11 kwietnia 2012
Wings flapping like leather...
Sewn and stitched together.. these abominations take flight..
Fleeing from everything that is mundane... that is human
Failures of human fabrication...
Minds destroyed and twisted..
By the face of war...
Ingestion of chemicals..;
Forcefed stigma and indoctrination.
Free will is useless..
Spin sins together into a long web to catch innocent flies
Leech of their life...
a major parasite...
Broken, heartless and breathless these angels take flight up to the sky... their leathery black wings scorch underneath the rays of a dead sun..
On wax wings of despair....
Falling down like comets back onto the earth...
The stars are bright tonight.. why are they all falling down...
As the good people die... we see heaven fall down upon us...
And when every star dies... we will be covered in darkness...
And the darkness of humanity...
Makes us grow wings of our own....