
Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 kwietnia 2013

Forgotten Mom

All I talked about was you
The months before you were home
Not a call or a text, but on facebook
I find out your home like everyone else

She got the surprise
A hug she could not even give
I’d given you hugs and kisses
And said I’m so proud and cry

I know you never meant to hurt me
But that night I cried like a baby
A mother needs to know she’s loved
Just like a son needs to be proud of

I wanted to know when you’d be home
So I could arrange some time to spend
You could not give me that
Yet it was the night before you left

You still haven’t changed
Still avoiding situations
Like not knowing how to tell people
You just want to hang with friends

But I’m YOUR MOM dammit
I think I have the right
To see you more than once
The 2 weeks you’re home from Kuwait

Maybe I wasn’t a good mom
Is this really what you think
But you won’t tell me
Cause you’ll avoid that just the same

She texted me to let me know you’d be home
So I called and texted,
I’m home on facebook you said
Yet no reply I got

Your actions speak louder
Than the few words you say
I see where I stand
In your small world you stay

** I wrote this after my son in the Army come home the first time on leave...

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 kwietnia 2013


Ah yes, the word frustration
It’s the maker of impatience
The words calm and collect
Have no relation

Just when you think all is right
You find yourself waiting for that moment
That check, that special person to arrive
Failure to deliver, trust taking a dive

When you count on something
And it does not happen
You get upset and uptight
You say never again

Then you do it all over again

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 kwietnia 2013

You Bring Out The Best In Me

I can say things I never thought
You bring out the best in me
I can feel things I’ve never felt
You bring out the best in me

I can see things more clearly now
No more stress, only calmness
I can laugh out loud and be a little goofy
And it’s nice to know you really “get” me

The comfort I feel is unmatched and surreal
I can be myself and not worry to conceal
I have someone I love and need
You’re in my thoughts and heart indeed

Even as we sleep I feel I must reach
To make sure you’re not a blissful dream
The love we make, the passion we feel
Is like no other I have felt that was real

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 kwietnia 2013

What's Done is Done

What's done is done
You can't go back and change it
It's time to move on
You can't rearrange it

You've paid your price
And it's time to proceed
No matter what your vice
Unsteady as it seems

You'll rise above anything
You rebuild your self-esteem
You feel like you're grasping
At a big ball of string

One string at a time
One day at a time
You're growing into
A better person in time

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 kwietnia 2013

Under My Skin

Why do I let you get under my skin?

Like “tick” that buries in and stays there
Last night I laid in bed and stared into the dark
Wondering “was it love?”, then I chuckled No, not by far

Why do I feel like the biggest loser
When you revel in my ineptness
When “you” were the abuser

Your hand never rose yet I felt your slap
Leaving scars on my heart
Your words…Oh how they struck

Maybe it’s because you made me feel
Inadequate as a wife and mom
Sometimes you had a heart of steel

Maybe it’s his way of re-assuring his decision
So he can say that divorcing me
Has made him a better person

Or is it his way of making sure
That I continue to pay for the hurt
He feels everyday with regret

** About an Ex-Husband

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 kwietnia 2013

Stronger Everyday

Everyday we get up
And feel stronger everyday
Everyday we get up
Glad to see another day

Some battles we have fought
Just to stay alive
Some battles we have fought
Just to see another day

Some battles we win
Some battles we lose
For reasons unknown
For reasons we choose

We all have our battles
That we must fight
Some harder than others
Some you take in stride

When your heart is full of love
You have the courage to fight
When your heart is full of love
You have everything to fight

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 kwietnia 2013

Fractured Fantasy

They lived in a castle
Surrounded by a sea
And a forest of beautiful trees
Everything’s perfect
Everything is grand
The love of her life is holding her hand

Someone she loved was not who she thought
And shattered her dreams, she felt all was lost
She can’t have the life that she once knew
But instead have something that is so untrue

Does she dwell on the past or
What should have been
Does she accept the pain and
Move on thick-skinned

She knows what she wants
But was told not to feel
She looks back and sees
Only a fractured fairytale

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 3 kwietnia 2013

That Moment

I knew I just met you
But I’ve known you all my life
That moment I first hugged you
I had felt a spark
That moment I first kissed you
I had no doubts
That moment we held hands
I understood God’s plan

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 3 kwietnia 2013

Best Years of Our Lives

We’re older and wiser and
Love each other with all our might
We appreciate each other with respect
This is the best time of our lives

We may not have much time together
Since we met so late in life
But at least we can spend it during
The best time of our lives

We rush home with anticipation
To fall into each other’s arms
And cry happy tears of joy
Just to see each other again

We laugh and we cry, we dare not deny
The love we felt all along inside
A love that was meant to be
We’ve been feeling all this time

We just had to wait for the right time
When forever is never enough time
To spend together the rest of our lives

Dare I say I found Love "Again" ??

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 3 kwietnia 2013

Live Through Another Day

Each day we wake up
We wish for the strength
To live through another day
Lord please keep me on
The straight and narrow
But do not judge me
When I stumble or falter
I hope and pray that tomorrow
Your love will wash it away
Thru all the denial and dismay
I’ll make it through another day
Because true love does not question
Something that is beyond comprehension

About Addiction

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 3 kwietnia 2013

The line between Steps

Sometimes the line bewteen steps are crossed
Right now the line is dark and unapproachable
But to get past it you can only rise above...

About being a Step-Parent

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 3 kwietnia 2013

No Lingering Feelings

The day he released me was a gift to find you
It was something that was long overdue
I don’t even wonder if the one I love is you
I feel so happy because I know my feelings are true

Knowing how I feel now and how I felt then
I can tell the difference between true love
And “trying” to hang on to a love of pretend
I have never been more sure of anything

I felt trapped in my feelings
I was too scared to speak up and say
You’re not good for me, so please go away
My stubborn pride was in the way

Because I was not about to fail again
To have my family look at me and say
And it’s happening all over again
She’s she cheated and done it again

Just another screwed up decision by a woman
Who won’t let anyone help with their supervision
So I stuck it out, knowing in my heart it was wrong
So I changed for that, knowing I had to be strong

The love I feel for you is so honest
No shame, doubt or feeling embarrassed
I allowed myself to open my heart to you
Because I knew from the start that I loved you

Written 2007 before I knew better... :-(

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 31 marca 2013


What a week
What a streak

Please don't say a peep
Let me enjoy my cup of tea

Freaky, frazzled
Weakly, Hassled

What I wouldn't give
For Mondays to be cancelled

Harried, Wary
Hurried, Buried

Time is blustering by
I'm always saying "Bye"

Heckle, Jekyll
Lies, Spy's

What the heck happened
Oh well at least the week
is unravelled

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 31 marca 2013

Just Me My Friend

Just me popping in
Seeing how ya been
Popping by is my style
Just where do I begin…

I wanted you to know
That I have missed you so
I'm sorry I have neglected
My true friend I have respected

My life is a whirlwind
In this spectrum called life
And is anything but sublime

Some days are like a roller-coaster
There are highs and lows
Some are fun and some scary

I know why I'm scared to call
It'll stir up old memories
That I'm not ready to deal or feel

I miss you my friend
I miss your laughter and your tears
I miss our friendship over the years

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
And I promise I will call you

This was written for a very good friend I have lost touch with.

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 31 marca 2013

Kinds of Loss

There's kinds of loss that can bum you out

The loss of a game
You lost your way
Losing your favorite pin

This can make you pout
But without a doubt
It is not a real big thing

The kind of loss that can make you shout

The loss of your job
The loss your car
When you could not pay

It left you confused
Feeling slightly defused
But then you can re-group

Then there a loss, that cuts deep within

My maternal rights that I tried not to win
So stupid to give up such a gift
To watch my boys grow, live with the man
that I've tried so much to get away

No school papers to hang on my frig
No more practices to run to at night
Now I that I am a part-time Mom
And try and do it all on my weekends

This was written about a very tough time in my life. My boys are older now but the feelings are still there.
= 03/20/2006 =

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 31 marca 2013

What's Done is Done

What's done is done
You can't go back and change it
It's time to move on
You can't rearrange it

You've paid your price
And it's time to proceed
No matter what your vice
Unsteady as it seems

You'll rise above anything
Try and rebuild your self-esteem
You feel like you're grasping
At a big ball of string

One string at a time
One day at a time
You're growing into
A better person in time

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 31 marca 2013


My feelings are so torn apart
I want to do what's in my heart
I want to support him in his troubled times
To help him while he's in his prime

To help point him in the right direction
And yet give him a mother's affection
He's so child-like in so many ways
Knows not of the worldly ways
He lives for the day in a careless way
He'll let his pride get in the way

The decisions he has made
Has filled him with self-conviction
They put him in a dark place
Where he feels alone and misplaced

His heart is truly beautiful
He has a smile from ear to ear
His actions are so innocent
He means no harm or fear

He knows what he wants to be
Someone who deserves much greatness
Someone he can be proud to be
But he has some things to address

So I'll stand by, watch him sink or swim
It'll hurt him more if he learns nothing

I'll let him know that I am here
And comfort him when
Things are not what they appear

** A poem I wrote for my son, when he was 18 he went through some very hard times... **

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

The Hard Way

Some of us do things the right way
But did not learn or achieve a thing

Some of us do things the wrong way
And just never seem to get away clean

Some of us do it the hard way
A little bruised but still turned out ok

Then there’s the hard way
Always seems to be my path of choosing

Even if it meant I risked losing
My precious time and my precious friends

I should listen, trust my instinct
And not second guess it seems

I’ll be mistaken again, betrayed again
The vicious circle continues once again

And take the hard way again today

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

So Many Questions

When I look in the mirror
I think back and see a girl
I realize now, I lost a part of her

Was I a normal girl?
Were you a girl like me?
Why did this happen to me?

How did this happen to me?
Didn't anyone hear or see me?
Didn’t anyone believe me?

I pleaded, cried and begged
And I said "no"
I'm confused, was this love?

Why was she this disgraced?
She did not ask for this
Now she is so displaced…

My feelings crippled and hurt
But I pretend everything’s ok
I go on living in day to day hurt

If I let you in, you would see my sin
You might see the real “Me”
That little girl yelling “Please No”

Sometimes when I look in the mirror
I can almost see that little girl
Before her past had changed her

She used to be happy, and carefree
All she wanted, was to dream
Can I be that happy girl again?

It's hard to let somebody in
When your heart has been exploited
It's hard to let someone go
When your pride has been destroyed

How can I do this all on my own?
How can I let you see my heart?
All I can do is try and do my part

Please, do try not to hurt me
Will "you" take care of me?
Or would you even care to see?

Why can't I make things clear?
The noise in my ears is deafening
Yet no one else can hear me

Sometimes I get so confused
Is this why I do what I do
When I hurt my loved ones so

I can't explain it
But I can understand it
At least it's best to know

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

Ready To Be On My Own

Let me grow into my own
You’re holding me back
But don’t leave me alone

I want my life on track
So don’t hold me back
I want to walk on my own

Cut my puppet strings
The ones that you reined
Your reaction is overblown

Let me spread my wings
And let me find out on my own
How life is going to play along

I am much bolder than you at my age
I have a mind but with less rage
I have a dream that needs to succeed

You’ve brainwashed me too long
I’ve walked your straight narrow
But now it’s time for me to fly

Don’t tell me I can drive
And then take away the keys
Don’t tell me this is my home
And then treat me like a disease

Don’t tell me we’re gonna do something
And then not follow through
You‘ll tell me it’s for the best
As long as it’s convenient for you

Let me grow up, let me be me
Let me do it on my own
It’s time for me to break away

A poem for my son when he was living with his dad when he was 18 and is ready to be on his own.

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

No Regret

I still can see your face
In an unexpected place
On TV or on the street

I can see your smile
Every once in awhile
Though, it was bitter-sweet

My thoughts slip back
As I close my eyes
To think of darker times

You were on your knee
Pleading, asking please
So sure I would not retreat

So crushed you were
When I shook my head
Too shaken to even speak

You knew before asking
Just what I’d say
But took a chance anyway

Again, I shake my head
and with no regret
Event though you cried and begged

Still, I would not commit
My heart belonged to another
A true love above all other

That is not what we were
This, I will not bend
So please do not contend

If you say you love me
Let me go for if I stayed
I may not love you in the same way

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 25 lutego 2013

I Got An Email Today

I got an email today
It said an old friend of mine
Had died today

God had drawn the line
And his weary body
Was ready to cross it

His family is at a loss
But just maybe
His spirit is ageless

I got an email today
It made me think of tomorrow
And to reflect back at the time borrowed

What would you do
If the doc told you
Your time has grown short

Get your life in order
And say your goodbyes
To your husband or wife

Say your goodbyes
To your kids
When they were your life

I got an email today
It told me life is too short
To short to sit back and waste it

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013


I remember I woke to the sound of chaos

First I thought it was another bombing inIraq

Turned off the radio and turned on the news flash

I couldn’t believe this was an attack


All those people caught in panic and terror

When the first tower fell, I thought was an error

Then the second deflated like a bag of air

But with the utmost despair


All those people running for their lives

I couldn’t believe it to see such demise

Fear and disbelief running ram pet

An un-waking hideous nightmare of time


The news cut in and said, the pentagon was hit

Oh my gosh I thought, could this be it

I look up to the skies as I drive to work

I hear there was another plane, it hit the earth


They said it was headed for theSearsTower

Oh no, that’s where my husband works

I tried to call him, and I couldn’t get through

I don’t even remember my 2 hr commute


I felt guilty as hell because here I sit

He could be Bin Laden’s target

When I heard they changed their rout

I rush came over me, I let it all out


I finally spoke to him, he was scared as a boy

The building was roped off, they let everyone out

The train station was packed, people were jumping the tracks


All they were doing was looking to be safe

That was all that mattered


Panic and hysteria filled the air

But once on the train he said it was eerie

No one said a word, only the sound of a radio

Everyone hanging on every word


A sign of relief as they drove further away

No one on that train will forget that day

They could have been the next to die that day

And instead they go home and feel safe again


I never felt so happy about a plane crashing

But my husband, my life, my everything

Was not going to die at least not that day

I thank the passengers that gave their lives that day


They knew they would never see their families again

They knew they were traveling a human bomb


I feel for the families who lost their loved ones

I cannot imagine how they felt

The parents, the wives, sons and daughters

Sisters and brothers, friends and lovers


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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

A Birthday With No Presents

I don’t care how much is spent
When it’s my birthday
I like to open presents
It could have been anything
A silly little poem
wrapped with a bow
I bought my own present
I said it was from you
But you didn’t pick it out
Now did you
The card was beautiful
I gotta give you that
You then took a 10 hour nap
Here I am feeling guilty
Cause I’m being a brat

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

Cast Judgment

“Live free n easy with no resentment”
Oh what a careless statement
I don’t think that’s even possible
In a world that casts judgment
So quick to accuse when challenged to a duel
A cowardly try to get you to cry
Even when your feelings were feared
You’re not there to be sheared
And laughs when you’re made the fool
Since they have the power to be cruel
Heed the signs or cast the stone
Ignoring the screaming groans
When you’re the one cut to the bone
Then expect your help in return
Expect reward when their job is done

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013

Better off

I've been doing some thinking
'Bout this new path I'll be taking
It'll be really scary without you
When I've counted on you for everything

I'm strong in spirit
And will not give up and quit
But I believe in my heart
That is just what you did

I grew up in a house
Of love and hope
You grew up with
Common sense and dope

I am the dreamer
My eyes wide shut
You're the controller
Eyes on the buck

Our love was started in sin
Yet we threw caution to the wind
We found the fantasy mirage  
And thought we could beat the odds
Oh how we struggled
Just to be together
I guess you were just tired
Of”trying” to love another
I never gave up on love
But I gave on you
I guess that why I did
What I did to you

You've done me a favor
My future I'll savor
Because "Better off" I'll be
To finally live my life

For "I" and not "We"

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 23 lutego 2013


Looking out the window
Looking for your car
Wondering if that’s you
Looking from afar
Can’t wait to touch you
Can’t wait to see you
Can’t wait to feel you
Can’t wait to breathe you
When I hear your voice
When we talk on the phone
Oh, how my impatience grows
I want to see you so
I can hear your car
Pulling in the drive
I stand waiting inside
My heart racing with desire
As I hear your footsteps
Walking down the hall
Place your things next to the wall
Oh was that my heart that leapt
I finally see the love of my life
Waiting for me!!
With a gleam in your eye
And your arms open wide
Your arms wrap around me
Oh so warm and safe
As I look up into your eyes
I feel my knees start to cave
You’re who I waited for
Each and everyday

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

Hidden Talents

Many times you've heard them say
"You never know until you try it"
Who cares if it's less that perfect
Your reason to try, can be many things
Boredom, a dare, a bad dream
A time in your life for growing
So you sit down and write
And to much to your delight
Who knew you'd have a new talent
They've been inside your head
You can wait to see
Just what all these words mean
They have a life of their own
A story evolves, the words unknown
You can't wait to get to the end
When it's time close and the story is done
You take the time to sit and ponder
My goodness was this me
I can't believe that
I made this masterpiece!

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013


Runaway into the night
Runaway without a fight
Have you slept at all tonight?
Have you thought about your future?
This is not something you can suture
This is such a hard way to mature
Do you have shoes on your feet?
Do you have enough to eat?
Are your plans set in concrete?
You think that this will solve
The problems you can't resolve
Are now problems that will compound?
It's not too late, but the clock ticks
Come back and face the music
Come back and share your feeling
Things aren't always what they seem
Come back, and let out a scream
Share your pain, and let your healing begin
Let the hope of love get under your skin
And bring you back home again

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

Another Chapter

Another chapter ending and another to start
Another heart descending, another heart departs
My life is an open book, for all to see
As I write these painful memories, and my wonderful journey
Excited about the future and frightened by it too
Each day grows closer to my new history
I take a step towards the bright mystery
Discoveries to be sought and lessons learned
Who know what they will be
For only god does know that for sure

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

What I Want

I want to know someone’s there
To hold me when I laugh
And when I cry when I’m sad
When I’m at my best, in all my glory
And at my worst, yet you’ll stand by me
Not judge, nor guilt me into shame
I want someone to love me
Be my cheerleader in life
To sing my loving praise
And I want inspire him to be
The champion of my heart
Whose dreams will never be out of reach
I want to lock eyes
From across a crowded room
And only see you and feel our passion
Begin to rise
I want to feel alive

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 19 lutego 2013

Shipping My Anniversary

Never thought I'd be sending you clothes today
Today of all days
A day to celebrate but instead
I picked out your favorite threads
And shipped our hopes a dreams away
To made sure you'd warm while away
I'm a little numb and going thru the motions
Throughout these complications
Still can’t believe our marriage is but a memory
On our anniversary

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 stycznia 2013

Sands of Time and Birthday’s Whine

I turn the glass over and watch the sands fall
Creating a mound of memories to recall

I reflect to cherish, the days of my youth
Watching them slip by, not much I can do

But awake to a new day, that too will pass
I will pick up that glass and with no abash

I empty the grains of days gone by
Empty the time, and fool myself “why”?

Who wants to see that you’re getting older
Just let it come by and you’ll feel bolder

I’m not leaving without a fight
I’m stubborn and full of strife

I like how I feel and don’t want a reminder
Just how fast time slips by

So I will run in the that sand
And then kick my heals up high

Take “that” sand, take “that” time

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 stycznia 2013

Endless Valentine

My love for you is endless
I say this with all my heart
Please be my valentine
For we will never part

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 stycznia 2013

Who Am I

I lost the person that I once knew
She took a different path to pursue
A path that I had to go through
And paid my past life adieu

I used to like my crafts
To see what I can create
Now I only do for others
So 'they' can appreciate

I used to be outgoing
I liked to make new friends
Now I'm timid and boring
Now I sit back and blend

I used to love to sing
It was my favorite thing
It made me feel that I could heal
The pain that I felt inside

Now it's not a treasure
That I can take pleasure
It reminds me of who I was
And who I do not want to be

I'm told I must heal myself
When all my life I felt pain
I tried so hard to keep it shelved
Protecting myself from blame

I was always very sensitive
To harsh words or a loud yell
They cut so very deep within
Bid my self-esteem farewell

Now I try to see
Just where it all comes from
Not take it so personally
They had also succumb

Who am I, this person I've become
The old me has disappeared
As the new has persevered
I'm someone who's no longer numb

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 stycznia 2013

Awakening Feelings

When I'm troubled, down and weak
Your loving touch is what I seek
You're always there to touch my cheek
Even when your world was bleek

You were there for me to hold me tight
Or were you just being polite?
When I felt your feelings were slight
I can't help wonder if you're alright

Behind your loving eyes, smile and praise
What did you really mean to say?
The rash of words, too hurtful to say
We now look back on that painful day

Sometimes signals can be mistaken
When someone's trust has been shaken
We now cry our feeling awakened
When our feelings had been forsaken

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 24 stycznia 2013

Chirp, Chirp, Chirp!!!

Chirp, chirp, chirp
I can hear the birds sing
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Oh the joy that sound brings

Chirp, chirp, chirp
They fly so carelessly
Chirp, chirp, chirp
Looking for something to eat

Chirp, chirp, chirp
It's like a baby's laugh
Chirp, chirp, chirp
That's splashing in a bubble bath

Chirp, chirp, chirp
They sing a pretty tune
Chirp, chirp, chirp
They also clear out the doom

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

Martin Luther King Jr.

When I was little, I wanted to be
A speaker against prejudice and hating
My dad told me of a man of ground breaking
He spoke of equality for you and me

This man would bring people together
Of every creed and color
He tried to teach us live with each other
Side by side with toleration as brothers

He did not expect us to live in bliss
But with respect and without malice
He had a dream so strong and true
He had a dream for me and you

His life was short and not so perfect
He was simple man, a born sinner
A master of words, a deal spinner
But he was a model, a man to respect

His life was cut too short one day
By a man filled with fear and hate
If they were both alive here today
He would wipe the slate clean and pray

The good in his heart
Has lived on today
It shows when we show
Respect for each other

We hear of Equality, Peace, and Love
These can be all be linked
To that man who had a dream
To let freedom ring

His dream lives on today

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013


Guilt is not your friend,
But is it…it depends

Guilt, the stink of sludge
And the color of mud

Guilt, the reminder of the past
Of harm and pain surpassed

Guilt, is the devil in disguise
Waiting for your soul to die

Guilt, is slime with all beauty aside
Covering your beaten hide

Guilt, keeps you in check
When you want to say what the heck…

Guilt, when you feel you should
But it is something understood

Guilt, partners with regret
Consequence’s with debt

Guilt, is like a death
It reminds you of the your dread

It hisses from the lips of those who are pure
It turns their gentle heart insecure

Guilt, it makes the stomach turn
When things are about to turn

Guilt is not your friend,
But is it…it depends

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

Last Night I Dreamed Of You

I dreamed of your eyes
you looking at me
I dreamed of your smile
You said I was pretty
You cupping my cheek
Touching me gently
Tilting your head
Leaning in to kiss me

I was smiling in my sleep
My heart was warmed
I was helpless and weak
And then I awoke
Feeling empty and depleted

So sad I was with sleep in my eyes
Tears that followed
I pounded my fists with despise

It was bittersweet, my love
Cause you were “my” true love
But I am not yours

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

God Knew

God led us down this path
To learn from this journey
To open our eyes to the truth
To see our own short comings

Our time apart was not by chance
Time to mend our mind and souls
Our time apart was to ease the pain
Of the calming after the storm

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 22 stycznia 2013

Letting Love Define Me

Love is good, love is kind
But love can be evil and blind
Love controlled my heart and mind
For so many years of my life

Made me ignore all the signs
Of the bad things that I did
And all the things I did not do
How many people I've left too

All the poems I've written
All the songs I've sung
Were a little bad birdie in my ear
Singing the wicked praises of love

My dependence of loves dread
Love led me astray to regrets
Of bad decisions and lies
Were just evidence of my demise

The neediness of acceptance
The craving of bonding
The wanting of touch
The patience of sex

Love injured my heart and
Shattered my trust
Made me question my very souls
Worthiness for happiness

Leaving me emotionally spent
And physically weak
Was I just trying to repair
The broken child within?

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

Sold Is My Heart

Sold is My Heart

I gathered the keepsakes
That used to be special
A box of mistakes
Lifeless, waiting to sell

Waiting for a new life to live

This love had worn out
Now a need to be without
Like an old pair of shoes
Cast aside soft and abused  

This lifetime broken, shattered and destroyed

Broken dreams
Broken promises
Broken hearts
Broken house

Isn't it funny that's not how it all starts

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

Please Do Leave Me So...

Please don't leave me without
I'm in this lost condition
I can't bear to be without
I give you total submission
Let me feel your fire
Igniting my every desire
Let me feel you hand
Up against my breasts
I want your soft kisses
Down my neck and back
Oh, how I'm missing that
Your wet mouth is what I lack
How I hunger for you back
Let me have your manliness
And let me give you all of me
We can be one feeling free
With our body's friction
I feel weak to ponder
The heat you squander
A tremble that is growing
My mind unknowing
If you leave as I slumber
My body can only lumber
And wait till you return

So please don't go, I beg and plead so
What ends do I have to go?
To make you want me so…

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 20 listopada 2011

To My Music, My True Love

I miss the pleasure you gave me
I miss the goose bumps
I miss how intoxicating you can be
I miss how my heart jumps
I miss the rush of your fire
I miss how you took me away
I miss how the people would admire
I miss the power play
Did I lose you, where did you go?
You were my one true love
That one thing I could always do right
But you went away my love
Please find me again, I so long for you
No one see's what you mean to me
I say you mean the world to me
But their world seems is all they see
You're in the pit of my heart
And in the depths of my soul
When I close my eyes and let out one note
My feet lift up and away I float
I'm scared to find you
All alone like before
I have a good love at home
So I don't want to explore
Please try and find me
Help me find a way to sing
But not just in the car
Help me to be free again

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

Better Off

I’ve been doing some thinking  
About this new life path I’ll be taking
It’ll be really scary not to have you by my side 
When I’ve counted on you for so many things
I’m strong in spirit and will not give up and quit
I believe in my heart, that is just what you did you quit
I grew up in a house of love and hope
You grew up with common sense and dope
I am the dreamer, my eyes wide shut
You’re the controller, eyes on the buck
Our love was more than a whim
Yet we threw caution to the wind
We found the fantasy mirage 
And thought we could beat the odds
Oh how we struggled just to be together
I guess you were tired of trying to love another
I never gave up on love, but I gave on you
I guess that why I did, what I did to you
You’ve done me a favor
My future I’ll savor
Because “Better off” I’ll be
To finally live my life
For “I” and not “We”

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

A Storm is Brewing

A storm is brewing
I can feel it in the air
A storm is brewing
And it’s filled with despair
A storm is brewing
I can feel it in my bones
A storm is brewing,
And I’m all alone
Something is coming
I hear the big drops
Something is coming
And I can’t stop it
The storm is near
This is clear
The storm is near
I’m filled with fear
The wind screams a cry
Chills run down my spine
The wind howls like pain
I try to escape the rain
2 days after I wrote this, my husband told me he did not love me anymore and wanted a divorce.

@ Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 7 listopada 2011

A Second Chance

Your love for me has spared me
You gave me a second chance
My love for you was always strong
But I'm ashamed of how I yearned
A second chance to cherish you
When you were so ignored
A second chance to make things right
A bright new day, a new life
We fight for our love
We fight for our souls
We fight for a second chance

@Karen Foiles

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Karen Degnan Foiles

Karen Degnan Foiles, 6 listopada 2011

A Prayer for America

I said prayer for you today
I hope you didn't mind
I asked God to comfort you
And put you tears behind
I prayed for peace and mercy too
To help you through these days
And for his loving guidance.
As he leads you on your way
You need not walk this path alone
Just turn around you’ll see
You have families and friends
To help make your pain ease
I prayed for miracles
And hope and happiness
And also asked to bless you...             
When you are so stressed
I said prayer for you today
I hope you didn't mind
I just wanted to make sure
As I knelt down to pray
Please god, bless us America

@ Karen Foiles

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