
Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Justified And Sanctified

A wicked man, I am justified, saved by Christ to join His Bride,
The Holy Bride of Jesus Christ, saved by Him, given New Life,
Saved from a previous life of sin, to live my life, now for Him,
To live for Christ every day, walking anew on life’s narrow way.
By His Blood, I was justified, and in His Spirit, I am sanctified,
By Christ I have been set apart, with His Spirit now in my heart,
His Spirit guides me in this life, where sin around me is so rife,
To be for Jesus Christ a Light, in a world, where wrong is right.
Justified and sanctified to serve, in a position, I don’t deserve,
But while a sinner, God loved me, taking me to Mount Calvary,
To my Dear Savior’s Cross, where God cleansed me of dross,
He cleansed me of sin and shame, by the Power of His Name.
With His Power and Grace, He aids my witness place to place,
Giving me His Gospel, to preach, to all those, that I can reach.
Being a witness wherever I am, leading all others to The Lamb,
To The One, Who justified me, The Spotless Lamb of Eternity,
Through God’s only Salvation, I received by God justification,
Justified by A Holy God, He now leads me with staff and rod,
Leading with purpose in mind, with my old sinful ways behind,
A Purpose with an Eternal End, set apart to witness my friend.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Confidence And Conviction

Confidence in God at the start, puts conviction into your heart,
Conviction to stand high for Him, in this darkened world of sin,
Conviction to help us be strong, in a time where right is wrong,
To speak Truths of The Lord, in a world, where God is ignored.
You must determine in your heart, from Christ, to never depart.
Determined to live for Jesus Christ, wherever we are in this life,
We need to live out God’s plan, to be His Light, for every man,
A plan based on His Holy Word, to witness until all have heard.
Until all people hear and see, The Truth of The God of Eternity,
Not only in the words we talk, but, His Truth in the way we walk,
As God’s Word colors our life, to faithfully follow Jesus Christ,
Who sent us on His Mission, that being The Great Commission.
To fulfill The Great Commission, men need a strong conviction,
Not a conviction that is for us, but desire to serve Christ Jesus,
With a purpose and a desire, from a source that’s much higher,
From The Holy Spirit of God, guiding us on every path we trod.
Christ told us He won’t depart, with this confidence in our heart,
We can be faithful in any place, in The Lord’s Power and Grace,
As Christ’s Spirit gives us power, to be light in the darkest hour,
Being God’s light in this world, with His Eternal Truths to herald.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Departure Into Bliss

When we depart to Eternal Bliss, found in Christ’s Righteousness,
There wasn’t a thing upon earth, to compare with Heaven’s Worth,
A place our mind can’t comprehend, where eternity, we will spend,
Reigning with The Lord, Jesus Christ, well beyond, this earthly life.
When we reach that Eternal Shore, to live with Christ Forevermore,
With earthly things now behind, former things won’t come to mind,
This, as we shall only begin to see, the Glorious Realm of Eternity,
And with Heaven being so Glorious, things on earth we won’t miss.
Pertaining to our Heavenly destiny, God says little, to you and me,
While God’s reasons are unknown, we understand, we are His own,
And that a place is prepared for us, all by our Savior, Christ Jesus,
In His Father’s Mansion above, afforded to us, all by Christ’s Love.
One of the things that we’re told, in Heaven there’re streets of gold,
And that there will be a Crystal Sea, one of a kind, in all of Eternity,
There will not be a moon or sun, but, an Eternal Light, for everyone,
And there will be no more night, with Christ, The Lamb as The Light.
Friend, this is only a small window, of what Christ, to us, will show,
When we enter that Eternal Bliss, God shall show us more than this,
More than we could imagine, friend, for Eternity simply has no end,
Once we start we’ll never finish, as Heaven’s Glory will not diminish.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 13 lutego 2014

Fear Not The End

In my heart there is no fear, for soon I will be out of here,
I have no fear of The End, as I’ll be with my Savior friend,
When Gods’ Trump will sound, on earth, I won’t be found,
For in the twinkling of an eye, I shall be lifted into the sky.
Men talk about the end times, but, ignore God’s designs,
His ways that prophets foretold, how The End will unfold,
One event that is quite ignored, is the Return of The Lord,
When He comes to the clouds, to gather His Holy crowds.
It’s the rapture of His Church, when many men will search,
Looking for loved ones gone, who entered Eternal Dawn,
Caught up to the clouds above, right into the presence of,
Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as we enter eternal life.
He’s the Blessed Hope for us, who trusted in Christ Jesus;
Shouldn’t we be eager to share, Hope with men in despair?
Seeing a dark world ahead, they must know Christ instead,
Instead of a dark uncertainty, they can be assured Eternity.
In knowing Him there’s no end, only Eternity’s onset friend.
We’ll not see darkness to come, but enter God’s Kingdom,
It’ll forever be a brighter place, one afforded by His Grace,
But we must be God’s Light, sharing Truth before the night.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 lutego 2014

Real Righteousness

Real righteousness surpasses rules, which, create religious fools,
Those men, who rely upon religion, as they go forward in their sin,
While God’s Law still stands today, God has decreed a New Way,
The Law, by Christ is now fulfilled, as a New Way has been willed.
The way to righteousness in this life, is now found in Jesus Christ,
The Law, was God’s way for us, to lead all people to Christ Jesus,
For no one is able keep The Law; those who try shall definitely fall,
From The Law, now through Grace, Christ all men need to embrace.
The Way, The Truth and The Life, is found this hour in Jesus Christ,
Christ fulfilling The Law for us, is God’s standard of righteousness,
From His teaching to Resurrection, God showed all a new direction,
This for us, surpassing The Law, is God’s Salvation required for all.
The Law doesn’t make one perfect, even if considered God’s elect,
Today all elect come to the cross, as The Lord is calling all the lost,
As The Law points men to Calvary, to God’s sacrifice from Eternity.
The One Who created The Law, Is Salvation, saving us from the fall.
The Law shows our heart’s intent, in need of The One God had sent,
Christ who came to die for all, exceeding attempts to keep The Law;
All must come to The Law’s Creator, as man’s only Lord and Savior,
In Whom all The Law is fulfilled, for our salvation, as God has willed.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 lutego 2014

It’s About God

It’s all about The Lord, my God, I can say with a confident nod,
The One, Who sits above the sky, directs the path of you and I,
As this world is in His hands, a Truth not everyone understands,
For with God they’re at enmity, blinded by God’s eternal enemy.
Yet this enemy has been overcome, by God’s Only Eternal Son,
But he still deceives each nation, keeping them from Revelation,
God’s Word, which lasts eternally, in which man will gain victory,
When their eyes are open to see, in Christ, they will live eternally.
Friend, today Christ is in control, of every nation and every soul,
My God can overrule Satan’s call, to save lost men from the fall,
But they need to personally believe, in Christ, as Lord to receive,
Eyes to see God’s Truth and Light, to be rescued from the night.
Today God’s desire for everyone, is to come to Truth in His Son,
Truth, that leads us to salvation, found in God’s Holy Revelation,
Today, with Christ in control, God gives us a choice for our soul,
To listen to His Son’s instruction, or follow Satan, to destruction.
It’s about God, not you or me, Who, in Christ, gives life eternally,
It is Christ, The Eternal Creator, Who God sent, to be The Savior;
We serve God or Satan, His foe, and The Lord wants all to know,
In lieu of death, God offers us life, in His Only Son, Jesus Christ.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 lutego 2014

Expected Change

Only God above changes hearts; The One behind as one departs,
From a life that is filled with in sin, when God’s Spirit, lives within,
But, many have only a head belief, and from sin there is no relief,
From their present sinful life, not personally knowing Jesus Christ.
They just struggle day and hour, never sensing The Spirit’s power,
Acknowledging Truth as they hear it, but, not indwelt by The Spirit,
God’s Holy Spirit sent to men, but, only when they are Born Again,
Born of God from Heaven above, by God’s Spirit Christ spoke of.
Many men acknowledge The Lord, but day by day God is ignored,
Living every day, on their own, ignoring Authority of God’s Throne,
God’s Power, that changes a life, who truly comes to Jesus Christ,
God’s Authority to make one whole, as the Spirit indwells that soul.
So professed believers do stumble, as their heart was not humble,
When they professed knowledge of, our Lord God reigning above,
With their present spirit of pride, God’s Holy Spirit wouldn’t reside,
In the heart of the professing soul, so in life they’ll continue to fall.
A Truth that comes with Salvation, is God’s Work of Regeneration,
As God’s Spirit changes everyone, who truly comes to God’s Son,
Change that Scripture makes clear, that in each believer will appear,
But, if change you do not see, you may not know Christ personally.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 lutego 2014

All By Grace

I have been saved by the Grace of God, yes, saved by Christ alone,
God touched me upon this sod, reaching from His Heavenly Throne,
Saving me, with His accepting nod, to adopt me as one of His Own,
As He leads me with staff and rod, from here to my Heavenly home.
God’s Grace fell on me like a flood, coming from His Throne above,
Covering me with own His Blood, that of my Lord, Whom I speak of,
Covering me with peace and love, God’s Grace that fits like a glove,
Through His Spirit like a dove, all by my Lord God’s Awesome Love.
I am now a member of His Family, not only for now, but forevermore,
In God’s Family for all eternity, saved by Him to enter Heaven’s Door,
The very Grace, which saved me, down on me God continues to pour,
While Christ’s Love from Calvary, radiates through my life, even more.
God’s Grace is poured on all men, everywhere upon the present earth,
And when that soul is Born Again, God grants to them a second birth,
Not knowing exactly how or when, but He fills them with joy and mirth,
For at that moment yes it’s then, through Christ we gain Eternal Worth.
Friend, all of this is said and done, through the Power of God’s Grace,
All by God’s Only Begotten Son, Who, directs the very time and place,
And in The Lord Jesus, we are one, when God’s Truth, we do embrace,
And then that time is sure to come, when we will see The Savior’s face.
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 10 lutego 2014

No Man Knows

No man knows the day or hour, when The Lord shows His Power,
Coming for the Church of God, to take men from the earth’s sod,
When only those who truly believe, Christ, The Lord shall receive,
On our Lord’s predetermined Day, regardless what men shall say.
For many by their own deduction, distort Scripture to destruction,
Distorting Scripture in their mind, while leaving valid Truth behind,
Many words from our Dear Lord, by these teachers goes ignored,
Passages in the Word of God, they dismiss with an arrogant nod.
Their appetites are not God’s Truth, but their desires unto reproof,
Straying from what prophets said, to preach all they want instead,
Today they’re judged by men, but their words God shall condemn,
All their prophecies spoke arrogantly, will fail for all people to see.
Still other men will follow suit, with teachings God shall not repute,
As they distort Holy Scripture, not true to God’s prophetic picture,
Skewed becomes God’s Revelation, by man’s simple imagination,
Untruths that cause many to jeer, at The Word, that all should fear.
Men’s prophecies continue to fail, while God’s Truths shall prevail,
And just as God stated my friend, knowing the beginning and end;
By these men doubts are raised, but God’s Word shall be praised,
When all the Scripture we have read, shall be fulfilled as God said!
(Copyright ©05/2011 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti, 9 lutego 2014

Grace During Trials

When a trial appears to get darker, God’s Grace has only started,
The grace from above God will send, when we see a darker bend,
Grace ministered by The Spirit, so that bend; we needn’t to fear it,
As God’s grace is always on time, all ministered by God’s design.
Grace that God will always supply, to us in measure from on high,
Grace that’s always timely indeed, there for us in our time of need,
God’s Grace is sufficient for us, as Paul was told by Christ Jesus,
Grace which always helps us cope, for God is our unending Hope.
When we are going through the fire, our ruin is never God’s desire,
As flames seem to overwhelm you, God said He’ll see us through,
When the waters are rising high, upon our Lord we can always rely,
Always sustained by Christ Jesus, the flood shall not overtake us.
God’s Grace comes with a peace, which, in all trials will not cease,
A peace which comforts all of us, those, who trust in Christ Jesus,
Those bought by Christ’s blood, shall endure every fire and flood,
Along with every trial we see in life, as we depend on Jesus Christ.
God’s Grace is sufficient friend, for every trial through every bend,
Through every trial that we face, we will be sustained by His Grace,
Though a trial may overwhelm us, our Lord and Savior we can trust,
As Christ leads both me and you, in a fiery trial all the way through.
(Copyright ©01/2014 Bob Gotti)

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