12 lutego 2013
Against Evening Skies
Before we both met - so lonely I was.
I cannot explain it - but maybe because....
Two rabbits were playing in grasses, lush green -
enjoying the sunshine - a sight so serene.
Two love birds were playing and choosing a path -
still making life’s choices, while taking a bath.
Two flowers were growing, though so intertwined -
but not at all trapped and supporting in kind.
Two ducks in the water - a hen and a drake,
were always together - on their private lake.
One day very lonely - the sun would soon set -
but then I saw something I’d never forget.
There, two lovers kissing, embraced on the shore.
It burned in my memory – as never before.
I peered in the water but all I could see -
was my lone reflection - a lonely 'one' (me).
The sun set behind them, the outline of two –
but I kept on dreaming - of being with you.
And now that I met you – I’m happy because,
I remember how lonely - how lonely I was....
I’m glad that I waited – great patience a plus –
My memory’s now real when others see us....
as lovers on beaches with magical charms -
we’re wrapped in caresses, in each others’ arms.
None will know passion - or ever forget -
as we are embracing in our silhouette -
still kissing each other as passions arise -
in silhouette fashion - against evening skies.
©2010 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED