
louis gander

louis gander

louis gander, 27 stycznia 2013

A Rainbow Life

No matter how the breezes blow,
just seek the promise, God's rainbow.
For Noah's faith was always pure,
never failing - always sure.
A rainbow I can see, not touch -
though it doesn't matter much.
God holds it fast, as He holds me.
Bright colors of His rainbow see.
So close, God's armor I will wear.
This world can't fill me with despair.
The storm clouds of the world seize
when touched, I am, with Spirit's breeze.
I state I'm not a 'doubting Thomas' -
but standing fast in Jesus' promise.
He parts the dark clouds of man's sin,
and brings full light of life within.
Before God's spectrum kisses ground,
I know His promise will be found.
I gaze - awed at His universe,
singing praise - each word and verse.
If joy is violet and indigo,
patience pink and peace yellow,
if kindness orange and goodness gold,
then all good fruit of His I'll hold.
If grace is blue and love is white,
and prayer is green and God is light,
the world's sin won't overwhelm,
for I'm in Him - another realm.
If life's a footrace, death blood red,
then God is rainbows of color ahead.
If we're resurrected from sin and strife -
then we have one great "Rainbow Life".
©2009 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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louis gander

louis gander, 26 stycznia 2013

A Proud American

This poem ain't a good one.
It may be crass and mean -
but if you read a few more lines,
you'll see what I have seen:

I care about appearance. I'll show off latest trends.
I'll change the way I talk and act impressing all my friends.
Don't call me dumb and stupid. I'm not a bit insane -
yet clueless as to pricing so I angrily complain.
First I waste my money on some foreign plastic toy -
and then complain there are no jobs in states like Illinois.
I vote for those who give me stuff like total free health care -
then think I won't be paying it (naively unaware)...
I want a king or emperor to handle my provisions -
tell me how to act and think and make all my decisions.
Don't call me dumb and stupid. I'm just confused with facts.
Just promise me more goodies now. The rich can pay my tax.
Wow! Every time I hear you speak, my knees begin to go.
I faint within your promises - oh, how I love you so!
Just deposit, every month, some cash to my account -
and I'll be so contented. Keep track of my amount!
And 'Bill of Rights" I'll never need - so scrap them all today.
I'm in a state of ecstasy when I hear what you say.
Abortion I don't care about as long as it's not me.
Allow me my vacations so that I can feel free!
My 1st amendment, I can't use. Why bother I, to preach -
that people ought not kill or steal? ( 'cause that's for you to teach ).
And I don't need the 2nd so protect me from my gun.
 Shoukl someone point a gun at me, I'll just call 9-1-1.
"Search and seizures" - what are they? You're welcome anytime -
and I won't flush the toilet even once if it's a crime.
The 9th amendment's silly. I have no need for rights -
(nor my responsibilities) - so stop these petty fights.
The 10th amendment, I nix too, awaiting your dictates.
Let's call ourselves "United" and eliminate the "States".
United, we'll be holding hands as one huge human chain -
and simply jump the border here if we spin down the drain.
Though foreign countries snicker, I'll vote again for you.
For I'm a proud American. My insolence shines through!

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 25 stycznia 2013

Summer Day

There is nothing more fine on a warm summer day
than lying in grasses of clover and hay,
where breezes make music through all of the leaves,
and birds do their singing among all the trees.

A butterfly zig-zagged here hither and yon
busily flapping as I had looked on.
I raised my eyes up at the vastness of space
and wondered what God thought of His human race.

Soaking up comfort in all that I saw,
lying there silent, in skeptical awe -
pouring His beauty in nature below,
oh, how did God start it so long, long ago?

He continues to bless us year after year -
and why does He love us? It isn't too clear.
Now God did create us - all different kinds,
so what does He look for in all of our minds?

My horse wandered over and nuzzeled my head.
He wanted me up in the saddle instead.
I sat on his back, took a minute or two -
and pondered the question, pondered a clue.

As I kicked his haunches I knew as I grinned
that he would obey as I leaned to the wind.
He faithfully galloped with all of his might -
the answer revealed as I rode out of sight.

©2009 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 23 stycznia 2013

Stalking Us

You follow me and haunt me
in terrorizing ways.
Your silence keeps me guessing here
in my most frightened gaze.

Sometimes you stalk me from my left -
and sometimes from my right.
Sometimes you're right in front of me -
or just beyond my sight.

Sometimes taller, you appear,
intimidatingly -
and every day I see you here,
I simply want to flee.

To add some distance, I sometimes
accelerate my pace.
Yet matters not, my quickened step,
I can't increase the space.

You march 'lock-step' along with me
and blatantly impede -
my privacy and liberties
exacting my same speed.

I get enraged and shake my fists -
but you make your fists too.
Once and for all, I'd be so glad
to rid myself of you.

You hang around me mimicking!
I plead with you - just GO!!
I find myself at my wit's end
escaping my own shadow.

Oh yes, just like our shadows,
temptation follows us -
stalking us where e'er we go.
That's why we need Jesus.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 20 stycznia 2013

Prayer Of Love

Dear Lord and Savior, hear my prayer -
help me comprehend and share...

...please touch my eyes, that I might view -
in ways a blind man might see You...

...please touch my ears, that I might learn -
in ways a deaf man might discern...

...please touch my nose, that I might smell -
Your perfumes where Your flowers dwell...

...please touch my lips, so I can speak -
so bravely bold, yet ever meek...

...please touch my hands, that I might show -
Your awesome works to souls below.

...please touch my feet, without delay -
so I can walk - what others say...

...then touch my heart, from there above,
so I can give - and others love.


©2011 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 19 stycznia 2013


Grownups seem so funny. They never seem to change.
‘Specially my ol’ grandma. She always acted strange.
Peculiar smells escaped out when she opened up her door.
And as I stepped into her house - heard creaking in the floor.

She seemed a bit hunched over. She wasn't very thin.
Her teeth would sometimes chatter when she moved her double chin.
She decorated very nice. A corner held the broom.
And she'd have her nylons hanging ‘round the living room....

God made grandma special. Her cooking, Heaven sent.
She hadn't much to offer but she really was content.
She was always cooking with her hair back in a bun.
And always had her apron on – had little time for fun.

Sometimes I got in trouble taking cookies from her jar....
The crumbs would seem to mark my sin. I didn't get too far.
One day we had a party. She cried when she was glad.
She cried when she was happy too and cried when she was sad.

Once she claimed I was in sin. I asked her what she meant,
So she opened up her Bible and read a whole event.
I had so many questions that she took me by the hand,
She had so many answers that I couldn’t understand.

She said God loved so deeply and - death held the only key,
So back behind the bloodstains Jesus had to die for me.
Maybe sin is so disgusting that - love has to be unfair,
And maybe that's why grandma cried - when she knelt down in prayer.

When I got hurt, she kissed it well. She was the "best-est" nurse,
Then she said, "Be careful" quoting yet another verse.
She often looked so busy. She sometimes looked quite weak;
But when I left, she always had the time to kiss my cheek.

I miss my grandma very much. She died some time ago.
But when she spoke of Jesus, her face was all aglow.
When I close my eyes I see - that same familiar face,
Reminding me of Jesus and God's everlasting grace.

©2007 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 17 stycznia 2013

A Moment To Smile

(A true story from southern Wisconsin - 2006 or 7)

Deep into the woods in my truck I seemed lost.
The brisk, chilly breeze was still holding the frost.
Because it was dried up and totally dead,
I decided to cut down this big tree instead.

The ants had been busy all over that tree,
before my big chain saw had made them all flee.
The noise and vibration and all the turmoil,
(had it happened to me, would have made my blood boil).

But they simply scattered if off to the races,
to other safe havens - to other safe places.
My muscles all ached from my head to my feet,
but I felt so content - with my job now complete.

It seemed that my actions were merely a bump,
to ants now so busy inside that tree stump
I wondered which one, if any, had won -
the ants or myself as I thought my job done.

As I sat on the gate of my rusty old truck,
loaded down heavy with logs - was now stuck -
and realized then that it's sometimes worthwhile,
to sit back a moment, a moment to smile.

©2007 louis gander - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 13 stycznia 2013

Erasure Dust

Erasure dust was scattered 'round
my make-shift desk where I was found,
inside my garden court serene,
behind a stand of evergreen.

I should have guessed. I should have known,
mistakes I made were all my own.
I wrote too fast and wrote too long
when pencil slid on paper wrong.

Could all God's people understand?
I tried to move my shaking hand.
To reach lost souls is very tough...
Oh Lord, are these words good enough?

No, back and forth erasure moves,
erasing sins that pencil proved,
that sin's mistakes can ruin lives.
They make a mess as death connives.

And next to rose that set on desk,
erasure dust is so grotesque.
Confused, I was, and ill at ease,
at makeshift desk behind the trees.

The perfect roses, red and pink,
had really made me stop to think.
But if I quit, then life grows still -
so write, I do, and always will.

Though God forgives, the pain remains.
Distracting wrongs bring mental strains.
They bring us pain, great guilt and strife,
but God brings breath, forgiveness, life.

Oh, our mistakes will sometimes be,
yet grace through faith will set us free.
When God brings forth a stiff wind gust
and blows away erasure dust.

©2012 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

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louis gander

louis gander, 12 stycznia 2013


Something way down deep inside
my lost and lonely soul -
had eaten me until I died
of all my self-control.

Someone special lent a hand
that I did not deserve -
and touched an inner fragile strand -
a close and tender nerve.

I knew not what to make of it -
that kind, unselfish act.
My knees got weak and I admit -
was thankful. That's a fact.

And then I sensed a flicker as
a flame on candle waves -
and saw their bumper sticker
that read, "Smile! Jesus Saves!"

Then something in my reddened eyes
had made it hard to see -
when choked, I was, and all my cries
came pouring out of me.

So stunned in awe, I stopped to think
of all I'm guilty of.
I know my sin - once set in ink -
was wiped away with love.

Now, reminiscing has a way
to judge my many years -
so hymns in church on Sunday's now -
can well my eyes with tears.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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louis gander

louis gander, 10 stycznia 2013


Here is another true story poem (summer 1934)
about my grandmother (Ida McDermott) and my mother (Ruth)
who traveled every day between their farm at North Clayton, Wisconsin
to to deliver cream to Soldier's Grove as told to me by my mother.
(Told in 'first person' from my mother's perspective...)

I had got on and sat upon our wagon load of goods.
all set to view the country hue on rustic road through woods.
But mom said no, I couldn't go. I rarely ever stayed -
but this time did so down I slid. I'm glad that I obeyed.

Our old wagon, always saggin' had rough, rugged boards -
but it did hold that precious load as she had started towards -
the creamery - a guarantee - of how we paid our bills -
in such a life, excessive strife - through vale against the hills.

She left that day on road of clay delivering with care -
four dusty mile - with grimaced smile - and cream that must get there.
Familiar sounds - some barking hounds, a crow up in a tree -
and tough routine, unlike a queen, that she would never see.

Out of the blue without a clue -around a curve and hill -
a drunken guy - flew passing by - like we were sitting still -
then ripped the side of Topsy's hide and threw mom off her seat.
She landed hard, but not too scarred, between the horses feet.

Though somewhat numb, she scrambled some from under hooves and wheels.
A bit perplexed, what happened next - she scrambled and did feel,
a massive rock where she took stock and hid as God provides.
Protected there in silent prayer from grace that never hides.

Some seconds spent, bewilderment, that held them there at bay -
so trampled not, she never got - before they ran away.
She tried to nurse ol' Topsy's curse. Oh, why did God allow -
old Topsy's death with its last breath and further hardships now?

The wagon load could not be sold. I thought that I would scream.
But mama taught that I ought not - to cry over spilled cream.
Is life not fair? Does God not care? Well, mama knew His way...
Obeyed was why - so safe was I. She thanked the Lord that day.

I had got on and sat upon our wagon load of goods.
all set to view the country hue on rustic road through woods.
But mom said no, I couldn't go. I rarely ever stayed -
but this time did so down I slid - and glad that I obeyed.

©2013 louis gander ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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