re led by Christ, His Son.
By His Hand, He will take us home, where we’ll gather at His Throne,
High above all the earthly clouds, gathered round Heavenly Crowds,
As we join God’s Heavenly Throng, we shall join in praise and song,
To our Lord God through eternity, for all He’s done, for you and me.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Progressive Sanctification

By God’s Grace, I am what I am, all through the Blood of The Lamb,
Not only am I saved my friend, by God’s Spirit, I’m now Born Again,
Born from above in the Spirit of God, to live anew upon earth’s sod,
Granted by The Lord a New Life, to live for The Savior, Jesus Christ.
I am not yet just what I should be, as my Lord God is working in me,
By sanctification I am set apart, as God continues molding my heart,
Now, seated in Heaven with Christ, as He transforms my present life,
To live for God in this world of sin, lead by His Spirit, dwelling within.
My sanctification continues in life, even while I am seated with Christ,
This, as I now live for The Lord, with my spirit and His, in one accord,
Through The Spirit Who dwells inside, helping me, in Christ, to abide,
As I make changes to live anew, as The Holy Spirit leads me through.
Being fully justified all by faith, we now have peace, by God’s Grace,
Peace with God all through this life, this through The Lord’s sacrifice,
In Christ we receive reconciliation, with The God of our sanctification,
It is by Christ Grace does reign; while in me he makes Godly change.
Progressive sanctification friend, is what Christ continues to the end,
For He, Who began a work in me, shall finish it as I step into eternity,
When all former things will be behind, with a fully new heart and mind,
This as I step into Eternal Life, now totally changed with Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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